JL. Some Forest Grove Homes D. J. Malarkey of Portland, M. 0. T oole of Salem, Binger Hermann, our esteemed and Wm. member of congress, Barrett of at considerable Hillsboro, length, SPECIAL spoke reviewing the past measures of the opposing political parties and comparing results, also Scalp Treatment, Facial Mas­ sage, given attention. present conditions as compared with those existing under trations. The the republican ticket were presented each one other adminis­ candidates for the dif­ ferent offices on Chiropody to the IT COSTS YOU NOTHING - - - - - - For Consultation - - - - - - - audience and Mademoiselle LA COURSE made a few appropriate re­ marks. The exercises were spersed with music by the band and a choir local talent, children, inter­ up also a flag drill which was and by executed teacher. Parlors in Caples the in a Everything JOSEPH DELANO & SON • PRACTICAL SHINGLERS • passed off in a pleasant and harmon­ The Lau£hlin Hotel Building. Hours from 9 to 6 from manner which was creditable to both children Mrs. C . HARTRAMPF, Assistant. Verboort made and Manicuring ious manner. 13. A. Jerome. Architect und Huilder. We have a good Don’ t forget to clean ticket. vote June 6th. Contract for large or small jobs Gales Creek äääk Work by the square. Mr. Parkins and his wife returned from Beaverton last Friday where they 3 have been visiting Mr. Butner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watrous accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Phone or write to J. DELANO, A t Cornelius. Or. t t t t t t t t t t A were Soda Spring visitors on Sunday. Miss Jessie Dixon is visiting her fStliuálTVJ sister Mrs. W ill Williams. Mrs. Ri Lizzie Hiatt and daughter Clara, of the Grove, returned home last week. to their 0 Mrs. Hiatt has been to her mountain home superintending the building of her summer cottage. m\ Louie Lynch, of H opew ell, who has i. I l . t been visiting Thrapp, Residence of M rs . E. H. Marsh his sister, returned home Mrs. Guy Tuesday, he was accompanied by Mrs. Thrapp. E3. A. Jerome, Architect and Builder On Sunday Tom Varley drove out to Soda Springs accompanied Seghers The telephone line by Misses is going up in Ara Heisler, Effie Boke, Edith Smith Mr. August Roth has been busy the this valley quite rapidly. T h e holes and Virgie Varley, several wheelmen the past week, shipping his oats and were dug and poles hauled last week. followed the hack, they were Messrs. Mrs. Nute Hall, who was quite sick, John Heisler, Lex Blumm, Sam Varley hay. Mrs. Loretta Tolson visited her is much improved of late. Wallace Smith and George McRoberts. B. J. H all joined i he order of the The young people had lunch and din­ of the World at our last ner at the Springs and returned home W e all heartily welcome by moonlight. father over Sunday. Boos has put up a fine W oodm en new derrick, with which he has loaded meeting. several car loads of the finest building neighbor Hall. Mr. J. G. Mr. Henry Wahl is slashing rock in the northwest. Read This w ort on his rich | ,amil>' oveI Sunda>'- Several of the young boys are I Seyeral gaged in peeling chittam bark. 0 . Aschim Forest Dale Mr. D. H . La Follette, of M cM inn- en- for one of the houses on last week with her aunt, Mrs. Wahl and cousin, Mrs. Herrington. Mr. and Mrs Hall their residence have at Mr. and Cornelius Mrs. Chas. McClaughy ^ isited her parents over Sunday. the plan came off ac- laid down, and welcome was accorded to without reference to their political filiations. lumber Low round-trip rates have been between Portland and Forest Grove, in either direction. Fisher’ s, for vvas carried through without a jar. cordial 1 good Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest Grove and Portland. placed in effect J Received too late for la*‘. Issue taken up cording to months old, heifer calf timber wagon. These will be sold at a bar­ Enquire News Office. R . Herring- gain. _ T h e grand barbecue the summer. Mr. bam. THE BIG THREE 'THE THREE OLDEST AND BEST O v e r 6 o q o o o in D a il y U s e B a n k , O ff ic e & H ouse S a f e s P ortland S afe ® 7 0 ‘S IX T H ST PORTLAND, OREGON THE COLONIAL HOTEL r Í- W h en you come to Forest Grove stop at _ ftl_ ’Y ' • is hauling the vine visited his daughters, Mrs. Scott ,on’ s Place and he 500,1 wl" have and Mrs. Wahl, oi this place, a few new residence. Ben Hall is building a fine new weeks ago. Miss M . E. Wahl, of Gaston, visited For Sale— 1 milk cow, 1 eight H erring -U ml -M arvin S afe G i and Mrs. H enry Day, of Port­ for H . W . land, came out Monday. Scott. T h e first native strawberries have Mrs. Frank Bernard has been very Mr. and Mrs. Tom m y Gerrish, of made their appearance. sick with rheumatism the past week. Patton’ s Valley, visited L . Parsons snd Mr. Joseph Beal is going to start east scon to resume go 'd diggings. H A L L 'S A Tickets will noons and be sold Sundays, turn on or before the Everything first class. Best of service. Rates reasonable. Saturday after­ limited to R e­ following Mon­ all day. Rate of $1.05 round trip. Call af- on Southern Pacific’ s agents for par­ ticulars. ‘ THE COLONIAL” H. VILLIGER, Proprietor Forest Grove. Oregon. » ''T T T T T T T T T T T « '«