Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 29, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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    Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­
ton and 81.00
a rip.
Bailey’ s Big
If you are troubled with catarrh, sore
throat, diseases of lungs,
kidneys.— Consult
stomach or
Dr. Geiger.
Circuit Court
A suit for divorce was filed on Sept
W e have the pleasure of presenting the Shoe wearers a very large assortment of g ood substanti­
al shoes and several reas» ns why it pays to patronize 30 exclusive line. If already a customer, we
ebro against Clarence B. Chesebro. In
her complaint plaintiff alleges that they j heartily thank you for your patronage and assure you we will use our best endeavors for a con­
were married in 1893 at Vancouver, j tinuance of the same. If you have not traded with us, com e and let us reason together, you can help me
and I know I can help you.
I could talk prices— but to understand prices you must see the goods*
Wash., and have been inhabitants of
the hoe, you must see whose and what’s behind the shoes you buy.
Washington county for the last seven
1st. Because we handle but one line, and therefore have the good s to suit you better than
months. She claims defendant to be
mixed lines where no line is looked after more closely than another.
guilty of adultery and cruel and in­
2d. Because our entire stock is new and right up to the latest, having no old styles or shop
human treatment towards herself. She
asks for the custody and control of the ( worn good s to offer you.
3d. Because we are exclusive agents for several of the best makes in the County, such as
two children.
| Dr. R eed ’s Cushion Soles, a shoe that is a boon to tired, aching feet; W . L . D ouglas’ famous
i (best in the w orld) $3.00 and $ 3 .5 0 . T here are others but none so g o o d . A . A . Cutter’s
Had for the Asking— Tells All About j logger with twenty other styles in high cut winter shoes ( assortment equal to any city store in
O re g o n ) N ew rubber goods. W e handle four of the best makes that we can get and any of
the Big Exposition
them are poor enough.
Those readers of The Oregonian,
4th. Because we have no book accounts to look after, selling for cash we loose nothing
who are planning a trip to the St.
by bad accounts. Prices for quality are not equaled.
Louis Exposition should not fail to se­
5th. Because we understand the Shoe business thoroughly and can (a n d w ill) give you as
cure a copy of the beautiful 86-page
good value for your money as can be had. W ith these facts set before you and one of the best Shoe
book just issued by the Union Pacific
Stores in the Valley, we solicit an inspection of our claim. T h an king you in advance and trusting
Railroad. It tells all about the Ex­
you will give us a call, we remain yours respectfully,
position, and may be had by writing
ember 26, 1904, by Floaentina Ches-
A. L. Crate, General Passenger Agent,
Of The Forest Grove Shoe Store
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates to St.
and Chicago on
account of the St. Louis Exposition, on
the following dates; June 16, 17, 18;
July 1, 2, 3; August 8,
9, 10; Sep
tember 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4, 5.
Going trip must be com pleted with­
in ten days from date of sale, and
passengers will be
permitted to start
on any day that will enable them to
reach destination within the ten days
Our $1.85 2.50 and
2.65 lines are in many
respects equal to shoes
that cost $2.75 to
In our $3.00 and 3.50
lines are some that equal $4
and 5.00 styles.
Return limit ninety days, but
A re a comfort from
the start, price $3.50
For full information as to rates and
to 5. T h ere’s nothing
routes call on agent, Southern Pacific ;
made in shoe mak­
Co., at Forest Grove.
ing that is so com ­
fortable and pleasant to the
Stock and Grain Markets
feet as these shoes are.
not later than D ec. 31st 1904.
Wheat Valley, per bu.....................................................83c
Hay, Timothy, per ton...........................$14 00 " 15 00
" ............................. 10 00 “ 11 00
" .............................. 10 00 ** 11 00
** Cheat
** ................................ 10 0 0 " 11 00
Oats, No. 1 White per dwt........................... 1.22
** ** Gray ** ** ........................... 1 20
per ton.............................. 19
00 to 20 00
** **.............................. 22 00 ** 24 00
“ ............................. 20 00 ** 21 00
Hops, Crop of 1904.....................25 to 30c per pound
Chickens.................................11c tc 12c per pound live
Turkeys.,'.............................. 15c ** 16c
...........................16c ** 17c
** “ dressed
Geese............................ .............. ' StoftC- ** **..- live
bucks.................................................... $6 to $7 per dost.n
E kks , Willamette Valley.................... 2 0 “ 21
** **
Butter, Sweet Cream............................ 18*rc per pound
** Fancy Creamery................
- 20c ** **
** Choice
•* 22c ** **
** Dairy............................................17C
** M
Onions...........................................................$ i.s o per sack
New................................ $1.15 ** 1.25 ** **
Beans, Small white.................... «•••••.. 3 S c per pound
** Large...................................................3 *
Forest Grove Markets, In Trade
Eklf?................................................ .......... 23c per doien
40c per roll
Potatoes, good grade...............1.25— 1.35 per 100 pounds
12MrC per pound
Beef, dressed........................................ 5 to
Veal. **................................................ 6c to6Vk ** **
Pork ** ............................................
6 '* "
Misses and
Little Girls’
T h is is the place
where the purse
pinches but they
all have to have
them and rub­
bers too. Our price and quali­
ty about as near right as good
good good s can be made, 4
to 7, 85c to $1.00, 8 to 12
1.00 to 1 .5 0 ,1 2 1-2 to 2 ,1 .5 0
to 2.25, these prices are for
good leather.W e have the 1-2
heel School Shoes 2 1-2 to 5
for school wear 82.00 to 3.00
per pair.
W . L. Douglas $3.00
t0 $3.50 are good fit-
ters ailc^ wearers, in
patent leathers $3.50
to $5. Patent leathers are
allright if used as they are in­
tended— strictly a dress shoe,
they are not made for a knock
about shoe.
H ave stood the
test for three sea­
sons and out of
over 100 pairs we
have not had a complaint
from a wearer then no doubt
they are the easiest shoe on
the market and if you have
tender or cold feet we would
advise you to try a pair of
them, price $5. After you
have worn them a month don’t
think you would part with
them for anything like twice
the price paid.
Dr. Reeds
In this line we have
for you the A . A .
Cutter 86.50, Stilson
& K ellog
L o g g e r 86.50 (these two are
said to be the best m ade.)
L og g er
heavier and cheaper 85.50.
W isconsin L og g er at $6.00.
Joe Milles
3.50 & 4.50.
These represent the assort­
ment of heavy L o g g in g shoes
and you will find nothing in
O regon any better.
Such Shoes as you
need for outdoor work
in the timber or on
the farm
we have
them in 6, 8 or 10 in.
tops 82.85 to 4.75. Our Os
K ip and V eal K ip are mad
of leather
tanned as ne‘
water proof as can be (bu
we do not warrant them wate
p roof.)
(I f you will oil you
shoes you will have no trouble)
T h e O sa K ip is oak tanned
California tanned and will giv
you g o o d service.
W e have go
just what
wanted and if yo
are looking fo
g ood hig
top shoes for the boys.
can find them in all kinds Oi
leather, just the shoe for kick-
ery boys, we also have the
whole stock K ip shoes unlined,
B ox Calf Velour, and Patent
Leather. B oys bring your feet
to me I have several shoes
made to order ( got up the
patterns myself and I know
you will like them. I will fit
you for 81.85 to 3.25.
pay your hop money and take
your choice.
Little Boys’
Heavy and