Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 15, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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EARL B. HAWKS. Editor.
Published Every Thursday by the Washing­
ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated
at Forest Grove, Oregon
WILL FRENCH, Businats Manager.
EARL B. HAWKS, Assoeiata Manager.
Rates on Job Work and Adver­
tising Furnished on Enquiry.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
Office on Pacific Avenue.
Both Phones.
Entered at the post-office at Forest
Grove, Oregon, as second class
mail matter.
Address all communications to Wash
ington County Pub. Co.,
Forest Grove, Ore.
If the NKWS fails to reach its subscrib­
ers or is late, we request that immedi
ate attention may be called to the same.
T H U R SD A Y , SEPT. 15, ’04
Keene Mertz part of lot 3
Bath tubs—the very best at Goff and used vulgar language and called
block 38 in Forest G rove...
her approbious epithets. She asks
that she be granted a divorce, the cus­ Frank Emerson and Dora B to
Carriage trimmings of any kinds and
Mrs L K Mertz part of lot 3
tody of the child and alimony. She
carriage repairing, at Stribich’s shop,
38 Forest Grove, Ore.. 2000
has obtained an order restraining the
Old Factory.
defendant from going on the real; Adam Hergert Sr and wife to
The Watrous & Allen Co.’s Best estate belonging to plaintiff, or from; Adam Hergert Jr s e J of s
Blend coffee has found favor within a interfering in any way with the house- j w i sec 16 t 1 s r 3 w.........
host of homes.
hold and kitchen furniture situated on
B Houston n e J of s e i sec
better anywhere said real estate.
12 t 2 n r 6 w also lots 1, 2,
at Ritchey’s at right prices. Tile and
3, in sec 7 t 2 n r 5 w.........
posts at Ritchey’s.
Guy F. Via and Mamie Heyward Elizabeth Sting to William H
Good bread made from Pendleton are reported married. The facts in
Sting lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
White Satin Flour,
Warranted the the case are not available as we go to
14 in Ash Valley tract..........
best. Nicholson &Son.
press. If it is true we wish the young J S Whitham and wife to Mrs
C Knectle 1 acre in t 1 s r
Haynie & Son have two fine teams couple every happiness in life.
1 w..........................................
and do all kinds of team work at
East Gaston
reasonable rates. Contracts preferred.
Hop-pickers are on the move these H N Burche and wife to C A
and S Parsons 5.46 acres in
’phone. They
use days, some going home and some
R S Tupper d i e .................
everybody right.
going to other yards. Charley John­
son finished Saturday, taking just 6
Willis 3.18 a in R Tupper die
Veterans Meet
John A Thornburg and wife to
The Washington County Veteran’s
Nearly every one in the neighbor­
W H McGill 49.32 a in sec
Association will hold a meeting at hood turned out and hauled the timber
14 t 2 n r 4 w ......................
HiUsboro on Thursday, Oct. 6, 1904. from Gaston Monday, for the new Ad­
E. J. GROAT, President,
vent Schools.
of lot 7 block 20 Hillsboro,O 200
H. G. FITCH, Secretary.
Eva Hill’s mother made a visit at
Stock and Grain Markets
Grandpa Hill’s, Sunday.
Household Goods for Sale
W heat V alley, per b u .. . .
E. W. Paget and wife have just i Hay, T im othy, per to n ..
Wood, bees, bicycle and steel
“ .
The election results in Vermont and range nearly new and many household returned from a week’s visit at Salem “ “ Clover
G rain
“ ..
“ ..
again in Maine are making the Demo­ articles for sale. Enquire within the and Portland.
W hite per dwt.
crats tremble.
next week of Mrs. O. P. Eldridge
Mr. Peschen has a couple of * sick Oats, No. 1 Gray
per ton
horses, and he himself is on the sick Bran
in South Park.
“ .
News about the railroad to Forest
list this week having been to see the Shorts
“ .
Marriage Licenses
Hops, crop of 1904..........
Grove is waiting—waiting for rain to
doctor twice.
C hickens.............................
clear the atmosphere.
The new rural route starts Thursday T u rk ey s.............................
marriage license during the past week
the 15th with Wm Spence carrier, and
G eese...................................
The evasive position taken by Judge as follows: John L. Madding and Earl Harding, substitute.
D ucks...................................
Eggs, W illam ette Valley
Parker is not pleasing to the American Carrie Ballard; John N. Dilley and
Mr. Loomis has rented his ranch to B utter, Sweet C ream ____
people. They love frank, open states­
Fancy Cream ery.
