Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 28, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Johnson & Co.
Sealed Bids Wanted
See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our
specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail.
Baggage and freight called for and delivered.
Finest Rigs.
Best Horses.
Notice is hereby given that the di­
rectors of school district No 15, Wash­
ington county, Oregon, will receive
sealed bids for erecting an addition to
the present school house of said dist­
rict, said addition to be completed and
ready for occupancy by October 1st,
1904. Bids will be opende August 1,
1904. Plans and specifications to be
seen at the Clerk’s office.
W. S. H u d s o n , C. N. J o h n s o n ,
Good Drivers.
Comer Main and Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, Or.
Public Sale of Dairy Stock
The most complete Stock west of Portland.
Come in and see for yourself
Builders’ and Shelf Hardware
A Car load just in.
Ranges and Stoves
The line of Stoves and Ranges we
carry cannot be excelled.
Piping and Fixtures
W e have a large assortment of
Plumbing Supplies.
Wire Nettings
Paints and Oils
all kinds. The Champion
Hay Tools of Make
of Mowers and Binders,
Carriers and Forks.
Goff Bros.
fu m m m u iiiim ìuiuk
For Sale
For the next two weeks Dr. Hines’
drug store will sell cameras at cost.
A line of films, paper, developers,
mounts and chemicals, at right prices
at D r . H in e s ’.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between Frest
Grove and Prtland.
Ix>w round-trip rates have been
placed in effect between Portland and
Forest Grove, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold Saturday after­
noons and Sundays, limited to re­
turn on or before the following Mon­
day. Rate of f 1.05 round trip. Call
on Southern Pacific's agents for par­
The undersigned will sell at public
auction without reserve, at his farm at
Banks, 2 miles north of Greenville, at
10 a. m., on
Six heifers, two and three years, High
Graded Jerseys, now in milk, fresh; 3
cows, four years old, fresh, Graded
Jerseys; 5 head cows, in milk, six,
seven and eight years, part of them
Graded Jerseys and Holsteins.
Six month’s time, interest at 6 per
cent, off for cash. Note must be
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
This is a fine herd, the result of 8
years’ selection in the dairy business
Mr. Schulmerich is going out of the
dairy business for the present, and
here is an opportunity to build up your
herd with some fine stock.
Oregon Development League
Church and Society Directory.
Strangers cordially invited to attend.
f* H R IS T IA N CHURCH. P reaching every Sunday at
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30
P. M. P rayer m eeting T hursday evening at 7:30.
E. Church. Rev. B elknap, pastor.
P reaching
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday
School at 12. Epworth L eague 6:30 P. M.
m eeting Thursday evening, 7:30.
C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CHURCH. Rev. Daniel S taver,
pastor. Meets in College Chapel. Preaching every
Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 12.
Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 P. M. P rayer m eeting T hursday
evening 7:30
& A. M,, Hclbrook Lodge No. 30. Meets once
• each month on the Saturday ev en in g before full
moon, in Masonic H all. J. S. B uxton, W . M., J. C.
C lark, Sec.
"pA ST E R N STAR, Forest C hapter No. 42. Meets the
-I—' first Monday in every m onth, in Masonic H all.
Mrs. C. F. M iller, W. M ., L izzie D. H arris, Sec.
O. O. F ., Forest Grove Lodge No. 48.
every Monday evening in the 1. O. O. F. H all.
J. C. Brooks, N. G., J. T. Brooks, Sec.
A X W. of A., Forest Grove Camp No. 6228. Meets
i V l . every second and fourth Friday evenings of each
month in Masonic H all. J. Q. Jackson, V. C.. H. G.
K ing., Clerk.
O. W ., Forest Grove Camp No. 98. M eets every
Saturday evening in I. O. O. F. H all. John
Stribbich, C. C., John Anderson, Clerk.
TXT' O. w . . H olly C ircle No. 185. Meets on the
W . 3 econc| and fourth W ednesday evenings of each
month in I. O. O. F. H all. Jessie Buxton, G. N ., Anna
Pom eroy, Clerk.
TO N IG H TS O F PYTHIAS, D tlphos Lodge No. 39.
Meets every Thursday evening in Masonic H all. A.
B. Todd, C. C.. J. H. W escott. K. R. & S.
TD ATHBONE SISTERS D elphin T em ple, No. 32. Meets
on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in
Masonic H all. Miss Jessie Buxton, M. E. C., Mrs.
Elva W escott, M. of R. C.
A. R., D epartm ent of Oregon, J. B. Mathews Post
No. 6. Meets first and third W ednesdays at 1:30
p. m. in Masonic H all. John H. Baker, Com mander,
S. B. S tarrett, Adjutant.
R. K. P., Delphos Rank No. 8. Meets the fourth
T hursday evening each m onth in the Masonic H all.
j. j . W irtz, C apt., Robert W irtz, Sec.
■\JA TIV E DAUGHTERS, Tabitha Brown Cabin No.
' 24. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, in I. O. O.
