Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 01, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Marriage Licenses
Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­
Cast-iron range, piped for water,
Fancy tea and coffee at Nicholson
Marriage licenses were issued by
ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big
cheap, at the Auction House.
& Son’s.
County Clerk E. J. Godman during
Hunting and trespass signs for sale
Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but- j
20 acres, all in cultivation, between the past week as follows: T. T. Skeels
at the News Office.
ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big
Hillsboro and Cornelius on base line I and Mabel A. Dorsey; Philip B. Porter
Big invoice of second hand goods Store.
road. Some beaverdam, good house, and Jane P. Bates; J£. F. Nolan and
now on at the Auction House.
Station Agent Adkins is threatened barn and orchard. $2800. easy terms. ! Lena Hiddink.
W. J. Smith and wife of Wilson with a serious attack of pneumonia R. W. McNutt, real estate agent, Cor­
River were in the city yesterday.
but it may develop in malaria fever.
nelius, Oregon.
Of sale of trespassing stock under
Dutchess Trousers— 10 cents a but­
Rev. I. Putnam, formerly of Dilley, j ordinance No 136.— Notice is hereby
Ducthess Trousers— 10 cents a but­
ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big ton and $1.00 a rip. Bailey’s Big now of Cottage Grove, has entered the
given that I will sell at public auction
Evangelistic work and all who may at the city pound of the city of Forest
desire his assistance may address him j Grove, Washington Colnty, Oregon, at
Do you know—That the Colonial
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Hines
at Cottage Grove, Oregon.
He is 10 o’clock a. m. on Thursday, Sept­
serves an elegant Sunday dinner?
last Sunday, an eight pound boy.
now pastor of the M. E. Church, at ember 8, 1904, to the highest bidder
Take your friend there to dine.
Dr. Geiger reports mother and son
Cottage Grove.
fur cash, one light red heifer, yearling
Many from Forest Grove attended doing nicely.
Mr Parsons, the harness man, is past, right horn broken off; one year­
the circus in Portland Monday and
Tuesday, also the speech of Sec. Shaw,
removing his stock of goods to the I. ling heifer, black and white brindle,
O. O. F. Hall until the store building jersey bred, white spot on right hip,
Wednesday evening.
quire at the “ Eastern Eargain Store’’ in which he has been located is repair­ no brands, short horns, which above
If you die you beat it and if you
or News Office.
ed, at which time Chas. Miller will described stock was found tressassing
live you beat it. Modern National
Messrs. E. S. McNutt and Carrol remove his drugstore to the new loca­ upon the streets of said city contrary
Reserve policies give fullest protection
McNutt and their respective families tion and Mr. Parsons will then occupy to Ordinance No. 136. of said city on
at lowest cost. Get one.
Friday, August 26, 1904; unless the
are back from the coast looking and the corner occupied by Mr. Miller.
Prof. J. M. Garrison left yesterday
thereof call prior to date of
feeling much rested. They report a
for a trip in Eastern Washington and
sale and pay the charges for taking up,
very enjoyable trip.
Oregon to give instruction in penman­
Dr. S. T. Bowser, of Hillsboio, will keeping and advertising of said stock
ship and incidently to look after his
Mrs. O. Brown recently recieved be in Forest Grove Thursday of each they will be sold according to said
fancy chicken business.
the sad news of the death of her week to treat the deseases of horses. ordinance and this notice. Dated at
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hughes reached brother, Mr. Isaac Dixon, who suc- Office at Johnson’s Livery Barn.
Forest Grove this 26th day of August,
home Tuesday after a very enjoyable
P. W. CRONIN, marshal.
outing on the Wilson River and the
Hop-pickers who are engaged to
Coast. They left Tillamook at 12:30 Mrs. Brown feels the demise severely
work in J. C. Buchanan’s yard, near
p. m. Monday and reached Forest
A C o u n tr y o f L ln R a ls ta .
every native of Iceland, even
Forest Grove, will come prepared for
Grove the next day at 2 p. m.
and fishermen, can speak
west, and had intended to return to work on Thursday, Sept. 8.
at least one foreign language besides
John and Mayne Abbott were in
the old home in the near future for a
J. C. B u c h a n a n .
his local D anish dialect. Some years
Portland Tuesday and purchased a
ago it becam e a fad to study languages,
large burglar and fire proof jewelry
and now a person speaking only one
tongue is looked down upon as ex ­
safe which will accomodate their stock
Saturday afternoon,
“ Governor”
The parties who took the package trem ely ignorant. E nglish leads; then
of jewelry. [It is a beauty. They Brown, a rancher, was found burned
from truck at the depot the past week com e German nnd French. Papers in
also plead not guilty of going to the to death upon his timber claim on
these three languages are read exten ­
are hereby notified to return same to sively in Iceland and may be found in
big show.
