Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. Z.
Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, September 15,1904.
Councilman Johnson Suffers Loss and
Thomas Conley Nearly Losses
His Life
A serious fire occurred Monday after­
noon at the Springfield farm owned by
Councilman C. N. Johnson, of this city.
It consumed his second largest bam
and his blacksmith shop. The princi­
pal loss will be the buildings as but
very little feed and grain had been
stored in the building, it being used
principally for stock. How the fire
originated is not exactly known but
either started from a match ignited in
some way or from some other cause.
It started just outside of the doors to
the building and was seen almost as
soon as started, by Mr. Thomas Conley
who rents the farm and who endeavor­
ed to extinguish the flames which
spread rapidly to the hayloft near by
and was beyond control. Mr. Conley
was badly burned and will be unable to
be about for some time. The bam
contained several pieces of machinery
owned in part by Mr. Conley and in
part by Mr. Johnson. No insurance
was carried upon this particular build­
ing although every other building on
the farm was insured. The loss of the
buildings, will be about $600.
tion and returned to jail, without bonds
to await his trial. Much speculation is
rife as to what will be the sentence
imposed upon him varying from going
free to the death penalty. The facts
and the motive will determine what
sentence he will receive and judge­
ment should be reserved until that
time. In the mean time the young
lady whose name was so prominently
brought before the pubUc at that time
No. /
City Council
some new ones put in and that lumber
The city council met Friday even­ had been ordered for further work.
A petition for a side walk on the
ing under the presidency of Walter
Hoge. The roll call showed all the west side of 4th street started on 3rd
councilmen and city officers present. avenue and running along the proper­
At once the city fathers attended to ties of Messrs. Hawks, Morgan, John­
the order of business and matters for son and others was presented. The
consideration were speedily disposed Ordinance committee was ordered to
of. The report of the committee on draw up an ordinance for the building
finances was then read and on motion of this sidewalk in accordance with the
sight warrants were ordered drawn. petition. The city marshall was also
is now Mrs. W. H. Bagley, Jr.
ordered to notify property owners that
The bills allowed were:
J T Buxton, labor.....................$ 4 50 defective sidewalks had to be repaired
Hillsboro Postoffice Robbed
John Stribich, “ ..................... 3 75 immediately.
In some cases more
Early last Saturday morning Hills­ W S Hudson, treasurer............. 17 43 rigorous measures may have to be
boro experienced a postoffice robbery P W Cronin,.............................. 15 00 resorted to by the city. The subject
2 50
similiar to the one which occurred here W L Miller, labor.....................
Allen Hayden, wood................. 7 50 was thoroughly discussed.
some months ago. The robbers bor­
Wells, Fargo & Co...................
Suggestions and plans were also pre­
rowed tools from shops and courthouse W H Lyda, lumber................... 17 95
sented concerning th e ’, fitting up of
near by and entered a rear window of Perry Crosly, labor.....................
75 better quarters for the apparatus of the
6 50
the postoffice building and drilled and H C White
60 fire department. While no definite
blew open the safe in a similiar manner
Crane Co.................................... 24 98 action was taken the matter was ada-
as was done in this city. They secur­
quately agitated. Councilman Johnson
ed about $1000 worth of stamps and
Total $101 86 favors the city owning its own fire bell
money, without arousing anyone in the
and his view was shared by others.
vicinity from their slumbers. It was
To the Hon. Mayor and city council The present bell is owned by the city
supposed to have been committed at of the city of Forest Grove, Oregon,
and the Congregational Church,' each
about 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning herewith submit my report of Receipts
party having invested some $125. It
and the robbers then left at once for and Disbursements for the month of
is probable that the bell will be re­
the barn of J. Greear, of the Climax August.
moved to the belfry of the new church
mills, where they stole a horse and Aug. 1, to balance on hand. .$220 44 in the near future. Councilman Stri­
buggy and drove rapidly in the direc­ “ 27, received from P W
bich and others thought that the length
tion of Portland. Later the horse was
Cronin...................................$150 00 of the hose now at the disposition of
The sudden illness and death of
found below Scholls. It is supposed “ 31 received from lig h ts.. . 224 72 the fire company was inadequate.
little Arthur Epplett, aged 3 years, 6
“ w a te r.... 201 88
that the safe crackers made their way “ “
There being something like 350 feet
months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
at once into Portland where they are
$428 10 only of first class hose, although in
Epplett, who live near Hillside, was a
hidden out of reach of discovery. No
Total receipts$648 54 time of emergency something like
great surprise to those who knew the clue as to their identity has been
500 feet can be put to use. A plan
family. They had been in the Buch­ obtained although the city marshall 1904
anan hopyard for several days and the saw that evening two characters whom Aug. 4 paid Oscar Ohlsirom$ 1 50 by which the hose could be cared for
and dried out was also considered.
child had been in good health uniil he belie\es were the robbers. The “ 10 “ J. T. H a rris .... 16 00
“ 10 “ M Munkers........
8 80
Mr. Hollinger presented for prelimi­
Thursday when he complained of being safe of Postmaster Waggoner is a wreck “ “
“ Alex Hunter........ 20 00
nary reading an ordinance to regulate
sick. He was at once removed to his and some valuable papers are missing. “ “
“ E. A. Dixon........
6 00
“ “ “ E W Haines, check 160 00 the sale, giving away etc., of intoxicat­
home where his illness became serious
M “
“ V J Fuqua, wYn’t
9 75 ing liquors.
Register Books Open
and death followed at five o’clock on
“ “
“ P W Cronin........... 16 00
A committee consisting of council-
Friday morning. In their bereavement
The registration books will be open “ “
“ W S Hudson.......... 43 59
men Johnson and Hollinger was ap.
for the lost one the family has the at the office of Justice J. H. Wirtz, “ “
“ Miles Purdin......... 11 65
to confer with E. W. Haines
sympathy of the entire community. Sept. 20, to Oct. 20. For those who “ 11 “ Goff Bros., w’r’n’t.
2 52
“ Thomas & James..
1 75 on matters connected with the light
Services were conducted at the home have changed precincts or residence, “ “
“ W F Hartrampf...
1 0 0 and water plants. It is probable that
by Rev. Belknap and interment was those who came since last January and “ “
“ 12 “ Wm Lyda.............
12 00 a rebate will be made to consumers to
made in the Naylor Cemetery. The have not registered and those who have “ “
“ John Stribich.........
1 00
cover the shortage of light during the
child had always enjoyed splendid
t0 register—Remember you have “ 17 “ Wash. Co. Pub. Co.
3 50
75 months of August and September.
health and for one of his age was bright tbg
t0 vote if you have resided “ 27 R S Baker...................
The council then adjourned.
and active. Sorrowful indeed it seems here six months.
Total disbursements $315 81
that the sunshine of a pleasant home
Balance$232 73
City Property for Sale
should be taken away.
R espectfully subm itted W S HUDSON,
63 feet fronting Sloan’s Hotel S0.>0
The public school of Dilley, will
Oakman Awaiting Trial
City Treasurer.
120 “
** Laughlin’s “ at $8
Oakman, the Hillsboro murderer,
The committee on streets reported open Oct. 3rd, the first Monday in
per foot. Address E. P. CADWELL,
October. By order of Directors.
now rests in the county bastile as the
Leabury, Oregon. that several crossings had been repaired
only prisoner, having had his examina-