Messrs. Bush and Bailey, both have
families. Mr. Bush, recently married,
Word has been received from Hills­
boro that Mrs. Jackson, a widow of the
late W. R. Jackson, committed suicide
there last night. She had some means
and it is reported her second husband
a Mr. Ford entered the restaurant
The irrigation of the Willamette Val­ business and a loss resulted which af­
ley during the summer months is being fected her mind.
seriously considered by many strong
Late Advices
minds. With our many good streams
Michael O'Neil, for many years a
and our splendid soil why would it not
resident of Washington county, died
be both feasible and profitable.
Wednesday, at Gervais, Ore., and his
The Russians are being driven back remains will be brought here for burial
upon Harbin and Port Arthur is totter­ at the Verboort cemetery, arriving at
ing to its fall. Will the war last 9:05 o’clock tomorrow. The services
another year or will it be settled in will be at Verboort at 10:30 o’clock
some manner after the fall of Port tomorrow. Cause of death has not
War critics believe that been learned.
the Russians will not give up without
Circuit Court
a struggle.
Minerva Candle has brought suit
Are our roads ready for a winter of for divorce against Thomas B. Candle
rain? Have the main thourofares been and alleges in her complaint that she
made passable all winter? If not both and defendant were married in the
the city and the country will be the state of Illinois on Dec. 14, 1886, and
loosens. The country roads should have been residents of Washington
be constructed under the expert County, Oregon, for 15 years, that
supervision of one man and not they have a son, Earl C. Candle, aged
under road district supervisors who five years, that since said marriage
each have a different wiy of defendant treated plaintiff in a CTuel
building roads and spending the money and inhuman manner, and has inflicted
placed in his hands for the purpose.
upon her gross personal indignities,
It is time Forest Grove should be
seriously dreaming over two improve­
ments—a sewer system and a bigger
water system—there will be an awaken­
ing ere many seasons have passed.
' '
comes with his wife from Tennessee
and Mr. Bailey with a wife and four
children, comes from Wisconsin. We
are glad to welcome them.
Mr. Whitstone and family will start
the last of the week for Southeastern
Oregon, they will take about twenty
head of cattle along.
Two steam balers are at work on the
lake now and the hay is being hauled
to the new warehouse as fast as teams
can be had to haul it.
The Jennings and Crunican folks
returned from the coast last week and
report a good time. Charley Crumican
cut his finger on a clam shell while
there, a small thing seemingly at the
time, but he has been suffering con­
siderable pain ever since and the
finger gathered and had to be lanced.
44 -
$1400 " 15 00
.10 00 “ 11
. 10 00 “ 11 00
.1 0 00 “ 11
. 1.22
. 1 20
19 00 to 20 00
22 00 " 24 00
20 00 “ 21 00
25 to 30c per pound
l i e t e 12c per pound live
15c “ 16c
" dressed
• 16c " 17c
, l i . v e
5 to 6c “
. . . .$6 to $ ; per dozen
2 0 “ 21 "
D a iry .....................
O nions.................................
N ew ...................
Beans, Sm all w hite..........
L arg e .........................
18'/i'C per pound
- 20c "
•• ••
............. $1.50 per sack
$1.15 “ 1.25 “ “
......... 3%c per pound
......3 Vi
Forest Grove Markets, In Trade
E g g s.............................
B u tte r...........................
Potatoes, good grade
C h ic k e n s.....................
Beef, dressed..............
Veal, “ ...................
Pork " ..................
22c per dozen
.35c to 40c per roll
1.25 per 100 pounds
9 to 10c per pound
5 to 6c “
. 6c to6W "
6 to6V* “
A n A la s k a n P ro je c t
There is talk at Nome, Alaska,
according to the Springfield Repub­
lican, of building a gambling casino
on the ice of Boring sea, outside
the three mile limit. This will put
the casino beyond the reach of the
laws of the United States and will
make the place about as lawless ns
anything could possibly be.
W a tte rs o n ’s Pun.
Henry W atterson is well known
for his puns. “Can you make a
We noticed Bert Porter has some pun on the constellations?” asked a
new horses this week, guess he has friend one day. “ Bv Gemini,” an­
traded again.
swered Watterson quickly, “ I Can­
Real Estate
August Krause and wife to
August Krause Jr. s e j n e
i and n e 1 of s w sec 16 t
1 s r 3 w .............................. $
Geo Zimmerman to Mrs Keene
Mertz part of lot 3 blk 38 F
Grove, Oregon.......................
Earl B Hawks et ux to Mrs L
M r i t s n r r ».
Chnka, a great African native chief,
trained n powerful army which was
famous in war. If a regiment was
beaten it wns slaughtered on its re­
1 turn to the king’s palace. If any tnnn
lost his weapon in war he was killed
for cowardice. If the chief wanted to*
see what kind of weapons were most
successful lie would onlcr a sham fight
45 with them, in which real lives would
he lost.