Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 11, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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gesf in
¡«Ili i f «s
g I Iff
By our fair treatment
and qualities of Meat,
we are able to meet all
competition. Our pri­
ces are as low as the
lowest and we give you
the very best quality
for your m oney..........
Smoked Meats,
Fresh Meats,
Fresh Fish,
Are always select ar d
we make a specialty of
promptness with orders
to be delivered. Every­
thing we send from the
shop is guaranteed. . .
Make regular trips in
the country and will
call at your home with
a fine line of meats at
prices you can afford
Our city delivery is al­
ways prompt and you
get what you order. . .
Be N ot
D e c e iv e d
We are here to do busi­
ness and will give you
a fair deal. Come in
and see for yourself. . ,
Main St. Forest Gran
An experienced woman as cook at
H errick Hall, Pacific University, at
Forest Grove, Oregon.
will be required. Services to begin
about Sept. 20. 1904. Call on or
address— T he M atron.
Council Meeting
to be favored,
At the regular m eeting of the city spare copy of the last Annuals ,
council all officers were present ex cep t (Y ear Book for 1903) 0f your B ^
Councilmen C. N. Johnson and Star T rade, and also a printed list, if a*
is any such a list, of the Officials J
em bers, comprising your hononj
T he m inutes of the last m eeting
Board of T rade, for which, I sh(
were read and approved.
T he finance com m ittee reported feel very m uch obliged to you.
For Sale
Awaiting the pleasure to receive I
160 acres 6 miles northwest of favorably on the following bills which
valuable documents, I beg
Buxton. 16 acres cleared, no build­ the council allowed.
2 53 b e, D ear Sit, Yours respectfully,
Goff Bros, m aterial.................! $
ings, price $500.
9 73
G. de Saint Jean.
2 acres 3 miles from Portland. A W J Fuqua, lab o r...................
W F & Co, ex p ress...............
G. de Saint Jean. I
snap at $100.
18 85 Civil E ngineer, chez Mr. E. L. Sawyer,
W S H udson, treasu rer-----
H . G. K in g ,
16 00
P W Cronin, m arshall............
32, Avenue de TOpera,
Forest Grove.
12 00
W H Lyda, m aterial..............
The Portland Safe Co.
3 50
Wash Co Pub Co, P rin tin g ..
Big S a le of Lumber
Are m aking many sales in this T J Harris, lab o r.....................
16 00
coi nty and every safe is giving satisfac­ M M unkers, lab o r...................
In order to clean up the entire stock I
8 80
tion. T hey constantly study to im­ Crane Co, m aterial.................
5 76 of lum ber, tim bers, telephone polo
prove every feature of their safe Portland G El Co, m aterial..
18 28 e tc ., at the W. H . Lyda sawmill, jj
construction and this alone keeps them Thomas & Jam es, m aterial. .
1 75 Cedar Canyon, 7 miles north of Fore;
in the fore ranks.- T heir locking de­ E A Dixon, lab o r...................
6 00 Grove. This stock will be sold toil»
vices, their cabinet features and finish Miles Purdin, m aterial..........
11 65 highest bidder on suitable term.
make a safe which is handsom e and at John Stribbich, ’ w itness.........
1 00 T his stock m ust be sold by reason of
the same tim e durable. Any infor­
1 00 expiration of lease of lands. Thai
David K een, w itle s s ..............
mation as to price and catalogues write
20 00 your opportunity to get lumber at i
Alex H u n ter, g rav el...............
to Portland Safe Co. 70 Sixth St.
bargain. Several thousand feet tf
Portland, Oregon.
T o ta l........................................... $153 57 cedar lum ber and dressed cedar posts. |
T h e treasurer’s report as accep ted
W. H. L yda
Garden Home
Mrs. Richardson has com pany from for July is as follows:
Seattle. T he young lady formerly
Probate Court
113 28
Balance on h a n d ......................
lived here.
Estate of F red Schulenburg, decea!|
1 50
Joseph Gill was not able to be at P W C ro n in ...............................
L C W alk er...............................
2 00 ed. Final account and report Ed
his work W ednesday.
