•O Auction house for furniture. 2 LOCAL HAPPENINGS i Fancy dishes at Nicholson & Son’ s. Axle grease, best on earth at W. R. Binder twine at Goff Bros. H icks’ . Weitzel & Christian for groceries. For choice building lots see J. P. Wagner. Art squares beat carpet.— Roe & Buxton’ s. Cooking a pleasure on a stove from Cedar posts and tiling at T . A. Ritchey’ s, M. Peterson. Garden and feed seeds of all kinds Plumbing Fixtures o f . all kinds at Goff Bros. So-Bos-So $1.00 per gallon. Mar­ tin’ s Feed Store. Mrs. R. Leabo and family returned from Newport this week. Standard ranges and Moore steel King stoves at Goff Bros. Oyster shells, food. Eat at the Michigan House. grit, bone and egg- Martin’ s Feed Store. at Martin & Co. National Stock Food the only reliable kind. Martin’ s Feed Store. The wife and family of George Han­ Notions of all kinds, The only Double Tracked Railway be­ tween Missouri River and Chicago... everything the latest at the Magnet. The Mrs. Maxaon property was sold Tw o Through Trains Daily Y o u c a n ¿ e t on th e t r a in in P o r t l a n d a n d n e e d n o t &et o ff u n t il yo u a r r iv e in Q h ic a & o this week to Thos. Cox, Consideration S ee that Your Ticket Reads Via the C. & N. W. RY. A. G. BARK ER , GENERAL AGENT. C. E. B O C K M A N N , PASSENGER AGENT, or money refunded. Meats— The best in town delivered to your home. Chicago & Northwestern Railway spring goods, being $800. The Nixon Land Co. ef­ Fresh and true to fected the sale. name. Martin’ s Feed Store. Nicholson & Son, the grocers, sell A first-class family carriage for sale Pendleton White Satin flour warranted Enquire F. E. Waters. Portland to Chicago Via O. R. <£ JV, Co. Oregon Short Line , Union Pacific and cock are at the coast for their vacation. Turnip seed. cheap. ONLY 7 0 HOURS A. Saelen & Co. Mrs. Howard No. 153 Third St., Portland, Or. arrived here from Portland this week for a visit with the For a fine Sunday dinner go to the family of P. J. Ward. Colonial. Dinner served from 6 to 7:30 p. m. Dr. and Mrs. Crang have arrived home from Astoria, Meals— Just what satisfy your hunger. House. after a pleasant you want to visit in that ancient seaport. At the Michigan Mrs. W. D. DeVam ey of Kansas City, Kansas, is spending a pleasant STRONGEST IN T H E W O R LD When in Forest Grove over try the Michigan House. and meals. night, week with Mrs. S. G. Hughes. Good beds If you are troubled with catarrh, sore throat, diseases of lungs, stomach or It will be at kidneys.— Consult Dr. Geiger. the week. A. Your home made pleasant when Watch for our wagon. your door during Saelen & Co. properly papered. Our line is the Greenville has largest in the city. Roe & Buxton. been very low with tonsilitis, but is Lost— A shawl, red with varied col­ slowly improving. orings, on Gales Creek road between Our prices you will find to be right Watt’ s school house and Forest Grove. Chas. and you Reiling get Everybody knows that “ Strongest in the W o rld ” means T h e Equitable Life. Rates no higher than other companies T. H. PETERS, Special Agent, 306 Oregonian Building, Portland, Or. of what you order. A. Finder please leave at News office. If you intend buying hardware you Born at Buxton, Oregon, July 26th„ should call and see the most complete to Mrs. A. Philippe at the hom e of Mrs. James Darling has one of the stock in the valley. It costs nothing, Mr. F. J. Peterzelka, an 8 pound son. The parlors of Mademoiselle La- largest squashes grown in this vicinity see for yourself. Goff Bros, are up-to- Mother and son are reported as getting Course can be found at the corner of along nicely. at her home, The Maples, in this city. date merchants. Fourth street and Pacific avenue. It is the Hubbard kind and will meas­ Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hines and son Jack Ballard and family are at Ne- The Misses Darling gave a porch ure 15 or 16 inches in diameter. Miles, returned Saturday from New­ tarts by the sea, for their vacation? party at their home The Maples, Fri­ Try our violet wheat flakes for mush, port, where they have been enjoying Jack is gaining strength rapidly from day evening. Progressive flinch was the use of salt water, of which he the finest package made for the the past few weeks at the sea side. the game of the evening. money. Every package contains a Prof. J. M. Garrison, his son Paul takes a Bumper every morning. If you have serious difficulty in coupon, 20 of which entitles you to a and son-in-law Bert Huckaby, of Port­ The building on Main street owned walking with comfort, call on Madam- White House cook book. Weitzel & land, started Monday, for an extended by Chas. F. Miller, and long occupied oiselle LaCourse and let her advise Christian. fishing and hunting trip up the Wilson by The Tim es, the express and tele­ with you. It will cost you nothing. Many extraordinary compliments are River. graph offices, and the Parson’ s harness She is an expert chiropidist. being paid to the result accomplished The mineral ledge recently found shop, is to be thoroughly overhauled The Misses Knight, Kiberle and by Mademoiselle LaCourse. An ex­ on property belonging to Mrs. Nixon in the near future and placed among Darling returned this week from their pert chiropodist and hair dresser of so near North Yamhill, has been carefully Forest Grove’ s most neat and attractive Saelen & Co. camping trip on the Nehalem River. high an order can rarely be found in assayed and returns show 44 per cent business blocks. A new plate glass The Austin Bros, who were with the so small a place as Forest Grove and lead. Mr. Wm. Gerrish and Mrs. front, a new floor, a new roof and sky­ party killed a bear which gave them a at such reasonable prices. Nixon will develop the property at light, and a com plete change made to supply of meat during their stay. one large, attractive room , will materi­ Garibaldi is to have a life saving once. Ray Hadley, who is well known by ally change the appearance of Main have in their vicinity a stock of grocer­ ing been made. This week the in­ the Nebraska people here, having re­ street. A fine set of fixtures are now ies which is being put in by Mr. J. spectors S. P. Kimble, C. H . McLillan sided in Furnas county for several on their way from the east and when will be highly North, the store room at his residence and W. H . Roberts were there and the years, is here visiting with friends. placed in position The residents of South Park will station the appropriation of $500 hav­ will be advertised for bids Mr. Hadley’ s home is now in Whittier, creditable to a city of our size. It such a stock as the people will need next month. The inspectors were California, but during the past year he will undoubtedly be used by the owner at prices no higher than elsewhere. brought from Tillamook over the Wil- has been in eastern Oregon in the for a drug store and will be a fine Give him a call. sjn river route by J. H. McNamer. employ of the Portland Trading Co. location. on 4th street. Mr. North will have contract %