Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 08, 1904, Image 1

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. . . LEWIS
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CLARK. . . .
Vol. 2.
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Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, September 8 ,1904.
Balsiger— Moore
At noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6,
there occured, at Greenville, a very
delightful wedding in which one of
the contracting parties was Miss Hattie
May Moore, the beautiful daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, who are
among the oldest and most respected
citizens of Washington County, Mr.
Moore having lived here for more
than fifty years. The groom, Mr.
Arnold W. Balsiger, is a rising young
merchant of the new town of White
Salmon, in Washington. The wedding
was a private one with only the family
of the bride, and a few invited guests
present. At high noon the contract­
ing parties appeared in the parlor of
ihe bride’s parents, which had been
appropriately decorated with ferns and
native flowers, and the vows were
given and exchanged in the beautiful
ritual of the Congregational Church,
Supt. Cephas F. Clapp officiating,
using the wedding ring.
After the customary congratulations
were over a unique wedding breakfast
was served and the bride and groom
took the afternoon train for Portland and
Puget Sound, where they will spend the
honey-moon visiting the many places
of interest there, and then return to
their home in White Salmon. The
best wishes of a host of friends go
with them.
No. 17
the case of the state of Oregon vs Bert that plainly shows its value to the
Bert Oakman charged with killing Oakman, waived examination and was community, many thousands of dollars
Frank Bennett had a hearing before held to the Circuit Court on $200 bail. will change hands this fall which will
be due alone to this industry.
Justice Bagley on Wednesday, this
Patton Valley
week and was bound over to wait the
November term of the Circuit Court.
Tom Sain has seen to fixing of the
Miss Lottie E. Thomas, daughter of
Russell Frost, Dr. J. P. Tamiesie, Miss bridge and we are glad to say he has G. C. Thomas, of this city was united
Landers and Frank Kane were exam­ it in good shape.
in marriage to Paul S. Strong, of Bell­
ined as witnesses, on behalf of the
John Allen has resumed his old job ingham, Washington, at the home of
state. The defense
offered no of drying hops for Mr. Perkins. They the bride, Wednesday, afternoon at
evidence on behalf of defendant.
1: 30 o’clock. The wedding was a
are at it full blast.
A surprising sequel to the murder
The Patton Valley friends who were quiet home wedding, only a few of the
of Frank Bennett by Bert Oakman on invited to the Alien-Cooper wedding near relatives and friends were present
The ceremony was performed by
August, 27, 1904, is the marriage pronounce it a very elaborate affair. A
of Miss Alta Ledford with Mr. W. H. number of costly presents were reciev- Rev. H. L. Bates and after receiving
the congratulations of their friends,
Bagley Sr. Oakman was paying atten­ ed by the couple.
the happy couple left on the afternoon
tions to Miss Ledford and the quarrel
Jack Oleson and family will be
that led to the murder was caused by among the missing in our valley after train for a few day’s tour of the state
Bennett showing a picture of Oakman’s this month, we are sorry to see them of Washington.
They will make their home at Bel­
child to Miss Ledford, thereby causing go.
lingham where he has a position in the
her to refuse to receive his attentions.
Charley Seth and a number of friends postoffice. Mr. Strong was a student
went out hunting, Charley’s mare got at Tualatin Academy and is quite well
Marriage Licenses
loose and came down the hill, think­
known here. The young people bore
County Clerk E. J. Goodman issued ing it was a deer he killed it,— he the best wishes of the entire community
marriage licenses to the following walked home.
Dr. Geiger is able to be at his office
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox visited
named persons: Paul S. Strong and
Lottie E. Thomas; Arnold W. Balsiger one day last week at the home of Mr. after a severe time with his foot which
and Hattie M. Moore; George Turpin and Mrs. Davis they report a fine time. confined him to his home the past
Mrs. Willie Lee accompanied by her week.
and Anna Rankin; W. H. Bagley Jr.
3500 pounds of prunes are being
and Alta A. Ledford; Herbert 0. Voss daughter, left for the Island where she
will remain with her husband the rest prepared for the Chemawa Indians
and Mabel Cawrse.
during the coming season. They will
of the year.
have a swell time.
The mail carrier lost his mustache
Probate Court
Miss M. J. E/erham accompanied
Estate of Eusephia Rossi, deceased.
by her niece, Miss Flora Everham, of
Last will and testament admitted to
Illinois are visiting the latter’s uncle,
New Mail Route.
probate. Will proved. Teresa Rossi finest cook out at the mill as every Mr. Steven Blank. They spent last
A Rural Mail route will be established
appointed executrix without bond. thing she stirs up comes out in palat­ winter in Southern California, the
around Wapato Lake from Gaston
W. B. Thomas, P. L. Spencer and able form. She will be remembered summer in Washington and hope to
September 15th. It accommodates the
by all who eat there.
Charles Speck appointed appraisers.
enjoy Oregon’s fall amongst us.
patrons on the east side of the lake,
John Allen and wife have given
Perry Watson, for forty years an
Estate Elizabeth Colby, deceased.
thence part of the Springhill road to
esteemed citizen of Greenville, now of
near Dilley, thence on the north and Claim of administrator presented and
Terripin, Boone County, Missouri,
west side along the main road to the allowed. Administrator authorized to
A. B. McCleod traded horses last United States of America, has sold his
Patton and Scoggins’ route. Mr. Shot- sell all personal property.
farm there and will return to the gar­
well will be the carrier and patrons
Guardianship Gustav N Hartrampf, week and is glad to say he did not
den spot from whence he departed.
should get boxes and be prepared on minor. Bond for sale of real estate | get beat.
His friends say that he will make a
the date above mentioned.
filed and approved.
Hop Fields Busy
democratic tour across the continent.
Estate Hannahetta Bruce, deceased.
Henry White and Geo. Gartrell who
Washington County is the scene of
Final account and report approved.
much activity this week. The numer­ have spent the past two weeks in the
Administrator discharged, estate closed.
ous hop fields of every locality are filled new irrigated country near Bend have
Estate of John Beal, deceased. Eva with men, women and children, who returned here for the present.
A. Beal appointed administratrix with are earning from $1.50 to $4.00 per Gartrell is much pleased with the
bon(i fixed at $4000. Bond filed and day each and at the same time earning country up there and that opportunities
themselves a nice little sum of money appear good. Land can be had at
approved. Letters ordered to issue.
&pt. 7> 1904, in with which to lay in a store for the reasonable prices and the new settle­
coming winter. To an Eastern man ments are improving rapidly. Plenty
.................................... 13 Justice Bagley’s court, Craig charged
these scenes are a novelty, yet one i of work may be had at good wages.
■ ■ ■ »
with being accesstny after the fact m
Candidates for the trip to St. Louis
Following is the total vote cast for
the candidates to World’s Fair at St.
Louis up to last evening.
Alyce Cronin............................. 4 569
Pearl Chandler.......................... 3604
Lena Parker..............................2950
Manche^ Langley.........................» 2