137 04 herein. Sept. 6, 1904, at 10 o’clod
Mike and Anton Blosick, and the County treasu rer......................
34 00 set for hearing objections to said ac-
gentlem an who rents the Blosick S B H uston on H artcraft note.
2 75 count and report.
place, went out to Sucker lake fishing L am p s.........................................
Guardianship of Martha, Err*
Light fu n d ................................. 243 68
Saturday evening.
W ater fu n d ...............................
213 63 H en ry and Freda Schulenberg, min®.
Lou Blosick went to
A ugusta Schulenberg appoineed guard­
$747 88 ian with bond fixed at $1000.00.
Mr. Jesperson did not like the east
E state of Elizabeth Culby, deceased
as well as he expected, it seems, for T A R ic h ie ...............................
3 50 Inventory and appraisement shoring i
he is back again.
E W H a in e s............................
150 00 total valuation of $144.05 in personal
T he Beaverton m inister visited Mrs. Forest Grove T im e s..............
2 25 property exam ined and approved.
H ursch Thursday.
41 18
E state of James N. Shearer, de
15 00 ceased. Final account heard and ap-
Mr. Geo. Spencer arrived in Port­
land Sunday afternoon and Monday
17 76 pro\ ed. Personal property ordered to
cam e to Garden H om e to visit his
287 75 be set aside to widow. The executor
discharged and estate closed of record
step-m other and sister, Mrs. Spencer
$527 44
and Mrs. Peterson.
E state of Jam es P. Sloan, deceased.
220 44 Inventory and appraisement shoring
Beal Estate
Street com m ittee reported that th ey valuation of $390.00 examined and
John Purvis and wife to Robert T
had hauled gravel to cover the am ount approved.
Purvis s£ of the n e i of sec 26
of money allowed them and that it
G uardianship of Lloyd and Roy Bald­
t 1 s r 3 w Wil M er 80 acres. 11100
made a fair road to the depot.
win, minors. Sale of real estate con
Robert S Lybarger to D. Bishup
An ordinance was reported relative firmed.
authorized >0
29.75 acres in t 1 s r 4 w ___ 800
to the side walk grade on Pacific ave­ execute d eed to purchaser.
L A Ware to Louise F Ware
Estate of John P. Smith, deceased.
120£ acres in t 2 n r 4 w ......... 2700 nue by the Thomas & Jam es store.
It was referred to the ordinance Final account approved. Administra
Thom as C M eehan to C P Syer-
com m ittee.
son 30 acres in sec 26 t 1 s r
trix discharged and estate closed o
2 * ...................................................1500
William M Curtis et ux to W B
G uardianship of John T. Johnson
Curtis 7.73 acres in t 1 s r 2
In co m p eten t. Annie T. Johnson *PJ
w Will M er. Consideration
Letter from France
m aintenance and support of
Judge W. H . Hollis, the secretary pointed guardian for his per500
of Forest Grove’s Board of T rade, re- estate with bond fixed at $4000.
H enry Kamna to Dietrich Kamna
E state P eter Harper, deceased.
5 acres in t 1 s r 2 w ...............
j cieved the following letter this week.
Thomas Roberts et al to Ann
This proves that Forest Grove is still
Macks 6.46 acres in t 1 s r 2
on the map and that the untiring
w ...................................................... 296 efforts of the m em bers of the board
Mark Kline
to Frederick W
will be rewarded even from gay Paree.
Brampton lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 in
W. H . H o l l is , E s q .
block 2 Purdy’s am ended add
to D illey...................V................. 200
Sec t y. of the Forest Grove Board of
Irene Ann Beal et al tp Chas B
Trade, Forest Grove, Or.
K idder et al 8 acres
sec 33
Dear Sir:— I have the honor to call
t 1 n r 3 w ........................; ........... 650
on your courtesy and kindness in order
A dm inistrator discharged, estate c
of record.
E state of H annahette Bruce,
ed. Final account and report^
herein. Sept. 5, 1904, at 10 ° c
a. m. set for hearing. Notice to
given by posting notices
public places in Washington
tp fv v