Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 01, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    For Sale
Ash wood for sale. Enquire of Lee
I cam wagon and farmer’s team 8 Sparks or Will Sparks.
Eat at the Michigan House.
and 9 years old. First-class in every
Shingles, the best on the market at
Fancy dishes at Nicholson & Son’s. respect, gentle and true, good wagon
the right price, at T. A. Ritchey’s.
Art squares beat carpet.—Roe & and harness, $250. Write to B. H.
Take a vacation and buy your sport­
Tupper, Gaston, Ore., or call at News
ing goods, camp stove and amunition
The South Park Grocery for the best.
at Goff Bros.
Come and see.
“ By Their Fruits ye Snail Know
A good cup of coffee is half the
Tiy the South Park grocery. J. W.
Watrous & Allen Co.’s Best
Not by their fruits alone but by
North, proprietor.
their meats, both fresh and smoked, Blend, will suit you.
Cornelius has a new rural route to and a thousand other good things to
Of all the annoyances, poor plumb­
begin September 15th.
eat. It’s the same “ old story” you ing is one of the worst. We guarantee
Auction house for furniture.
Binder twine at Goff Bros.
South Park grocery handles best
For choice building lots see J. P.
Cedar posts and tiling at T. A.
Plumbing Fixtures of all kinds at
Goff Bros.
Best Willamette Valley Flour for will hear it in the street and at the
home, “ where can we get something
Money to loan on real estate. Hol­ $1.00 at Thomas & James.
lis & Hawks.
Standard ranges and Moore steel good to eat?” There is only one
answer, where the dollars do double
Best groceries at the Home Grocery. King stoves at Goff Bros.
duty. The more you spend the more
S. E. Williams, proprietor.
Cheney the tinner. You always get you save. We are knee deep in at­
Prices that surprise—Values that the brand of tin you bargain for.
tractiveness, and good things at the
tell, at McNamer & Johnson’s.
Not some things, but everything that “ fountain” always.
Meats—The best in town delivered is good to eat at McNamer & Johnson’s.
Our prices talk all languages.
to your home. A. Saelen & Co.
Time is precious—so is truth. Come
Try the Home Grocery. Corner
Lend us your ears, use your judge­
3rd. and Pacific Avenue. Everything and see us, if you can’t come send a
ment and buy of McNamer & Johnson.
“ hand.”
the best.
Yours for the right price,
For a fine Sunday dinner go to the
Watch for our wagon. It will be at
M c N amer & J ohnson .
Colonial. Dinner served from 6 to 7:30 your door during the week. A.
p. m.
Saelen & Co.
Oregon State Fair Program
The parlors of Mademoiselle La-
Monday, Sept. 12—Opening Day.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Davis of Pat­
Course can be found at The ton Valley were transacting business in In the evening addresses will be made
by prominent men of the state on up
town Saturday.
Grocery supplies in the grocery line
The best eating materials put to­ to date topics.
at the Home Grocery, corner 3rd and
Tuesday, Sept. 13—Woodmen of
gether by people who know how, at
Pacific avenue.
the World Day. This entire day will
McNamer & Johnson’s.
be devoted to the Woodmen and their
Our prices you will find to be right
Nicholson & Son, the grocers, sell sister order, the Ladies of Woodcraft
and you get what you order. A.
Pendleton White Satin flour warranted in their drills and sports. It is ex­
Saelen & Co.
or money refunded.
pected that at least a dozen drill
Mrs. M. A. McKenzie left Tuesday
Wanted— 100 students to take teams will be present in uniform to
for Astoria, after a long visit with her
contest for the $600 in prizes.
lessons by mail. G. B. Hardin,
father Dr. Crang.
Wednesday, Sept. 14—Salem Day.
Forest Grove, Oregon.
If you want choice fancy groceries,
This will be a great day, for Salem
If you are troubled with catarrh, sore
buy them at the South Park Grocery.
business is practically suspended and
throat, diseases of lungs, stomach or
Everything guaranteed
everybody goes to the fair. This will
kidneys.—Consult Dr. Geiger.
also be the day for the Greater Salem
Mike and James Pope and families,
Your home made pleasant when Stake, a $2000 purse for 2:15 pacers
who have been spending a few weeks
properly papered. Our line is the in which there are 31 entries.
in the valley, returned to their homes
largest in the city. Roe & Buxton.
Thursday, Sept. 15— Portland Day.
in Nebraska Monday.
