w . H. HOLLIS EARL B. HAWKS Hollis & Hawks LAWYERS SOUTHERN PACIFIIC TIME TABLE F O R E S T GROVE GOING SOUTH Real Estate and Corpo- ration Law a Specialty. OFFICE over Hines’ Store. 9 00 a. m. Forest Grove, - 6 21 p. m . - Oregon 4 12 6 59 p. m. a. m. W . IN. SEARS Undertaking ViSs^-Roe & Buxton Forest Grove, Ore. •Tlie Leading Borbep Shop. . . M ain Street. F o re s t G ro v e Wm. R. Stephens •SPECIALI Justice of the Peace, Conveyancing, Auctioneer Con­ tractor and Collector Chiropody and Manicuring Consultation Costs You Nothing In P o r e a t d ro v e Rough, and Sized, $9.50; Shiplap $11; Flooring No. 1, $19.50 Rustic No. 1, $19.50 Stopping, Shingles, $1.70 per m Beaded Ceiling and all Finish No.2, $14.50; Window and Door Jambs; Any lumber wanted. E. M. Ward, Both Phones 1 °O p u K l | n °' Up-to-date Hair-cutting and Shaving. Laundry agency. wwwWWwwwWWWWw Scalp Treatment, Facial M assage, given attention D e liv e r e d L u m b e r o u t of y a rd AOe e x tra -Proprietor of- Practical Undertakers and Embalm- ers. Calls answered day or night. BOTH ’PHONES. going north D ille y - - Oregon Notice The public school of Dilley, will open Oct. 3rd, the first Monday in October. By order of Directors. Cornelius & Hancock Special Attention to Commercial Travelers’ Patronage. Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates. F a s h io n L iv e r y , F e e d a n d S ate S ta b le . Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times FOrfiSt GfOVe, OfegOll. OREGON AND COLUMBIA PHONES. MADEMOISELLE LA COURSE Cider Mill Ready The Imperial Cider Mill at Cornelius is now ready to receive work. Bring on your apples. N. BAILEY, prop. W. M. L angley T ilin g , P o s ts and Shingles L. L. L angley Langley & Son Attorneys and Counselors at Law Notaries Public, Real Estate, and Con­ veyancing. Upstairs, Caples Building F orest G rove , O re . J. N. Hoffman B. P. Welch Hoffman & W elch Attorneys at Law Notary Public..... Collections and all business intrusted to us given prompt attention. ABBOTT BLDG., Headquarters for Feed, Seeds, FOREST GROVE, OR Good Honest [W ORK Reliable Blacksmith work of all kinds done with neat­ ness and dispatch. Horseshoeing a Specialty We guarantee satisfaction First class Wagon Maker and re­ pair man ready to do work promptly Baliard & Lenneville Shop Mit door to Poitoffico. Foroit Grow. Or. Money to Loan On real estate, reasonable interest. Sums to suit. Enquire of M. L. Noble the real estate man, office over Goff Bros’s., Main Street. For Sale First class carriage and buggy. Must be sold at once. Will go at a bargain. Enquire News Office or Mills & Hines’ shop. City Property for Sale Bran, Shorts and Mill Freds, Oil Meal, Whole and Cracked Corn, Lump Salt, Lime and Cement, , Land plaster, FLOUR— Minnesota Hard Wheat, Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, Valley Wheat. ( T . A . R itc h e y C o m e i n a n d &et p r i c e s F re e d e liv e ry In to w n Forest Grove, Oregon Mill Crescent Flour is the Best. Patronize Hom e Industry. 63 feet fronting Sloan’s Hotel $630 120 “ “ Laughlin’s “ at $8 per foot. Address E. P. CADWELL, Leaburg, Oregon. Lumber We have in stock at our mill near Gaston, a fine line of lumber that we will sell at reasonable prices. Best of grades of all kinds, fancy flooring, ship- lap, siding, rough finishing—planed stock on hand. Lumber delivered. Our prices right. Write to us. Cal­ lahan & Herring, Gaston, Oregon. Or inquire, News Office. Op. R R Depot Forest Grove Delivery Service W e’re in the Delivery Business to stay. W ill move anything movable. Special attention to delivering of furniture, trunks and parcels. Prices reasonable. Give US a trial. Both ’Phones. Headquarter, at Dick Rodf .'_Barn. J. F. Haynle & Sons Notice Notice is hereby given that the dir ectors of school district No. 15. Wash­ ington county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for painting all of that portion of the new addition to the school house of said district to be fin­ ished under the present contract. Also a seperate bid for painting the unfinish ed part of the new addition, with or without material. The Directors re­ serve the right to reject any or al bids. Dated September 22, 1904. Bids will be opened on October 1st W. H. HUDSON, School Clerk, Johnson & Co. THE Brick Livery, Peed and Sale Stable See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail. Baggage and freight called for and delivered. Pinest Rigs. Best Horses. Good Drivers. Comer Main and Pacific A ve., Forest Grove, Or. Z m