Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 01, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Hollis & Hawks
Real Estate and Corpo-
ration Law a Specialty.
OFFICE over 9 00
Hines' Store.
Forest Grove,
6 21
a. m.
p. m.
4 12
6 59
p. m.
a. m.
Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Mor­
rison St., Portland, Oregon, is one of
Practical Undertakers and Embalm-
the best known and most reliable com­
ers. Calls answered day or night.
panies on the Coast, furnishes all kinds
of help on shortest notice, free to
Forest Grove, Ore. employers.
In l?orest d ro v e
Rough, and Sized, $9.50; Shiplap $11; Flooring No. 1, $19.50
Rustic No. 1, $19.50 Stopping, Shingles, $1.70 per m
Beaded Ceiling and all Finish No.2, $14.50; Window
and Door Jambs;
Any lumber wanted. •
L u m b e r ou t of y u rd flOe extra
E. M. Ward,
lio tk P hone»
P o rc M t Q r o v « ,
O rw R o n .
Vis^ R o e & Buxton
Two work oxen, one red, long
horned, one light red, few spots on i
side, no horns, blind in left eye. Els- (
trayed from Eli Smith ranch near Glen-
wood. Notify Ora Smith, Glenwood,
or News office.
Shingles Cut and Shaved
M. L a n g l e y
L. L. L a n g l e y
Langley & Son
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Delivery made to any point in
Washington county. Best of cedar
used in stock and shingles are guaren-
teed superior in quality. It will pay
you to investigate.
Samples to be seen at H. T. Bux­
ton’s, Forest Grove. Write for prices
P. H. B uxton
Buxton, Ore.
Or enquire News office.
Big Sale of Lumber
N otaries Public, Real Estate, and Con­
veyancing. U pstairs, Caples B uilding
H e a d q u a rte rs fo r
R e e d , S e e d s ,
T ilin g , G e d a r P o sts
a n d Shingles
Bran, Shorts and Mill F reds, Oil Meal, W hole and Cracked Corn, Lump Salt, Lime and C rm rn t,
, Land Plaster, FLOUR— M innesota Hard W heat, Eastern Oregon H srd W hest, Vnlley W heat.
G o m e in a n d ¿ e t p r ic e s
F r e e d e li v e r y in to w n
T. A. Ritchey
Forest Grove, Oreifon
In order to clean up the entire stock
F o r e s t G r o v e , O r e .
of lumber, timbers, telephone poles
etc., at the W. H. Lyda sawmill, in
J. N. Hoffman
B. P. W elch
Cedar Canyon, 7 miles north of Forest
H o ffm a n & W e lc h
Grove. This stock will be sold to the
highest bidder on suitable terms.
This stock must be sold by reason of
expiration of lease of lands. This is
Collections and all business intrusted your opportunity to get lumber at a
to us given prompt attention.
bargain. Several thousand feet of
ABBOTT BLDG., FOREST GROVE, OR? cedar lumber and dressed cedar posts.
w. H. L yda
For Sale
Honest WORK
160 acres 6 miles northwest of
Buxton. 16 acres cleared, no build­
ings, price $500.
2 acres 3 miles from Portland. A
snap at $100.
H. G. K in g ,
Forest Grove.
Blacksmith work of all
kinds done with neat­
ness and dispatch.
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
Horseshoeing a Specialty
We guarantee satisfaction
First class Wagon Maker and re­
pair man ready to do
work promptly
Ballard & Lenneville
Shoo nnt door to Postoffko.
Font! Stow. Or.
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip tickets at gTeatly reduced
rates to St. Louis and Chicago on
account of the St. Louis Exposition, on
the following dates; June 16, 17, 18;
July 1, 2, 3; August 8, 9, 10; Sep
tember 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4, 5.
Going trip must be completed with­
in ten days from date of sale, and
passengers will be permitted to start
on any day that will enable them to
reach destination within the ten days
limits Return limit ninety days, but
not later than Dec. 31st 1904.
For full information as to rates and
routes call on agent, Southern Pacific
Co., at Forest Grove.
Delivery Service
W e’re in the Delivery Business to stay. Will move
anything movable. Special attention to delivering of
i furniture, trunks and parcels. Prices reasonable. Give
US a trial. Both ’Phones.
H eadquarters st Dick Rodes’ B arn.
J« R . H a y n ie &
S o n «
Johnson & Co.
See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our
specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail,
Baggage and freight called for and delivered.
finest Rigs.
Best Horses.
Good Drivers.
Comer Main and Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, Or.