Rough or dressed lumber delivered Usually the biggest day of the fair as
Ernest Hubbert has accepted a re­
the S. P. R. R. runs an excursion from
sponsible position with the Acme to any part of city or county. Slab
and $1.50 pays a round trip
mills at Portland. He began his wood delivered any place in Forest
Grove or Cornelius at $2.00 per cord. and admission to everything on the
duties Monday.
Leave orders with Francis Bernard, fair grounds that the Board has any­
Last week some of the News copies
Ed. Naylor, M. W. Patton or the News thing to do with. On this day will
were a trifle late owing to the trouble
come off the Lewis & Clark Stake for
Office. Orders taken by phone.
with the electric power on the power
$2000 purse for 2:17 trotters.
line in the region of forest fires.
Friday, Sept. 16—Children’s Day.
Patton Valley, has had serious times When all the children in Marion
Mr. Daniel McKenzie sold his 40
the past two weeks with fire, several county, including the Indian Training
acre tract 2 miles east of the city, to
times it raged so near his premises School at Chemawa, the Reform
J. L. Mizner of Idaho, through the
that his property was in danger of be­
agency of M. L. Noble. Considera­ ing lost. At last report he had it School and school children, will be ad­
mitted free.
tion $4100.
under control, but he suffered a heavy
Saturday, Sept. 17—Closing Day.
The Bazaar has a new floor added to loss of valuable timber.
The Rural Spirit Stake $1000 purse
its space for a better display of its sew­
Mrs. S. A. Kidder of Grass Valley, for 2:11 trotters; also the consolation
ing machines and musical instruments. California, is here visiting her brother,
race in Lewis & Clark Stake will be
The heavy fall stock made it necessary H. H. Clark. Mrs. Kidder has the
run off. Premiums will be paid and
to enlarge the space.
distinction of being the only woman in in the evening a good program will be
J. Delano and sons of Cornelius, the United States holding the responsi­ on in the pavilion.
the expert shinglers, have finished ble position as president of a railroad.
McElroy’s band, of Salem, has been
three contracts at Gaston as follows: She has been offered $100,000 for heT engaged and good music is assured.
the big warehouse, the hotel building holdings in the Grass Valley & Colfax
The evening entertainment during
belonging to Mrs. N. J. Walker, and R. R., but declines to part with her the week will be the best money can
the Harry Wescott general store interests in the road of which she is purchase and a good time is guaran­
i the head.
teed all who may attend.
our work.—H. L. Deckert.
Cutting the meat correctly helps
the cook, and pleases all the family.
Try A. Saelen & Co’s for fancy cuts.
For sale cheap—Some fine full
blooded Poland China boar pigs.
Write W. B. Logsdon, Manning, Ore­
gon. Hughes phone.
Pendleton White Satin flour, war­
ranted in every way or money
refunded, if not satisfactory. Nichol­
son & Son, Main Street.
Lewis & Clark Clubs Unite
Friday, the Lewis & Clark Club of
Forest Grove entertained at lunch at
Mrs. Rogers’, the Lewis & Clark Club
of Hillsboro, at which time a county
organization was formed and the fol­
lowing officers elected. Pres. Mrs.
Austin Buxton; Vice Pres, for Forest
Grove, Mrs. Walter Hoge; Vice Pres,
for Hillsboro, Mrs. Dr. Tamesie;
Treas., Mrs. Ware; Sec., Mrs. Dr.
Bailey; Press Correspondent, Mrs.
The ladies are arranging to make
an exhibit at the State Fair, providing
for a Lewis & Clark booth in the
space. The
committee on exhibits will receive
such at Mrs. Rogers’ on Friday,
September 2nd. All are solicited to
help make our county the banner one
at Salem.
A special meeting of the Lewis &
Clark Club is called Friday, September
2nd at 3 o’clock at Mrs. Rogers’.
The committee on exhibits request
that fruits, leaves, photographs, fancy
work may be brought to this meeting,
so that they can be ready for the dis­
play the Club will make in the Wash­
ington county exhibit at Salem.
A committee was appointed by the
president, to arrange for a booth in the
space allotted to the Washington Co­
unty exhibits. Mesdames F. J. Bailey,
C. W. Rollins and Miss Lura Wagner,
of Hillsboro, and Mesdames A. W.
Johnson, Walter Hoge and Belle Walk­
er, of Forest Grove, were named as the
committee. A display of pictures of
Washington County’s public buildings
and some of the fine residences through­
out the country will be hung in the
booth and a sample of the work being
done by the Lewis & Clark Clubs. The
next regular meeting of the county
club will be held in Hillsboro, October
28, at 10 o’clock, a. m.
S ecretary