9 Inspector O. C. R iches while here with posts set in the ground, not more last week made a careful inspection of than ten feet apart, leaning upon braces Postmaster Atwell’ s records and pro­ sufficiently strong to support the same, precaution necessary to his office and All precipices, embankment, stream, W hile nobody lakes, ponds, or other natural obstruc­ ever questioned Mr. Atwell’ s efficiency tion, if equally secure against the tres­ was entirely blameless. yet his friends are glad to hear him pass of any domestic animals, or shall thus highly indorsed. T h e loss will be made so by artificial means, shall not in any way fall upon Mr. Atwell also be deemed a lawful fence. but entirely upon the governm ent. A East of the Cascade mountains wire pn i||J Aplin Mills Co... nounced everything in splendid shape. with poles, rails, or planks, as the case When questioned as to the robbery he may be, not less than three to the stated that Mr. Atwell had taken every same securely fastened to posts. Buy and Store A ll K inds of... u n f l m Manufacture all kinds of Grain froducts, Chop, Stock Feed and F lo u r ... . . . . . . . . . . . S IL V E R D U S T F L O U R Best Oregon— A blend o f ch oice hard wheat and soft valley wheat, making the best o f flcur. Aplin Mills Company, 11 Farm Feed Chopping a Specialty C o r n e l i u s , O r e g o n . few clues were discovered which will fences built as follows shall be deem ed be followed carefully. a lawful fence. Posts six feet, six inches, County Court County Judge L. A. R ood com ­ mitted one Ed. Bergeron to the state insane asylum on Tuesday. Bergeron is suffering from cronic alcoholism and had an attack of apoplexy, all of which has deranged his mind. not less than four inches in diameter and of feet and not further than thirty-two feet Johnson & Co. apart; with not less than three wires of TH E sound timber, set in the ground two the kind in common use stretched from post to post: the lower wire shall be two feet from the ground. Rails or poles laid up in the manner com m only known as a worm fence, with stakes and riders, or in place of the stakes and riders, have the com ers locked with rails, poles or posts, but such fence must be at least 4^ feet high. 1 reti I 1. 2. tween Posts or rails, with space b e­ the rails and the ground, not exceeding ten inches wide below, two feet six inches in height and not to )een V exceed twelve inches at any place, the and ■ rails to be attached B re- ■ If Call B par- Il Aon- manner, if strong and secure; the posts be firmly set in the ground, not Posts upon the ground, four and one poles, structed of posts and planks, the plank to be not less than six inches wide and one inch thick, and same shall be fast­ ened as required of posts and rails. 4. Posts and paling or pickets, or palisades constructed in the usual man­ ner, with space not exceeding five A pole not less than two inches less than one inch thick and six inches wide, affixed to the posts as above provided but not 6. Good Drivers. McNamer & Johnson . . . DEALERS IN more than sixteen feet apart may take the place of the middle wire and false posts. all kinds of Fresh, Salt, Smoked Meats, • « .. • Free Deliveiy W ithin the City Pacific Avenue Forest Grove. Ore. Fancy and Staple Groceries E verythirg in Season. Seghers The Postmastet of this place is in m receipt of a request from an attorney, SAELENS & CO. L. W. Hubbell, from Springfield, M o., Joe Beal was a visitor of Beal over Sunday. George Looking well and hearty as ever. Mrs. Mable Beal and Ethel Beal were in the Grove patronizing the den­ tal chair the past week and are much Proprietors of .. City Meat Market.. W e handle all kinds of Front Street, meat and fresh fish. Forest Grove iki • \ u y t h e R e s t pleased at the relief derived. 5. Wall of stone entire, or stone and Mr. Lesser at whose home he with rails, poles, planks, or earth, performed two baptisms. About fifty which taken together, would constitute guests were present. a fence four feet six inches high. Best Horses. thick at the small end or a plank not Rev. Abeline was the guest of Mr. inches. Stable feet in height, and securely fastened to the wires of such fence. posts and if the same is con­ Sale half and awaiting the above parties. Anyone planks, constructed as provided in the will confer a great favor upon the foregoing section, as to length and set­ above by letting him know. ting of posts; and and said posts, there shall be false posts,set more than ten feet apart, and not less In regard to information of the where­ than four feet six inches high from the abouts and address of J. Wilson and ground. William W. Keffer, as there is a fortune 3. Feed Com er Main and Pacific A v e ., Forest Grove, Or. manner, and every eight feet between to the posts by nails, spikes, pins, wire or in any other .ft«- Finest Rigs. the posts with staples in the customary the following shall be a lawful fence. 1. the second and securely fastened to Livery, See our ad. in the T . P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our specialty. Our ’ Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail. Baggage and freight called for and delivered. The What Constitutes a Lawful Fence in second fifteen inches above the lower, and the upper one fifteen inches from Oregon The statutes of Oregon provide that Brick Joe Broner is expecting the arrivel Turf and earth entire, or turf of a brother from across the sea. earth, which, with rails, poles, planks, August Roth has just returned from or thombush would constitute a fence a several days stay near Greenville and Implements of all Kinds Builders Hardware, Sporting Goods and Shelf and Heavy Hardware four feet six inches high, or trench on the with a ditch while there attended the funeral of his side, at least three esteemed friend, Mr. Gable. For it Will Save You Money feet wide at the top and not less than three feet deep: Provided that when there is a ditch or trench on the side, and constructed specified, egon, in the manner herein said fence shall not be less V. Brown has made his appearance again trying to buy hay and oats from the farmers. H e is offering much less than before so we shall be obliged to hold over for another year. than four feet high from the surface of Dr. H ines’ drug store for cameras, the ground. paper and films and all kinds of sup­ 7. Posts and rails, poles or planks, not less in size than above specified, plies. Call in. (Everything; the Farmer Needs Give us a Call Goff Bros. Main Street, Forest Grove, Or,