Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
Bath tubs—the Bros. very best at Goff Fine teas and coffees at Nicholson & Son’s. Hunting and trespass signs for sale Fancy tea and coffee at Nicholson at the News Office. & Son’s. Big invoice of second hand goods Mrs. C. 0. Roe and son Bruce, are now on at the Auction House. back from Newport. Shingles, the best on the market at Nicholson & Son have a fine line of the right price, at T. A. Ritchey’s. dishes, call and see them. Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but Everything in the line of school supplies at the South Park Grocery. ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big Store. Call for bargains. IN THE WORLD Everybody knows that “Strongest in the World” means The Equitable Life. Rates no higher than other companies T. H. PETERS, Special Agent, 306 Oregonian Building, Portland, Or. Finest stock of hats in the city at Books, pencils, tablets, etc, for ihe school children at the South Park Mrs. Dixon’s millinery store, Main Street. Grocery. Just in— new line of ladies fall hats Carriage trimmings of any kinds and carriage repairing, at Stribich’s shop, at prices you can afford. Mrs. Dixon, Main Street. Old Factory. Miss Amy Keen, of Portland, spent The Watrous & Allen Co.’s Best Blend coffee has found favor within a Sunday with Miss Gertrude Smith, of | this city. host of homes. Good bread made from Pendleton Hon. B. F. Purdy, of Patton’s Val White Satin Flour, Warranted the ley was transacting business in the best. Nicholson &Son. city, Tuesday. ONLY 7 0 HOURS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney, of Jackson & La Course are disposing Buxton, spent Sunday with her parents of their shelf hardware. Some bargains Mr. and Mrs. Conwell, near Dilley. can be had at their store. P o rtla n d to Ghicago Via O. R. <£ IV. Go. Oregon S h o rt Line, Union P a c ific and The very latest in the new styles of Do you know— That the Colonial fall and winter hats, prices that will serves an elegant Sunday dinner? please you. Mrs. Dixon, Main Street. Take your friend there to dine. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Mr. and Mrs. Reifenberg, of Bay New supplies of writing tablets etc., City, who have been visiting with Prof. also fresh line of candies and nuts just E. Meresse’s returned home on Tues arrived at the South Park Grocery. day. Your home made pleasant when Rev. H. L. Bates will conduct the properly papered. Our line is the M. E. Church services next Sunday largest in the city. Roe & Buxton. Two Through Trains Daily morning and Rev. Soper will preside at An important business meeting of the evening services. the Lewis & Clark Club is called at Miss Stella Boscow, of Hillsboro, Mrs. Walter Hoge’s, Friday, Septem attended the college reception Friday ber 30, at 3 p. m. Every member is evening and she was the guest of Miss urged to be present. Secretary. E. Pearl Chandler. New wagon— good five year old horse, weighing 1300 pounds, and a harness for sale. Enquire of F. W. Milne, Forest Grove. C. O. Henry, of Furnace county, Nebraska, who was here last week for a few days with old acquaintances, returned Monday from Woodburn, Ore gon, and expects to invest in Washing ton county property. He is well pleased with this locality and will like ly make this his future home. Mr. Dempsey Smith, of Phillipsburg, Kansas, has accepted a position with the firm of Jackson & LaCourse, of this city. He commenced his duties last Rev. L. F. Belknap and Mrs.Belknap Saturday. left Monday for Eugene to attend the Dr. C. L. Large reports twin boys State M. E. Conference. Mr. Belknap born September 22, to Mr. and Mrs. is also on the examining board which Lewis Parsons, of Scoggins Valley, the examines young men who desire to parents of whom are the most doubly enter the M. E. Conference districts. He has been in charge of this pastorate pleased couple in that section. for four years and it is the request of E. Stewart, a brother of David the congregation that he be returned Stewart and his family have returned to which will doubtless be granted. He Forest Grove for the school year. Mr. has made an excellent pastor. Stewart is a large property holder and Mr. A. Axilrod, the gentlenan who stockman from near Dayville, Oregon. sold the consignment of goods of the Mrs. R. W. Kirkwood was pleasant Eastern Bargain Store this month has ly surprised last Thursday evening by obtained a lease of the J. J. Wirtz the arrival of a party of friends and building and will put in a first class relatives, many of whom she had not and up-to-date store where soft drinks, seen for a long time. They were her coffee, lunches, oysters, cigars and sister-in-law, Mrs. Jos. Alexander, of other commodies which are usually in East Portland, Miss Gertrude Kirkwood such places. A pool and billiard hall may of Hillsboro, Mrs. Blanche Sweet be added but no boy under 1 8 will be Porter and Mrs. Hattie Chamberlain allowed. He believes in running a Shuey, both of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. strict and clean business place. The only Double Tracked Railway be tween Missouri River and Chicago.. . Y o u c a n ¿ e t o n th e t r a i n i n P o r t l a n d a n d need n o t ¿et o ff u n til you a r r iv e in C h ic a g o See that Y our T ick e t R ead s Via the G. & IV. W. R Y . A. G. BARKER, GENERAL AGENT. C. E. BOCKMANN, PASSENGER AGENT, No. 153 Third St., Portland, Or. Anything usually found in ¡A First-C lass Drugstore! At P r ic e s th e L o w e s t Quality th e B e s t D R . H IN E S . Brick for Sale FINE ST. LOUIS SERVICE I have at my yard 1 mile northwest New Sleeping-Car Arrangements Made of Forest Grove, a fine lot of brick for by the 0. R. & N.— Low Rates sale at reasonable prices. Call and see St. Louis Fair visitors will be inter them. ested in knowing that the O. R. & N. Sound, Solid and Successful has inaugurated a daily through stand Oregon Fire Relief Association gives ard sleeping-car service to that city, protection against loss by fire at pure passengers arriving there in the morn ly mutual rates. No better or cheap ing. September 5, 6, 7, October 3, 4, 5, er insurance can be purchased. Strong the O. R. & N. will sell 90-day return and conservative business manage trip tickets to St. Louis for $67.50; to ment has placed them at the head of Chicago, $72.50. Stopovers allowed insurance companies in Oregon. going and returning. Particulars of A. Geo. F. Zimmerman, Agent, L. Craig, General Passenger Agent, Forest Grove, Ore. Portland.