Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 11, 1904, Image 1

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    Voi. 2.
Forest Gravo, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, August 11, 1904.
Prof. Joseph Marsh Returns From His
Extended Eastern Trip
No. 13
crossing the plains their party was lost
Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock Miss on Meeks Cut-off for many days, dur­
One More Added to the List of Fatali­
Prof. Joseph Marsh returned Tues­ Daisy Giltner, of this city, was united ing which time there was a scarcity of
ty Accidental Shooting
day morning from an extended eastern in marriage with A. C. Phillips^ also of food and they suffered great privations.
Sunday afternoon, Fred S. Hamblin,
trip and is looking and feeling none Forest Grove, Rev. Kane, of Sheridan, ! In 1856 Mr. Wooley was married to
son of Mr. J. M. Hamblin of Glen- the worse for his long tour. Over six officiating.
The contracting parties Eliza Gibson, a daughter of William
wood, in company with three other
weeks ago he left for Burlington, Ver­ are well and favorably known and have O. and Melinda Gibson, who came to
boys, while in the woods near Neha- mont, his early home, also at that point a host of friends to wish them .a happy Oregon in 1847 and took up a claim
lem met with an accident that cost is situated the University of Vermont future. The ceremony took place at where now stands the town of Dilley.
him his life. The boys were traveling from which he graduated in 1857. the home of the groom’s parents in Owing to his fathers age, Mr. Wooley
through the timber, and while passing
He found the old home place vastly this city in the presence of many and his wife moved to the old farm
under a fallen tree, a shotgun loaded changed and he alone knows what relatives and friends. The bride was and had charge of it for several years
with buck shot, in the hands of Alva I
feelings and memories were called into very pretty in white silk organdy art­ when they sold it and moved to For­
Schoonover of Cornelius, was accident-1
being by the old time landscapes and istically made up with silk lace and a est Grove. Mr. Wooley was an enter­
ly discharged, the contents of the shot their various changes. He also visited satin sash. The happy young couple , prising farmer and did mucii to help
entering young Hamblin near the hip Boston, and other eastern points and left for Tacoma, Seattle and other I open this county. He had the horior
joint causing a painful and fatal wound. travelled extensively through Canada. points, and will then locate in North ^ of having helped cut the first wagon
He was carried to the nearest house,
Yakima, Washington for a few months, road to Portland which is now known
and Dr. Via was at once summoned.
Severely Injured
where Mr. Phillips has an interest in a as the Canyon road.
The lad's injury was so severe they
From Forest Grove, Mr. Woaley
Mrs. Kern, of Portland, daughter large contract.
concluded to bring him out but he of Mr. S. C. Sears near Thatcher and .
and family moved to eastern Oregon
only lived a few hours after the acci­ sister of our townsman, W. N. Sears, Not Asleep! But Very Much Awake where he engaged in stock raising,'
dent, dying at the house of Mr. Reed, met with a severe accident Sunday
Although the youngest order in but on account of ill health they were
who lives on the Glenwood road. To­ evening while driving with her younger Forest Grove, the members of the obliged to remove to the Willamette
day Fred would have been 20 years brother here in the city. The horse Modem National Reserve are awake to Valley; and so went to Portland, where
of age. He was a promising young became suddenly frightened and was the advantages of the order and the they resided up to the time of his
man, having attended school in Forest cramping the carriage until it was welfare of their neighbors, and last death. Mr. Wooley has a
Grove and was desirous of attaining for 1 turning over with the occupants, Mrs. Friday night met in full force at I. O. brother, Edward, who survives him.
himself a worthy place in life. He Kern with her two small children O. F. hall. After miniating a class of Eight children were born to Mr. and
leaves a father and a brother besides attempted to get out from the wreck five into the mysteries of the order, it Mrs. Wooley, of whom five, with their
many friends to mourn his untimely but was caught and in some manner threw open its doors to a large number widowed mother, are still living. Mrs.
death. His remains were interred in was trampled upon by the horse. The of guests.
Emma W. Chandler of Forest Grove,
the Naylor Cemetery. Monday evening. children escaped unhurt but Mrs.
A pleasing program of songs, Mrs. W. F. Breidenstein of Portland,
Kem recieved several dangerous speeches, recitations etc. was rendered Mrs. Frank Walling of Forest Grove,
Fire at Dilley
wounds, she was removed to the home in which a number of the guests took Mrs. John Walling of Amity, and Fred
Sunday evening the old sawmill of W. N. Sears and medical assistance part, after which a bountiful luncheon E. Wooley of Spokane, Washington.
Mr. Wooley was a worthy representa­
building adjacent to Dilley was in summoned. Her condition is very of ice cream and cake was served.
tive of the noble and brave pioneers;
some unknown manner set afire and critical but recovery is probable.
The M. N. R. will have another he was a man of sterling traits of char­
burned to the ground. This was at
supper in about three months, and if acter and was loved and esteemed by
all who knew him.
one time one of the best mills in Wash­
you want a share in that, make it
ington County and was operated by
Dr. Via and N. C. Lilley, while in known to some member and he or she
Market Remodled
Mr. McCloud, who now resides in attendance at the Hamblin accident will explain to you how you can get a
The market of McNamer & Johnson
Washington. The loss will be about Sunday night, met with an accident free ticket.
on Pacific avenue is being remodled
S I00 or S200, the value of the build-1 that resulted in the injury of both
in order to enlarge their stock of
ings, it was lucky that the wind was parties, though not seriously. They
groceries and supplies. New goods
to the south or other buildings in the were driving on the road through the Henry Wooley, an honored pioneer of will fill the shelves, and every line for
1845, died at his home in Portland, family use will be complete. They
immediate vicinity would have been timber and came too near the edge of
August 5th, 1904. Funeral
a grade causing the buggy to turn
were held at the Methodist have now one of the finest markets
^ ■ i .
. ...
over, both men being thrown out.
church at Forest Grove, August 9th west of Portland and are prepared
Arm Broken
Dr. Via was injured about the head
and interment took place at the to satisfy their
patronage. They
W. N. Kalher, an employee at W. ! and has a badly bruised eye. Mr.
Buxton cemetery.
handle only the best of meats and are
H. Lyda’s saw mill north of Forest Lilley’s shoulder was badly bruised
Henry Wooley was born in Athens prompt in delivery. You will find
Grove, was unfortunate by having his and hewill be laid up a few days. Af­ county, Ohio, March 28th, 1830, and their prices as low as the lowest and
arm broken Wednesday afternoon. ter the buggy turned over the team be was the son of Jacob and Ellenor the best of quality in every line.
He was placing a belt on a revolving came frightened and ran away, doing Wooley. With his parents he moved
Card of Thanks
wheel when his arm was caught b e -; considerable damage to the buggy. from Ohio to Missouri and in the
We extend our heartfelt thanks to
tween the belt and rim of the wheel, Mr. Busse, who resides near the scene spring of 1845 the family in company the kind friends and neighbors who as­
resulting in a bad fracture. Dr. Link- of the accident, gave them the needed with others, journeyed by ox team sisted us during the trying hours at­
tending the death and burial of our be­
later dressed the member and Mr. relief and assisted them into town across the plains to Oregon, and set-
loved son and brother.
Kalher is now able to be about.
Monday morning.
> tied on a farm near Hillsboro. In M r . J. M. H amblin and F amily .