Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 26, 1904, Image 7

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    f if t e e n t h a n n u a l c o n v e n t io n
Washington County Sunday School Asso­
ciation at Gaston, Oregon, June 2, 1904
10:00—Devotional Services...........................................................Rev. F } Day
10:10— Address of W elcome........................................................... ... x Harding
10:20—Response........................................................................Rev. w> c
10:25—Reports of Officers
10:55—Reports of Schools.
11:25—Christian Endeavor March............................................Blanche Bowman
11:30—Reading of the Constitution.
11:35—The Sunday Schools and Missions....................... Rev. J. A. H. Wuttke
11:45— Discussion.
11:55—Appointing Committees.
1:00—Praise Service............................................................................ Rev. Barber
1:10—Report of Committees.
1:20— Election of Officers.
1:30— Influence of Sunday Schools Upon the Community Rev. E. F. Zimmerman
1:40— Discussion.
1:50— The Model Pupil......................................................... Mrs. I. J. Raymond
2:00— Discussions.
2:10—The Model Teacher..................................................... Mrs. E. O. Crandall
2:30— Solo....................................................................................Miss Jennie Greer
2:?5—The Model Superintendent............................................Mrs. C. W. Cady
2:45— Discussion.
2:55— The Model Sunday School.................................................Benton Bowman
3:05— Discussion.
3:15—The Home Department.................................................. Mrs. Jos. Connell
3:25— Discussion.
3:30— The Cradle Roll........................................................... Mrs. W. E. Thome
3:35— Discussion. Music. Adjournment.
7:30— Prayer and Praise
7:45—Recitation.......................................................................... Miss Rena Parker
7:55—Special M usic.................................................Solo by Mr. T. W. Fletcher
8:05—Address—The Teacher and His Opportunity................ Prof. H. L. Bates
8:45—“ Blest Be The Tie.”
Benediction. Music.
If You Live
S. Shotwell and wife spent Sunday
In the Gales Creek Valley, call at with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter at
store of E. Jacobson, Gales City, Gaston.
for boots and shoes, harness and leather
Geo. Hibbaid and brother drove
goods goods for the farmer at a bar- over from Silverton Sunday, and visited
I gain.
; their niece Mrs. E. W. Paget. They
continued their drive Tuesday for
Harney county, where they will sp$nd
East Gaston
some time with the mountain and lake
R. D. Walker and the Shotwells
game there.
took their wool to the Grove last week,
Walker bringing home a new steel
Real Estate
range stove and Shotwells a lot of new
Mary Ella Boyd to Willis Ireland
carpenter tools. They are at work
45-100 of an acres in Morgan
building Mrs. Paget’s new house.
addition to Hillsboro............... $
Mrs. Hoffman is still very low and Maud Lesley Boyd, widow, to
has been taken to Gaston to be near
Willis Ireland same land........ 800
the doctor, as her condition is very A B Brown et ux to T T Skeels
40 ecres in t 2 s r 2 w Will M
T. J. King has purchased a new Joseph Reiff et al to R B
Doughty s w i of s w 1 lot 4
in sec 19 t 1 s r 1 w Will M
Misses Gertie and Goldie Nichols,
62.28 acres........................ 1800
May and Freda Davis, and Mabel Shell John T Seth to C S I McLeod
were the guests of Rachael Peschen,
245.20 acres in Christian
Thursday afternoon. The same girls,
Bridgefaimer d 1 c ............. 10,000
including Miss Rachael Peschen and C S I McLeod to Chales G Seth
Mary Connolly were guests of Miss
99.70 acres in Christian
Edith Shogren. On both occasions
Bridgewater d i e .............. 3400
lemonade and cake were served and a John Baldwin to L L Morgan 1 a
general good time was enjoyed by all.
in Forest Grove.................. 500
Miss Gertie Nichols is taking music D M C Gault to Orville G Wilkes
lot 3 block 17 Hillsboro, Ore. 800
lessons of Mrs. E. J. Shotwell.
Sunday, June 5th ’04
Sunset Lodge No. 130 Brotherhood of Railroad Train­
men wil run their Fourth Annual Excursion to
Salem, Ore., on Sunday, June 5th 1904.
No S u b s t i t u t e .
“Invention has made wonderful
strides during the last hundred years,”
remarked the philosopher.
•'Yes.” said the wise guy, relighting
his cigar, "and yet there is one thing
I am reminded of just now which has
not been Invented.”
“What is that?” asked the philos­
"Something to tell a woman when an
Iron is hot enough to use. She still
wets her finger and lets it sizzle
agfiinst the bottom before she goes to
work.”— Cincinnati Times-Star.
S 'M \ r
Mr. Bug—(iee! The fellow who sail*
"The pen is mightier than the sword
certainly knew what he was tnlUln,.
about.—New York American.
S tron «
n n rrcil r
Fox—The Japanese have a system ct
physical training called Jin Jitsu which
It Is claimed enables tbe weak to mar.
tor the strong.
Tvnox—Why. are the strong barred
from learning it?—Chicago Itecor-
So S n d d e n t
Impatient Young M a n — Nellie, how !*
our romance—yours and mine—going to
Nellie (suddenly apprehensive»—^ hy.
Geoffrey, you don’t want to skip to the
last chapter yet, do you?—Chicnf®
"Ah.” cried the first golfer gleefully
after making a lucky stroke, "that was
clever, eh?”
"Huh!" snorted his opponent disgunt-
cdly. "You carry an accident Insurance
policy, don’t you?”
“Yes. Why?”
“You should collect It after that
shot.”—Philadelphia Tress.
S om e S now flake Form e.
All of you boys and girls who
have magnifying glasses, have you
ever put a tiny speck of snow un­
der your glass and studied the won­
derful forms of the little flakes?
Do so the next time we have some
„now. It is perfectly astonishing
how many different and beautiful
forms there are.
Trains will be run from all accessible points in the
Willamette Valley from Portland and from The Dalles
to Salem. For the entertainment of the patrons of the
excursion a first class program of amusements will be
given at the State Fair Grounds consisting of Bicycle
Races, Bicycle Trick Riding, Base Ball and many other
good attractions.
The committee in charge are careful and experienced
railroad men, and no effort or expense will be spared to
make this event enjoyable to all. No liquors will be al­
lowed on trains or at the grounds and perfect order will
be maintained. Come and bring your families and
friends and we guarantee you a day of wholesome en­
joyment Bring your lunch baskets and have a genuine
picnic. Baggage cars on all trains for bicycles, etc.
For those who do not wish to carry lunch baskt ts,
lunches and refreshments can be procured at the grounds.
Tickets for sale at all railroad ticket offices. Program
of amusements will be distributed at a later date.
further information see posters or
Address C. C. Loucks, Sec’y Committee
Room 11, 288 1-2 Washington Street
Portland, Oregon
Train passes Forest Grove at 7:35 a. m. Fare— Round
Trip including admission to Grounds $1.50.