Fine teas and coffees at Nicholson Fancy tea and coffee at Nicholson tons hay and all the straw inthel Ho! For the hop-fields! 1 buggy, 1 hayrack, 1 14-inch Dy & Son’s. “Quality” is the pass word at M e & Son’s. 1 springtooth harrow, and lfo Big cut in big mouth vacuum fruit Hunting and trespass signs for sale Namer & Johnson’s. row. Of the 40 acres, 25 are cle, jars at Thomas & Sames. at the News Office. and in cultivation, balance slashed] Big cut in big mouth vacuum fruit Big cut in big mouth vacuum fruit Shingles, the best on the market at seeded to clover except 3 acres t j jars at Thomas & James. the right price, at T. A. Ritchey’s. for fuel, good story house, Cast-iron range, piped for water, jars at Thomas & James. You get the values, we get the busi­ Nicholson & Son have a fine line of 30x40, grainary, new wood cheap, at the Auction House. orchard, all kinds of fruit, papes' i dishes, Call and see them. Mrs. Sloan spent last week in Port­ ness, McNamer & Johnson. berries, 2 wells, living stream of i land visiting friends and relatives. Big cut in big mouth vacuum fruit Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­ irrigates the finest garden in ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big county. Good fences on good Fine hams, bacon and prepared jars at Thomas & James. road. This is surely a snap at ( 2 ] meats at Nicholson & Son’s. Big invoice of second hand goods Store. Of all the annoyances, poor plumb­ and must be sold by Sept. 20. C. W. Rosa was at Newport over now on at the Auction House. Sunday, enjoying the pleasures at the Prices count when ever money is ing is one of the worst. We guarantee R . W . M cN U TT, Real Estate agent] our work.— H. L. Deckert. Seaside. Cornelius, Oregoi counted at McNamer & Johnson’s. The Ladies Working Society, of the Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­ Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­ H a ir Raining:, ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big Congregational Church, met Wednes­ day at the home of Mrs. Ferrin. Just wL en the mutilation of the d Store. Store. by ter.ring the skin from the head! Just in— new line of ladies fall hats Finest stock of hats in the city at Union Services will be held in the gan will never be known, for the«] is lost in tlie midst of ages, the: at prices you can afford. Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Dixon’s millinery store, Main Congregational Church next Sunday extending beyond even them« night. Services will begin at 7:30. leal period back Main Street. of man's existence. In] Street. Rev. L. F. Belknap will preach. book of Maccabees it is recorded t Girl wanted— Will pay $15. per Ducthess Trousers— 10 cents a but­ at the termination of one of ti?l month for good girl domestic for work. ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big Mrs. G. Hartrampf, who has been of which that bloody history Is t handling the California perfume goods, the victorious soldiers tore the 1 Inquire Goff Bros. Store. keep a supply on hand at Jackson from the heads of tlielr vanqul Clyde Wellman, of South Forest Miss Daisy Woodard, of Wordner, will foes. This would be evidence that I & La Course’s store. custom of scalp taking was one of I Grove, was in Portland Sunday visiting Idaho, has returned to enter school Indulgences even of those people| Dr. E. B. Rentz left yesterday for whom we have his friend, Ralph E. Dugan. record In the Bible. again this year. St. Louis by way of California and New he it as it may. establlsf Do you know— That the Colonial Take a vacation and buy your sport­ Mexico. After visiting St. Louis he fact that the custom It is la a an universal 0 serves an elegant Sunday dinner? so far as savage man is couceni ing goods, camp stove and amunition will visit old friends in Oklahoma and Whether ethnologists can build a 1 Take your friend there to dine. Kansas. at Goff Bros. ory of a common origin of manfi Prof. Chapman has moved from lids or not.' or whether this can I Herrick Hall into the home of Frank Out-of-date methods do not satisfy Dr. Otto Gagzon, a forestry expert taken as an evidence that the Inda are the descendants of the lost Israel Waters, which he recently vacated. up-to-date people. Go to the popular from Germany, who is studying our tribes because of their hubltof seed place, McNamer & Johnson. timber resources, and Mr. Max Eitel, mementos of hair from their fatal Mr. and Mrs. Brunner, of Portland, of Chicago, registered at The Laughlin einles. is something time alone willl Remember the auction sale on Sept was out Monday, visiting at the home last night and left on the morning velop. Be that as it may, It is a (ft of Mrs. Brunner’s parents, P. W. 15, 16 and 17, at the Eastern Bargain train for Portland. that al! Indian tribes, to a certainf Store, by values at less than £ price. tent, scalp llieir enemies who havefl Cronin. L. W. Russell Jr., of Leads, South Chas. Miller was in Portland Wed­ Mr. Frank Bernard left at the News on in battle.