Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
I WASHINGTON COUNTY NEWS EARL B. HAWKS. Editor. Published Every Thursday by the Washing ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest Grove, Oregon WILL FRENCH, Business Manager. EARL B. HAWKS, Associate Manager. CIRCULATION 1500. Rates on Job Work and Adver tising Furnished on Enquiry. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Office on Pacific Avenue. Both Phones. Entered at the post-office at Forest Grove, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Address all communications to Wash ington County Pub. Co., Forest Grove, Ore. If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib What will Oregon mills do for wheat with over ten million bushels of wheat already sold to Eastern firms? Now they are buying more. On this coast at the present time are T. W. Swift, buyer for McLean, Swift & Co., of Battle Creek; J. J. Keller, buyer for the American Cereal Com pany, Chicago; R. M. Adams, for the East St. Louis Elevator Company; H. A. Wernli for Van Dusen, Harring ton & Co. of Minneapolis. H. Higg ins for the Armour Grain Company of Chicago; W. S. Rosenbaum, of Chicago, and H. W. Goodnow, of St. Louis. With ten millions of bushels already sold and the prospect thatjthese buyers will get another ten million bushels, Oregon millers will have to pay more for wheat and the consumer may look for a sharp advance in flours in the near future. The Issue in a Syllogistic Nutshell “ In one crisp sentense of eight words of his letter of acceptance, Presi dent Roosevelt has given the first THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, ’04 premise for a conclusive syllogism: First Premise— ‘A party fit to govern Our new laundry plant is now an must have convictions.’ established fact and we hope that it Second Democratic will suggest other needed enterprises party, from Premise—The Parker down to Tom so that a train of benefits will follow. Taggart, has Judge no convictions. If home capital would back home enterprise both capital and the city Conclusion—Therefore the Demo cratic party is not fit to govern. would be richly benefitted. And there you have the process of reasoning that will decide this “ At one stroke of his pen Abraham Lin coin freed 4,000 000 black men.- election.” With one stroke of his pen Koosevelt has made it possible to reclaim more The movement for the addition of than 100 , 000,000 acres of land to the 9 th and 10th grades to our city agriculture, adding millions of Ameri school is a movement in the right can farm homes with their vast volume direction and should appeal to every of agricultural products which will flow fair minded citizen of Forest Grove. from this rich area of land redeemed The only fault the News has to find with the movement is that it feels that from the desert.” it should also include the 11 th and “ Like the Indian, who, when unable 12 th grades and all should be based to find his camp and it was suggested on a high standard. Some may think he was lost, replied: ‘Me no lost, that it would injure the Academy but wigwam lost,’ so the Democratic party if they will investigate they will find insists, notwithstanding its constant that it would rather help than injure it. change of front, that the country, not But regardless of that the citizens who the party, is lost. The Democratic are unable to stand the tuition of the party, without a fixed policy, would be Academy and who are paying taxes as safe a guide as the Indian in a should be entitled to at least ordinary school privileges. strange wilderness.” ers or is late, we request that immedi ate attention may be called to the same. The whole political situation has now, since Parker’s letter of acceptance has appeared, resolved itself into the question which a voter wishes—a party of progression and statesmanship head ed by an energetic, fearless beleiver in the rights of the people, or a party whose policy is to let opportunities pass because its leaders fail to clearly discern the future effect of present events and policies. The result is not even doubtful—the majority of men will always join the ranks of a party which espouses good principles and policies at the beginning rather than the ranks of a party which opposes every good thing until it has become “ irrevocably settled.” portunity. H. G. Fitch will register voters untill October 20, office, corner of A. Bunnings livery stable. Bailey’s cider mill is working full blast, and teams coming from all dir ections with apples to have the juice extracted. We took a fresh hold on life when we read last week of the prospect of an electric road from the south. We trust there will be no chance of our suffering a reaction. Probate Court Estate of Jacob Clearwater, deceased. Will admitted to probate and Nancy S. Clearwater appointed executrix with bonds fixed at $500. Geo. H. Wil cox, Geo. A. Morgan and J. A. Imbre