Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 01, 1904, Image 1

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    Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, September 1, 1904.
Vol. 2.
No. 16
near Greeley, Colorado, where he will
New Business House Opens
out of the rear door with Oakman and
a friend of Oakman’s, Craig. As they
The Cornelius M. E. Church was
business matters.
passed the door Oakman drew a knife
the scene of a very pretty wedding at
occupied by the News on Pacific Ave­ and stabbed Bennett, severing the
2 p. m. on Wednesday, August 24,
A Real Pioneer
nue and will fit it up at once and will jugular vein. Bennett, covered with
when Miss Maud Ethel Marsh and
a complete line of ladies’ and blood, dragged himself into the door
The News Office enjoyed a call
Mr. Newton A. McCounahay were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony, yesterday from Almoran Hill, one of gents’ furnishing goods. Saturday will again and said “ Oakman has stabbed
Rev. R. B. Wilkins officiating. The the old pioneers whom we always are be the opening day. The new store will me’’. Oakman and his friend rushed
church was very tastefully decorated, proud to honor. Way back in the be called “ The Eastern Bargain by the Argus Office northward and
the color scheme being green and days when Oregon was unknown came Store.’’ Mr. Axelrod comes highly later Craig returned while Oakman fled
Dr. J. P.
Lohengrin’s wedding march the first immigration party to the Co­ recommended as a business man and northward on a wheel.
was played by Mrs. R. B. Wilkins.
The bride wore white silk with a veil this party were Almoran Hill and his meet the requirements of the com­ aid the injured man but to no avail,
Bennett expiring in about 20 minutes
of tulle caught with orange blossoms, still living and faithful wife, Sarah Jane munity.
after the fatal stab. His younger
and carried white roses. Refreshments Hill. During this long journey was
A Cold Blooded Murder
brother was with the dying man during
were spread in the parlors of the
Last Saturday Hillsboro and the
church and were daintily served by the daughter, Dianth. In the same party entire county was filled with gloom and his last moments. The pursuit of Oak­
Misses Marsh, Scholfield,
Giacie were two brothers of Mr. Hill, William consternation over one of the most man was at once taken up and he was
and Henry, both of whom are now
seen once or twice but eluded the
Schniffer and AUie Burwitz.
cold blooded murders ever committed
The bride is a daughter of William dead. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have for in this county. About one year ago deputies who did not know him well
Marsh, of Centerville, and formerly a many’long years enjoyed the fruits of Bert Oakman, a young man from Mon­ enough to recognize him at first sight.
student at the Oregon Agricultural their early privations and each year mouth, Illinois, came west to this The whole county and the Portland
College, and for two years past one of the surviving tribes of Indians send county. Telegrams to his old home police were notified and have been hot
Washington County’s teachers. The their representatives with presents to confirm that he left a wife and child upon his trail, at this writing the trail
seems to be lost but the officers and
groom since coming from South Dakota this aged couple to show in their who are well thought of.
about three years ago, has resided at simple manner their love for them, here he posed as a single man and deputies are straining every nerve to
Centerville. Mr. and Mrs. McCou­ a loving tribute in life’s closing day. formed a fast friendship with Frank capture him. Rumor has it that he
nahay left immediately for South Da­ Mr. Hill was accompanied by C. C. Bennett. The two young men were was seen near Holbrook last night and
officers are on the ground.
kota where they expect to spend some Hoopes, of Gaston.
always together.
Oakman worked
near the city and was not in the habit
friend Craig is now in jail awaiting a
A Son's Perfidy
of being about the city to any great
possible charge of accessary after the
Mrs. Austin, an aged lady of Corne­
extent so was only passably well known.
fact. No blame whatever is attached
lius, and her son, Edward R. Austin,
At the home of the brides parents owned a farm jointly and some few For a few months Oakman has been to the young ladies who have unfor­
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Beyers, near weeks ago sold it for $4000 which was keeping company with Miss Alta Led­ tunately been dragged before the pub­
Thatcher Wednesday evening August divided between them. The mother ford, of Hillsboro, while his friend, lic eye by this sad occurance. They
Frank Bennett was keeping company
24th, Miss Grace Beyer was united in requested the son to deposit her money
belong to a good family and are well
with her sister Miss Vesta Ledford.
marriage to Mr. R. W. Orr.
thonght of in Hillsboro. They are al­
for her and instead of so doing he
The wedding was a quiet one, only placed it in his own name and refused Frank Bennett knew of the fact that most prostrate with grief over the
the relatives of the bride and groom to turn it over upon request. The Oakman was a married man and when occurance. Frank Bennett, the mur­
being present, the ceremony being mother brought suit against her son Oakman’s relations with Miss Ledford dered man, is a young man about 24
performed by Rev. Staver of the Con­ for an accounting after which the son were such as to cause Bennett years of age and was well thought of.
to fear that an engagement and
gregational church of Forest Grove.
His aged mother lies at the point of
skipped for parts unknown. He was
An elaborate supper had been pre­ traced to British Columbia where all marriage might result, he deemed death and does not know of the terrible
pared, to which the guests assembled trace of him was lost. It is hoped it his duty to object to the course crime. The sad news will be kept
Oakman was taking and was informed
after the ceremony. In all, the oc­ that an early capture may be made and
from her to the last. The funeral
casion was one lhat all present heartily the proper punishment meted out to that if he told he would get killed for took place from the Christian Church
telling. Never the less when Oak­
enjoyed. The bride and groom are such a son.
at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. Jas.
man persisted in his wrong doing Ben­
well known young people of that vi­
Campbell officiating. The interment
nett informed Miss Ledford of the facts
cinity, and have a host of friends to Candidates for the trip to St. Louis
occured at I. O. O. F. Cemetery un­
in the case. Upon the next visit of
extend to them well wishes for the
Following is the total vote cast for
der the auspices of the M. W. A.
Oakman to the Ledford home he was 1
future. The bride has resided with the candidates to World’s Fair at St.
Camp, of Hillsboro, attended by a
called to task for his perfidy in repre- i
her parents at the present home the Louis up to last evening.
large number of lodges from surround­
senting himself a single man and he at
past four or five years, and has the
Alyce Cronin..............................3340'
ing cities, also by a large circle of
once sought out Bennett. Bennett at
highest esteem of all who know her.
Pearl Chandler............................ 2949
friends and relatives.
the time was drinking a glass of beer
The groom came here from Colorado
Lena Parker...............................2875
There is much indignation expressed
at the saloon of Preston Southworth. |
last year and has won for himself a
Manche Langley..........................726
and some talk of dealing summarily
Entering the saloon Oakman asked
commendable reccomendation for good
Stella Via.................................... 30 Bennett to go out with him to which with the murderer if he is caught, but
character and industry. He left on
Detta Friday................................ 13 he replied that he would in a moment.: better reason will prevail and the law
Monday’s train for his former home
Grace Baer.................................. 11 Finishing his glass of beer he passed will be allowed to take its course.