F. H all. G ertrude M arsh, Pres. Elda W alker, Sec.
ARTISANS, Diamond Assembly No. 27.
Meets the first and third Tuesday evenings of each
month in the I. O. O. F. H all.
C. B. Stokes, Sec.
L. C. W alker, M. A.,
RANGE, Gales G range. Meets first Saturday of
rn rh
month in Masonic H all. D aniel B aker,
M aster, J. B. M cPherson, Sec.
EBECCAS, Forest Lodge No 44. Meets the 1st and
3rd W ednesday evening of every month in I. O. O.
F. H all. C harlotte Graham , N. G.. Carrie H oley, Sec.
O. F. Verboot, V isitation Court. No. 1113. J. F.
Pcerenboom, C. E.; Peter V andersander, V. C. R.
Meets first and third T hursdays of each month.
C •
V F .N IT H Rebekah Lodge No. 31. m eets at Gaston,
O regon, the second and fourth Monday evening of
each month in I. O. O. F. H all. Lena F. P arker N. G.
E liza J. Russell. Secretary.
State of Oregon
W ashington County
1, J. W. Sherwood, after being duly sworn say; that
owing to the tact that R ichard K aycraft has seen fit to
publish a statem ent in The W ashington County News,
denying that he ever made any detrim ental statem ent
to me w ith regard to the character or reputation of
Mark L. Noble, I wish to state again to the public,
under ra th , that Richard R eycraft did state to me that
he would not take the word of Mark L. Noble with re ­
gard to a certain piece of land w hich he was talk in g of
purchasing and came to ask me concerning same. This
I stated on witness stand and hereby’ again state under
oath for the knowledge of the public who m ay have
seen Mr. R c y cra ft’s statem ent. I believe it is g enerally
known that m y word as well as my oath is to be de­
pended upon.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
Ju lv , 1904.
N otary Public for Oregon
The Portland Commercial Club has
issued a call for a convention of the
Or gon Development League, to be
held at the Marquam Grand Theater in
Main Street
Portland August 2nd and 3rd
Forest Grove
j commercial,
! stock-raising and irrigation interests
j will be represented; every editor in the
1 state will be invited to attend as a
1 delegate; county commissioners and
I mayors of all towns and cities will also
Giving Away Prizes.
Administrator’s Notice
We have the finest prizes ever put be called upon to name delegates.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been
out with baking powder. Come and The Portland Women’s Club will look by the County Court of W ashington County, O regon,
appointed A dm inistrator of the estate of Eliza D.
investigate. Every can guaranteed.
after the comfort of ladies accompai y- duly
Thomas, deceased, ar.cÇhas duly qualified as such adm in­
Weitzel & Christian.
, ing delegates, and, among other enter­ istrator.
All persons h aving claim s against said estate are
hereby required to present the same with proper
i r u i i c y vouchers io m e, at the Bank of E. W. H aines, at Forest
Up-to-date Work
rove, O regon, w ithin six m onths from the date of this
ride on August 2nd, taking in the G notice.
If you want first class painting,
Dated at Forest G rove, O regon, this 9th day of June,
I most interesting and beautiful environs 1901.
paper hanging and house-finishing,
1 of Portland, and on August 3rd ten
Adm inistrator of the
leave your order or inquire at Nixon’s
of Eliza D. Thomas, Deceased.
! street cars will be provided for A n t r i n £*♦»*'
EDWARD C. LUCE. A ttorney for Estate.
real estate office. All work guaran­
over the entire city.
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell Notice of Appointment of Administrator
tickets at the very low rate of one fare N otice is hereby given that the undersigned has been
appointed adm inistrator of the estate of Nancy B. Mc-
Warehouse Notice
for the round trip, from all points on N am er, deceased, by an order of L. A. Rood, judge of
the Probate Court of W ashington county, O regon, made
I have purchased the Aplin ware- Oregon lines to Portland and return, and entered on the 2 th day of June, 1904, and all p e r­
sons having claim s against said estate are hereby re ­
house and feed chopper at Cornelius, for this occasion, and it is hoped that quested and directed ,o present said claim s, together
w ith the proper vouchers therefore, to m e at m y resid­
and am prepared to store hay and every section of the state will be well ence in Forest Grove, O regon, or at the law office of E.
B. T ongue, in Hillsboro. W ashington county, O regon,
grain at reasonable rates, and will keep represented at the convention, to work w ithin six m onths from the date hereof.
Dated this 23th day of June, 1904.
on hand for sale, flour and feed.
in harmony for the development of C. W . M rN am er, Adm inistrator of the Estate of N ancy
B. M cNam er deceased. E. B. T ongue. 4ttorney for
C. B. B u c h a n a n .
Adm inistrator.
Buggies and Wagons
A first class single buggy, best of
make. Will be sold at a bargain.
Enquire Mills & Hines shop or News
Rural free delivery carriers are not
permitted by the post office depart­
ment to carry free or for hire, mailable
matter weighing less than four pounds.
H. C. Atwell, P. M.