appointed appraisers. Estate of A. O. Brown, deceased. Monday, Nov. 7, 1904, set for hearing final account and objections hereto. Estate of Daniel Patton, deceased. Final account approved. Administra tor discharged and estate closed of record. Guardianship of Elizabeth Schmidt, deceased. Guardian authorized to sell real estate at public sale for cash. Estate of John Berger, deceased. Inventory and appraisement showing property of the value of $3845'25 ap proved. One Dave Bennett was examined for insanity before County Judge Rood on Sept. 23, Dr. F. A. Bailey being the examining physician and was adjudged not to be insane. F M Heidel to Elizabeth Ben son 50x198 ft Main St H’ll’o 450 Franz A Reitzel et ux to John C Smith 36 acres in t 1 n r 3 " • • • • • ............................... 2752 Franz A Reitzel et ux to John C Smith 10 acres in sec 7 t 1 n r 3 w .................................. 2752 Hiram M Hamilton et ux to C E Craven n w i of s w i of sec 12 t 2 n r 6 w ................. 5 q F M Heidel et al to W T Bailey 50 acres in sec 33 t 1 s r 4 w .............................................. 700 Effie M O’Connor et al to W H Miss Fowler, one of the employees of the P. C. C. Milk Co. is very sick at her home with malarial fever. Dr. Ward is the attending physician and reports the patient somewhat better today. Quality talks. Corvallis flour makes such good bread that Thomas & James now have to buy Corvallis flour in car load lots. They will have a car load in today. This is made from old wheat, try a sack and your wife will use no other. Girls Wanted Two girls wanted for housework. Enquire at News Office. R ent a Cent a Month. Anthony Suda of St. Louis lives in a house for which he pays a rental of a cent a month. This rental 1 ; charged by his employers, and Su- da’s task is that of actriig as watch man at the factory almost adjoin 11 .’ his home. His employers stale that they charge Suda a cent a mom!» rent for the house in order that he Marriage Licenses would be entitled to thirty days’ County Clerk E. J. Goodman issued notice before eviction in the event a marriage license to J. London and of the property passing into other Ester Hutchinson; Edward F. Krah- hands. B ricks M ads of Sand and Lima. mer and Louise Henrietta Eisenhardt Bricks are now being made of during the past week. clean sand and ground quicklime that are said to be as substantial as Real Estate granite. They cost $2.50 per 1,000. The mixed ingredients are forced Annie Frizelle et al to Phillips into a strong steel cylinder mold by Shea et ux swi of sei sec 8 t 2 s l 2 w 40 acres.................$ 1 means of a screw. After the air has been sucked from the cylinder, hot A W Atteabury et ux to John water is admitted, the rock being Owens è a in sec 32 t 2 s r 1 formed by the resulting pressure and heat.— Country Life In Amer w.............................................. 25 ica. C I and M Y Brown to John B Fields 5 a near T F Taylor d An Explorer. l c ............................................ 800 Definitions are everything, as a Cornelius prisoner brought up before a French School commenced Monday Sept. James B Huston to Charles E magistrate the other day made clear Craven 162.70 a in sec 12 26th with S.C. Scherill, Principal; Miss again. He was arrested for having Lillian McVickers, Intermediate; Miss t 2 n r 6 w and lots 1, 2 and caught with his hands in an 3 in sec 7 2 n 5 w................. 500 been Louise Mooberry, Primary. other man’s pockets. “Your pro Lee R Huston et ux to J Milton fession ?” asked the judge. “An ex Mr. L. Weidowitch is building a Craven et al lots 6, 9 and 10 plorer,” was the reply of the accus new store building, the old one having in sec 1 and lot 7 in sec 2 t who perhaps remembered Sainte- been moved to the rear. L. S. Foster 2 n r 6 w 150 91 acres.... 500 ed, Beuve’s dictum that an example is will occupy the new building with a Albert Verboort to T R Davis always the best definition. good stock of General Merchandise. 254.21 a in T R Cornelius An A ll Negro Bank. Dr. E. Everest is preparing to put ....................................... 13312 An evidence of what the negro, in a new stock of drugs into his store H d B 1 c Johnson known in the territory as a freed- Nancy Mc- building and will soon be ready to Loud 369 a in A to Hinman man, is doing to better his condition d 1 c 66 is shown in the incorporation of the supply the people of the surrounding Jessie C Snyder et al to Charles Creek Citizens’ Realty Bank and country with remedies for all the ills Adams 77.25 acres in sec 22 Trust company, which was formed that flesh is heir to. t 2 n r 3 w and 5.85 acres.. 1 at Muskogee with a capital stock 0 The electors who failed to register G Koeber 8 acres in sec 14 $50,000. All the officers and stock last spring will now have another op are negroes.— Kansas City 1 2 s r 2 w............................. 105 holders Journal. _______ —