Pebble Creek, between Buxton and
depot at once and avoid trouble, parcel all the village reading rooms.
He had been burning
Dr. Geiger is confined to his home Vernonia.
may be left at depot or News Office.
T h e H ea d nnd F eet.
by a foot which is badly inflamed as a some dead timber, and when found
The connection betw een the head and
Probate Court
result of not keeping quiet last week his body was lying between two logs,
feet is w ell known. A hot head is or­
relieved by a hot footbath.
when he was suffering from an attack
tend to congest the brain
Final account approved. Real estate
of erysipelas. It will doubtless be
and other internal organs. Som etim es
several days before the doctor can had roasted him to death. The dead decreed to belong to children of de­ cold feet are caused by tight lacing or
man was 60 years of age and well ceased, subject to dower interest of tight fitting shoes. Hut it is as much
again walk about.
known throughout the neighborhood. the widow of deceased. Administra­ a suicidal act to hasten death by com­
pressing the lungs or the feet as by
Mrs. Minnie Luster Heberlie former­ He leaves a wife and a son.
trix discharged and estate closed of com pressing the neck w ith a rope.
ly of Forest Grove, who has been visit­
ing her sister, Mrs. A. B. Todd, leaves
Mr. Sibley, of Los Angles, California, |
A S e rlo n a D e c is io n .
(aged six. after rem aining in
Monday for her home in Chico, Cali­ was here during the first of the week
Circuit Court
deep thought for quite tw o m inutes, ad­
fornia. Mrs. Todd will accompany her for a few days visit with his son who is
Margaret Delaney filed suit on Aug­ dressing her mother, who has been
as far as Ashland where they will visit connected with the Pacific Coast Con­ ust 27, suing Scott Delaney for divorce choosing frocks for her) — Mummy,
an other sister, Mrs. Anna Robbins. densed Milk Company. Mr. Sibley and alleges cruel and inhuman treat­ dear, before you buy the frocks, I’ve
thought it all over, and I think I'd rath­
is a widely traveled gentleman and ment and non-support as her cause for er be a boy.—London Tit-Bits.
There will be Union Services at the
possesses much interesting knowledge suit.
M. E. Church, Sunday evening, Rev.
Conti lied to Ilia llooni.
of the country in general. During the
Louise Ware brought suit against
Zimmerman, of the Christian Church
B enefactor — H ow is your husband
past month he has made an extended Lyman A. Ware on 31, 1904, for now, my dear w om an? Poor W om an—
will deliver the sermon. Everybody
trip through the Pacific Northwest and d’Vorce alleging cruel treatment and I am sorry to say. sir, he is confined
cordially invited. 7:30 sharp the time
says that from what he has seen of non-support as her cause for complaint to his room. B enefactor—Could I see
for the usual change is at hand and
him? Poor W om an—Possibly, sir, if
other sections he believes this locality
you applied at the county jail.
Epworth League and Christian En-
Narrow Escape
far ahead in the way of progress and
deaverors please take notice.
N o t h i n « h ut P r a i a « * .
The team of Pete Van Coren became
desirable advantages. Previous to his
“Mr. Richley had nothing but praise
F. Petezilka, whose home, bam and residence in California he resided in unmanagable last Thursday and ran for your work for him before the citi­
feed was entirely burned in the forest Southern Georgia and frequently re- down Main Street, striking the rig of zens’ com m ittee,” said the friend
“Yes.” replied the lobbyist gloom ily,
fire near Buxton, has recieved his turns there on business and is well Hubert Bernard demolishing a wheel
“nothing but praise.” — Philadelphia
insurance money, amounting to $482. informed as to the rapid changes in the and Mr. Bernard had a very narrow Press.
This money was paid in 7 days by the conditions of that country, brought escape from being severely injured.
P e rfe c tio n .
Lancastershire Co. This is the fourth about by the settlement of northern The team crashed into an electric pole
H usband—H ’m —er—w h at’s the m at­
fire he has gone through so he intends people who have gone there prepared in front of the store of Jackson & La ter with this cake? W ife—There can’t
to stay in the valley for a while, having to remain and make for themselves a Course and was caught before they be anything the matter. The cookery
book says it is the m ost delicious cake
lost even his live stock and chickens. home.
could get a fresh start.
that can be made.