S o m e F o re s t G ro v e H o m es The school board of school district No. 2 have entered into contract with Mr. S. C. Sherril, Miss Lillian Mc- Vickars, and Miss Louise Moobery to teach the Cornelius school for the en- sueing year. Mr. Sherrill, the princi­ pal, has been teaching the Betheny school for the past eight months. Miss McVickars in the district about 14 miles north of Glencoe. Miss Moob­ ery will teach in the same department as last year. We believe that the Board have engaged a corps of effici­ ent teachers, and it is up to the pat­ rons and pupils of the district to help to make our school a success for the coming year. R . W. McNutt and family and L. S. Rogers and family intend starting for the coast August 10. They ex­ pect to camp at Garabaldi. R e s id e n c e o f D r . E . B . R e n t z H. A. J e r o m e , A r c h i t e c t a n d Hu 11 dor-. Dr. Wm, M. Pollock, Cornelius Too late for I *! week. DENTIST. Office over Bazaar, Forest Grove, Or. All work in the dental line. R eg­ ulating c h i l d r e n and adult teeth. Prepared to do work at night, but must be by ap* pointm ent............. C. L. Large, M. D. . . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . . Diseases of women a specialty. Forest Grove, - - Oregon REPAIRING X 8 W agons... - : H •] ...Buggies jri Farm Two of our young ladies rescued 13 of the Cornelius cows from some boys j f l who were driving them to the pound M jq j in Forest Grove. The owners should extend a vote of thanks to the young ladies and at least half the pound charges and more food and water to the cows. Implements Done neatly and practically at prices you can well afford. Bring your work to my shop Kl O L"J y y ....AT THE OLD TAt-TOUY.... LIJ K John Stribich Church and Society Directory. Strangers cordially Invited to attend. P H R IS T IA N CHURCH. Preaching every Sunday at ^ 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. 4 4 THE GOUWIIL HOTEL E. Church. Rev. Belknap, pastor. Preaching M • every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 12. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30. i When you come to Forest Grove stop at /C o n g r e g a t io n a l c h u r c h . Rev. Daniel staver, pastor. Meets In College Chapel. Preaching every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 12. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30 F h A. M„ Holbrook Lodge No. 30. Meets once • each month on the Saturday evening before full moon, in Masonic Hall. J. S. Buxton, W. M., J. C. Clark, Sec. ‘‘ T H E C O LO N IA L” E A S T E R N STAR, Forest Chapter No. 42. Meets the first Monday in every month, in Masonic Hall. Mrs. C. F. Miller, W. M., L illie D. Harris, Sec. T O. O. F ., Forest Grove Lodge No. 48. Meets • every Monday evening in the I. O. O. F. Hall. J. f . Brooks, N. G., J. T. Brooks, Sec. I R e s id e n c e o f W . M c E id o w n e y B . A. J e r o m e . A r c h i t e c t a n d B u ild e r V/ W. of A., Forest Grove Camp No. 6228. Meets every second and fourth Friday evenings of each mouth in Masonic Hall, J. Q. Jackson, V. C.. H. G. King., Clerk. W Garden Home Too late for last week Mr. Barker, the sawyer of the mill, brought his wife and two boys out Tuesday, and they will camp the re­ mainder of the summer. Emma Nicholson is picking berries for Mr. Johnson of Hillsdale. Anton Blosick’s finger is much im­ proved though it will be some time before he can work. E. C. Mays has returned from Cali­ fornia where he has been for the past four months for his health. He says he is feeling much better than when he left although he has lost fifteen pounds. Opal Jarvis, who has been visiting with Mrs. C. E. Mays for the past four weeks, returned to her home in Portland, Wednesday. George Helliere and Fred Ramsey are building an addition to Chas. Walter’s house. Mr. Nessen is home. W. C. Dareby, Mrs. Fred Ramsy and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. Morgensen is sick, Dr. Vincent Ramsy, of Cornelius have gone up in of Tigardville, being called to attend the mountains above Denny crossing him. to pick berries. The dance at the Union hall Satur­ Mrs. Ida Gosney, of Baker City, day night was largely attended and a is visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. E. splendid time was reported. Trumbo, at Shady Brook. Glencoe Too late for last week: H . Danchey is visiting with his cousin, Mrs. J. A. Lynn, on Pumpkin Ridge. The W. O. W. will unveil the monu­ Dr. Connell, of Portland, spent Sun­ ment of Perry Miller at the Miller day up at Meatcham’s Crossing, where cemetery at three o’clock Sunday after­ his wife, her mother and brother are noon, August 7. HP • O. W ., Forest Grove Camp No. 98. Meets every • Saturday evening In I. O. O. F. Hall. John Stribbich, C. C., John Anderson, Clerk. Everything first class. Best of service. Rates reasonable. H. VILLIGER, Proprietor TXT O. W ., Holly Circle No. 185. Meets on the ’ ’ • second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month In I. O. O. F. Hall. Jessie Buxton, G. N., Anna Pomeroy, Clerk. Forest Grove, Oregon t i>TTTTTTTTTTT