—London Globe. Dakota, spent Monday with his uncle, nesday to buy a new up-to-date plate Office an apple measuring 16 inches CnrlnuH K not In Natural HI*toi which will be intei C. V. B. Russell. He is touring the glass front for his new store building. in diameter and weighing 26 ounces. ing An to incident naturalists Is told In a people please take notice number of the Scotsman. west on an outing. One of | The very latest in the new styles of Eastern $1.00 buys a sample sack of “Our fall and winter hats, prices that will that Oregon can’t be beat for fruit in foresters in the employ of the Man of Lothian was returning from I Best” Willamette Valley flour. Your please you. Mrs. Dixon, Main Street. size, quality and quantity. work when lie noticed a wild duck I money back if you want it. Thomas ing from a larch tree. On closeexaf The Working Society of the M. E. Misses Frances and Katherine Myers nation he observed a common bra & James. Church met yesterday at the home of owl looking down from what appcaj are home from Newport where they Pastor Belknap yesterday afternoon and to be a nest In the cleft of the I Tabitha Brown Cabin, Native Dau­ have been the past few months for a very enjoyable session was held. about thirty feet from thegroundi ghters, will meet at I. O. O. F. Hall, their vacation. near the place from "K This was the first fall meeting and apparently Tuesday Eve, Sept. 13, 7.30 the duck hod flown. Curiosity pr°r The Lewis and Clark Club will hold plans for work were discussed. Dainty ou him to climb AGNES H in e s , secretary. to the place, whirl did with great difficulty. The 0 "J its regular meeting, Sept. 12, at 3 refreshments were served. Smile producers. Boiling beef at o’clock at the home of Miss Minnie ids approach flow off. and to bis! prise lie found in the nest two e0| 5 cents per pound; beefsteak 8 cents Martin. Secretary. Auction Sale an owl’s and a wild duck's. Itisf per pound; veal stew 6 cents per On September 15, 16 and 17 occurs uncommon fer both owls and duckil pound and mutton 5 cents per pound Big cut on big mouth vacuum fruit the big auction sale of goods of all build their nests high up on trees jars. We bought too many and now kinds at the Eastern Bargain Store on It is unheard of for one nesttobej at McNamer & Johnson’s. proprlntcd by both birds. cut the price to save carrying them Pacific Avenue. After weeks of much perseverence over to next year. Thomas & James. A C l e v e r Mlnl»ter. and much worry Haven Belknap has A Snap “To the town of Norrldgewoct I been compelled to part with the light Pies and Cakes:— The ladies of the This 40 acre farm 3fc miles from Maine/’ said a clergyman, “ a 8trs1 complexioned down on his upper lip. Methodist Church will hold a sale of Cornelius must be sold by Sept. 20, or minister once came to preach, preached duly, and after the sen bread, pies and cakes in the front of Such is life. was t>ver he mingled with the conw it will be withdrawn from the market, the store of Watrous, Allen Co. Store. gat Ion, expecting that some one Mrs. N. J. Walker is visiting with Saturday, September 10, beginning at owner has a business opening which invite him to dinner. One by one, ^ friends at Gaston this week. The 10 a. m. he wishes to take advantage of on that ever, the congregation departed. 0 1 ing the hungry minister no bosp students are returning from their homes date and in order to do so is anxious and began to feel nnxlous. Many applications are made by after their summer vacation to enter to sell and will sacrifice land, stock, was he be to As the last deacon young men and women to secure room crop, everything, the price of the land leaving the eat? P. U. again for the ensuing year. church the minister tu n and board with the privilege of work­ to him and shook him warm, 20 acres, all in cultivation, between ing out the same, thus assisting them­ alone has been held until the present up the hand. . jm Hillsboro and Cornelius on base line selves to secure educational advantages time at $3600, it was cheap enough “ ‘I wont you to come home an me,’ the minister said. ( road. Some beaverdam, good house, Anyone having or knowing of such a at that but from now until Sept. 20 with “ ‘Why, where do you liver $2800 will take it all including 1 span barn and orchard. $2800. easy terms. place will confer a favor by notifying deacon. R. W. McNutt, real estate agent, Cor­ Pnn. H. L. Bates, of Tualatin good horses, harness, wagon, 2 cows, ” ‘About thirty miles from here 3 hogs, 2 doz. chickens, 2 acres “The deacon reddened. nelius, Oregon. Academy. I potatoes, fine garden, between 5 and 6 and dine with me Instead,’ /