Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 15, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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COAST brethren in this state that there is
Will Leave Chicago the Latter
Part of the Month
CHICAGO, Sept. 8 .— Senator Fair-
binks will go on a speaking tour to
the Pacific Coast the latter part of Sept­
He will go out over the
Northern Pacific by special train and
return by special over the Union Paci­
fic, landing in Omaha not later than
October 12. Rear-platform speeches
well mark the trip, though several stops
will be made for large evening meet­
ings. Senator Fairbanks will arrive in
Chicago, September 23, and that night
will go to St. Paul. He will pass the
following day as the guest of the
Roosevelt Republican Club of the Twin
Cities. That evening he will speak in
Minneapolis or St. Paul.
Departing that night, the Senator
will go to North Dakota. Rear-plat­
form speaking will mark the first day
and the fore part of the second in
Montana. He will then go through
Idaho and Washington, stopping for an
evening speech at Tacoma. Traveling
southward through Oregon to Northern
California, the people will have to rest
content with addresses made from the
Stopping only a day in San Francisco
the Eastern trip will be undertaken.
Chairman Baker Urges that Senator
Fairbanks Speak at Least Once
in Oregon
| From The Oregonian. Sept. I I , 1<KH.]
The above Associated Press dispatch
appeared in The Oregonian last Friday
morning, whereupon the same day his
capacity of chairman of the Republican
State Central Committee, Frank C.
Baker wrote the following letter to J.
N. Tawney, director of the speakers’
bureau at National headquarters in
“ My Dear Sir: Inclosed you will
find an Associated Press dispatch that
appeared in this morning’s Oregonian.
It cannot be possible, Mr. Tawney,
that Senator Fairbanks will speak in
Tacoma and pass through Oregon to
California without making at least one
speech in this state. Portland, Ore.,
is the metropolis of the Northwest, and
Oregon fired off the first gun this Pre­
sidential year, indorsing President
Roosevelt and his policies by the un­
precedented majority of 2 4 ,0 0 0 odd—
the largest Republican majority pre*
viously cast being 17,000. The vote
last June makes Oregon so safely
Republican that our workers are con­
strained to rest on their oars.
need something to create enthusiam.
“ The Secretary of the Treasury’s
speech here the evening of the 31st
ultimo, concerning which I wrote you
on the 2nd instance, had a most excel­
lent effect upon our Republican breth­
ren; but if you folks will sanction
Senator Fairbanks passing through this
state without making a speech, it will
be a convincing argument to our
really no use in doing anything at all.
Therefore, as chairman of the Repub­
lican State Central Committee of Oreg­
on, I most earnestly ask you to assign
Senator Fairbanks for at least one
speech in Oregon while passing
through the Northwest; and this city
bsing the metropolis of the Northwest,
I nominate Portland. Cannot you give
response by wire? You know it takes
some time to make arrangements. I
want time in which to invite leading
Republicans from all over the state to
be here and honour the auspicious
event with their presence.
Fairbanks has spoken here before and
was given a great reception.
month, if permitted to address the
people of Oregon, the event will cap
th<* climax of such occasions in the
West. Your most obedient servant,
F rank C. B a k e r .”
And editorially The Oregonian paid
Chairman Baker the following well-
deserved compliment— to wit:
The statement that Senator Fair­
banks is expecting to pass through
Oregon on his way from Puget Sound
to California without stopping to make
at least one speech in |Oregon very
naturally rouses Chairman Baker, of
the Republican State Central Com­
mittee, whose letter to Mr. Tawney on
the subject is produced in another
column. The Republican managers
doubtless think that as Oregon gave a
Republican majority of 2 4 ,0 0 0 in June
it does not need a speech from Fair­
banks or anybody else. Mr. Baker
will endeavor to impress upon them,
however, that to overlook Oregon in
this way would not tend to encourage
the party in this state to exert itself
much to retain or increase its vote,
Besides this, Oregon would delight to
show to Mr. Fairbanks the same sort
of cordial welcome that was given to
Secretary Shaw. While the itinerary
of Vice-Presidential candidates is not
made up to be changed at every re­
quest, we wish Mr. Baker good luck
in the stunt he has laid out for him­
self, and have no doubt that his address
and energy will get Fairbanks for a
speech here if he can be gotten Cert­
ainly he should be encouraged by his
success in the Shaw rally. It is com­
forting to have a chairman with gump­
tion enough to think of things without
being told.
. •
The laws of Oregon make it the duty
of each road supervisor and all Muni­
cipal Corporations to destroy the Rus­
sian thistle, Canada thistle or Chinese
thistle upon the public highway, public
streets and vacant lands within incor­
porated cities or villages. The weed
known as the daggar cocklebur must
not be allowed to grow. Failure to
destroy the foregoing weeds subjects
one to penalty of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than one hundred.*
Eastern Bargain Store
W e intend selling our entire stock
I of merchandise consisting of ladies'
|and gents’ furnishing goods etc., at
Public Auction
| To-night» prom ptly a t 7 o’clock
the sale will commence. Goods at
your own price. Everybody come
| whether you purchase or not.
The New Store
O n P a c ific A ve n u e N e a r B r i c k L i v e r y
Everybody knows that “ Strongest in the World” means
The Equitable Life. Rates no higher than other companies
T. H. PETERS, Special Agent,
306 Oregonian Building, Portland, Or.
P o r t la n d to G h ic a ó o V ia
O. R . & N Go.
O re g o n S h o r t L in e ,
U n io n P a c ific a n d
Chicago & Northwestern Railway
The only Double Tracked Railway be­
tween Missouri River and Chicago.. .
T w o Th ro u g h T ra in s D a ily
Y o u c a n p e r o n th e t r a i n I n P o r t l a n d a n d
n e e d n o t t e t o f f u n t i l y o u a r r i v e In C h i c a g o
S ee th a t Y o u r T ic k e t R e a d s V ia the
<?. &
X . W . R Y .
C. E. b o c k m a n n . P assenger A g en t ,
No. 153 Third St., Portland, Or.