Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 26, 1904, Image 1

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A progressive c o u n t y
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Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, May 2 6 ,1 9 0 4 .
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No. .2
Dedication Services
which was filled with wood the night A $2,000,000 fire destroyed the
County Clerk Geo A Morgan issued The dedication services attending before, leaving a fine bed of coals the business section of Yazos, Miss.
license to W F Hartrampf and Ollie the unveiling of the monument next morning with which to roast the The Presbyterians forbid ministers
nelius on Wednesday, the 25th of erected in memory of Miss Anna John-1 meat.
from marrying divorced members of
son, will be held at Gales Creek ceme- Many were the words of commenda- churches whose rules forbid such mar­
tery, Sunday afternoon from 2 to 3 tion heard on every side, of the splen­ riages.
County Court
Articles of Incorporation were filed o’clock. Prof. Bates of Pacific Univer- did manner in which the meat was The cattlemen are still slaughtering
the county clerk’s office by the sity and Tualitin Academy, and Judge cooked, and there was an abundance sheep in Eastern Oregon.
ist Dairy Union church of Mountain- W. H. Hollis will be the principal of meat and bread for the large crowd Attorney General declares manual
the day.
ile, Oregon. The incorporators are speakers of ----------------------
training in public schools as legal and
e five trustees, Leo Schwandes, G P
Annual Rose Show
early in the morning and interspersed it will be introduced in September.
isner, T A Fowles, Fred Steiner and The Rose Show will. be given in j the
program throughout the day with An electric road to Forest Grove
hn Uebel.
from Portland seems to depend on a
Forest Grove, at Vert’s Hall, on Wed­ music.
nesday June 1, beginning at 1 p. m. The exercises were opened by the subsidy.
Miss Ellie Miller, daughter of Mr. and continuing through the evening. Marshall of the day, G. W. Marsh, j Folk of Missouri is being urged to
d Mrs. J. E. Miller, residing four The following prizes will be awarded: who introduced John Talbot, Mayor of take the democratic presidential nomi­
iles northwest of Glencoe, on Pump- For the best display of roses, 3 prizes, Cornelius, who delivered a short ad- nation but he has too good sense to be
Ridge, died Wednesday morning $1.00, .50, and .25. For the best 5 dress of welcome. After music by the drawn into the whirpool of democratic
9:30. She has been suffering sev- varieties of roses, not less than 3 of a choir the chairman introduced Honor­ disagreements.
months from tuberculosis. Her kind to be entered, 3 prizes, .75, .50, able J. D. Malarkey, of Port’and, who
ents and four brothers, George, and .25. For the best single rose, delivered an eloquent address to a very
lie, Charley and Frank survive her. not less than 3 of one variety to be attentive audience. Following Hon. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, president
This makes the fourth child Mr. entered, 3 prizes, $1.00, .50, and .25. Malarkey’s address W. H. Barrett of of the State W. C. T. U. will speak
iller has lost in the last two years. For the best display of cut flowers of Hillsboro made a short and appropriate in Marsh Hall, Friday evening, May
tht question of the hour 27. Subject Local Option. At 3 p. m.
having died in October 1902, all kinds, 3 prizes, *1.00, .50, and sP « ch
hnnie, July 1903; and Perry in .25. For the best display of cut flow- The exercises of the afternoon were she will meet with the ladies in Holl-
ch, of this year.
ers grown by children under 15 years °Pened by a flag drill given by the inger’s New Hall. All ladies invited.
Ellie was a favorite with the young of age, 3 prizes, .75, .50, and .25., children of the public , school
. . of „ Cor-
Make You Young
sple of the neighborhood, being For the best collection of native ferns nelms, which was enthustasttcally re­ Captain Racket Will
At lhe e"d °f the dn,‘ ,hr' e
ly eighteen years of age, and of a potted by children under 15 years of
age, 3 prizes, . .50, •„ .25, . and , .15. , H t children. cheCTS
were f L. T' Tooze
n by then
‘he Every person in the city should at­
loving disposition.
The committee
will ,, also
be _j glad to addressed the people for a short time tend the intensely funny comedy
which is to be played in Vert’s Hall,
Probate Court
have cut flowers of all kinds and pot- 1
v F
Estate M L Donahue, deceased, ted plants, brought for display. All after which Hon. Binger Hermann, Friday evening, May 27th. It is
esignation of Thos F Ryan filed and who have roses in Forest Grove and the principal speaker of the day, de- i by home talent and the cast is an ex-
cepted. T W Vreeland appointed the neighboring country are invited to livered one of his logical and eloquent cellent one. If you want to enjoy
’ministrator with bond fixed at $50 enter their flowers for the prizes. En­ addresses on the great questions be­ yourself for an evening as you have
the people from a republican never enjoyed an evening in Forest
end filed and approved.
tries should be made before one fore
Guardianship of Charles G Seth, a o’clock. Admission free. Ice cream stand-point. His address was well re­ Grove and at the same time show your
ceived and many times was inter­ appreciation of the effort that is being
inor.< Guardian discharged and will be served.
rupted by applause from the crowd. made in gour behalf by the band boys
uardianship closed of record.
At the close of his address the sev­ in keeping up that organization for the
Estate of Mary Jane Robinson, de­
A Big Time in Cornelius
based. Will filed and proved, and The grand barbecue that had been eral candidates who were present were betterment of our city, then come out
-mitted to probate. Mary Ellen advertised by the Republican County introduced to the same audience and and be doubly blessed,
The comedy is funny from the be-
-iller appointed executrix without Central Committee and the people of made short addresses.
ginning to its ending and yet re-
Cornelius, came off according to pro­
Brief Happenings
the best of playing to bring it
Estate of Mary Jane Stewart, deceas- gram,
., ,
The Japs are pounding away at the Qut> Special preparation has been
Will filed, proved and admitted The
people of Cornelius outdi em- Russian bear.
made ^ Capt p g Bames, who has
probate. Charles R Bradley ap- selves in their effort to entertain
The government inspector rec- jent a helping hand to the cast, says
-inted executor with bonds fixed at large crowd that was present, an
COmmended that Supt. Potter of the that it will be one of the finest produc­
8*1 • Bonds filed and approved, án evidence of the success wit
Chemawa Indian School be retained but |jon ever pUt out by the home talent of
etters ordered to be issued. E C they met, no complaint wax heard from reprimanded
uce, Willis Ireland and E J Kuratli,
any one on that score.
and B. G. Leedy is re-elected Master of Capt. Racket, as a lawyer, will ex­
Guardianship of the minor heirs of
pose some of the inner life of that
0ld the Oregon State Grange.
hillip Baughman. Allowances granted two hogs were roaSt^ hi“
| Norman Williams, on trial at The | profession, but the audience must not
heirs as follows.— Wharton Baugh- fashioned manner m
murdering Miss Nesbitt and think of our local contemporaries as be-
$100; Sidney W Baughman, were held in e a r ' y ü a y s ’ i n a i ’ y i Dalles for
- • is • having
• some dark
— —
50; Louis Baughman, $50; Edina R digging a trench, about thirty-six feet her mother,
facts ing
to* in » the
the samé class. Do not miss a
chance to see this unique production.
;ughman, $50; and W. P. Baughman, long, five feet wide, and four feet deep, to face.
Marriage License