N E W FIRM N EW GOODS QUALITY, PRICE, LOCATION Must Go Broken L o ts Odds and Ends The Goods [on our shelves shall! be New, Clean and Fresh In fact we shall conduct A Modern Department Store IN j A Modern Town New Goods are Arriving Daily Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, B oots, Shoes, “ Our fo o t wear will wear as well,if i t don’t outwear footwear bought elsewhere Hats, Caps, Notions, Ladies’ Furnishings, Ladies’ Suits, Capes, Jackets Cloaks, Wrappers, Skirts, E tc. Is The Spot Our Bargain Counter is THE SPOT where you can save money and g e t the good goods. What You Know Counts W e get our money back The margin and th e goods give you Your money back The chance o f years we shall give you. # Cash is the‘Axle Grease of Business , „ Thanks and call again W e are also prepared to do a general storage and forwarding business Jackson & LaGourse Remember The Spot ■ * Forest Grove, Oregon