lra£Mlpl£ con- elp me Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, September 29 , 1904 . oodsl Silver Wedding thii ou site IStll Monday which resulted in his being bound over in a sum of $2500. Mr. Brown has lived in this city for some time and none of his friends here would believed it of Mr. Brown. They will watch developments with interest and if the facls prove true many will believe he was mentally unbalanced. ed a citizen of this state: Provided The following officers reamain One of the most pleasant evenings further, that any person shall be deem- their respective offices for the present: trer enjoyed by a group of friends and ed to have complied with the property Gertrude Marsh, Pres.; Carrye W att, Stives was spent on th e evening of qualifications imposed by this section Vice Pres.; Mrs. T. Adams, Treas.; fcpt. 19, when a large crowd gathered who presents to the directors or judges Mrs. Chas. H ines, Secy. jtthe Mathies H all,C ornelius, in honor of election satisfactory evidence that A historical piece by H . S. Lyman of tie silver anniversity of Mr. and he or she has stock, shares, or owner­ was read by Mrs. L, C. Walker. A M rs. M- Peterson. ship in any corporation, firm, or copart­ reading by Miss Maud Buxton and a The beautiful dinner served did nership which has property in the selection by Miss Mary Bailey from cedit to the occasion an d many hand- ! district, as shown by the last county Sam Simpson. Bute presents which evidenced the More Grades Wanted In Our Public assessment, and not assessed by the Chocolate and cake were served after Schools. esteem in which they are held. They sheriff, on which such corporation, firm, which it was decided to m eet with Miss #re long been residents of Washing- A movement is being made to have or copartnership pays a tax, even Mary Bailey the 2d Tuesday in Octo- nicounty and have a hoast of friend. the grades of our city school extended though, his or her individual name per. Tie News regrets th e fact that a pre- to cover the ninth and tenth grades does not appear on the tax roll: Pro­ They Stole Wheat. rious engagement p rev en ted an ac­ and doubtless a meeting will be called vided furthur, that in districts of the W ednesday morning Mr. Vander- ceptance of an inviiation to be present, to consider this matter in the near third class any head of a family who is j zander living on the Greenville road ad wishes toem long years of health future. A well signed petition is cir­ otherwise a qualified elector, and hav­ had warrants issued for the arrest of culating, asking that this be done. ing children of school age, may vote Smith Bros, of Columbia county for the ad prosperity. Following is a copy of two sections of at such election without property stealing of wheat from his barn the pre­ rhe school law explaining who would qualifications. The chairman of any vious night. Voting Contest Deputy Sheriff Robert school meeting, or any qualified elector Wirtz followed the fellows on the Bux­ be legal voters on this question. The contest for the World’s Fair trip is hereby authorized to challenge any ton road, made them prisoners and re­ i assuming .¡teresting proportions as! Section 24. School Districts Classi­ person who may offer to vote at such turned here lodging them in the jail to it is about one half finished. From fied— All school districts now existing, meeting. In case an elector has been await their hearing at 5 o’clock in the now on the coupons will go rapidly. and all that shall hereafter be created under the provisions of this act, shall | challenged as disqualified, it shall be evening. It developed at their exam­ There seems to have b een a misunder- be classifiicl and known as first-class, I the duty of the chairman of such ination that they were from the Neha- sanding among the m erchants and the meeting to administer to each person second class, and third class. The lem mountains nearly 40 miles from people relative to the prize as to so challenged an oath that he or she here where they reside with their classification shall be made according ihether it would be paid to the win­ will truly answer all questions propoun- parents who sent them to town for pro­ to the number of children of school ning lady in cash if the special rate to age as shown by the last school census. | ded to him touching his place of visions. Usually on the return, they St Louis should close before the con- All districts with one thousand or more residence and qualifications as elector had stopped at the Vanderzander place iest is ended. T he orders on the bank children of school age shall be known at such meetings, and upon taking for the night. Tuesday night they did clear this question of any doubt and as districts of the first class. All dis­ which, if the meeting be in a district so and loaded on their wagon four ¿e winner will get the cash regardless tricts with more than two hundred and of the first or second class, he shall sacks of wheat. In the morning the of the St. Loris trip. H ow ever the less than one thousand children of school interrogate him respecting his citizen- owner discovered the loss as the boys contest will be closed in plenty of age shall be known as districts of the ship in this state, his age, residence in were leaving and made them unload tine should the w inner choose to take second class All districts with less the district immediately preceding the the grain. T hey protested that they trip instead of the cash. The than two hundred children of school meeting or election, and whether he did not intend to steal the wheat but ¡allot box is at Dr. H in e s’ drug store age shall be known as districts of the has property or shares in a corporation the owner filed complaint before Jus wdthe count is m ade every W ednes- third class. [Code 3364.] “ <>« “ sh°™ by ,he laS! tice Wirtz who issued the warrants. ky evening so th e result may be an- Section 46 Qualification of v o te rs - county assessment, and not assessed When brought to trial it was at once nounced in each issue of the News. Any citizen of this state, male or ■ by the sheriff, on which he or s h e » apparent to many that the prisoners were female, who is twenty-one years of age liable or subject to pay a tax; and ,1 scarcely responsible for their crime many believed them to be , ' a a in thP district thirty the meeting be in a district of the since Charged with Arson and has resided m ^ jrd class, he shall interrogate him as mentally and physically deformed. ^ whether he is the head of a family, It appears from the E vening Tele- days immediately preceding t e r n Attorney E. B. Tongue appeared for ing or election, and has property in and otherwise an elector, and has fam that Thos H . Brown, well known 0 district as shown by the last children of school age in the district, the state. B a plasterer in this city, was arrested They were to be pitied instead of county^assessment, and not assessed ■ [Code. 3386.] ^ week in Portland for attem pting to ) beiug punished and Attorney Hoffman by the sheriff, on which he or she N. D. of 0. Meeting. being present represented th en rb efo re torn the residence in which he lived is liable or subject to pay a tax, sha Several members of Tabitha Brown i Justice Wirtz who through kindness and a order to obtain the insurance. The at any school entitled to vote said district: Cabin, N. D. of O., met at Mrs Arthur pity allowed their fine and costs to be ^was noticed about 4 o’clock and an be election in meeting or es of this Caples Tuesday evening ta plan for the suspended and they to return to their ffficient fire departm ent was on hand j ^ ^ c i a r e d his change to a study club. home am ong the lonely fir clad hills of once finding Brown in the place and Provided, that, The name Oregon Study Club was Nehalem where by hard and strenuous waHs covered with citizen of the j become a toil they eke out a meager existence. Erosene oil. H e was captured and intention to United Sûtes, and has res'ded ‘n tbe Th b^ c t o( the d u b is to study Justice Wirtz and the attorneys were in jail on the charge of arson. months immediately pre^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ com m ended for the real justice for and furniture was insured for $700 and state shown their leniency. ^ Httle furniture was found in the h l T ^ e s T o vote8 I f i T l ^ r - ü , topicaiiy. house. His examination was held J ^ ,