Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 19, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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~ r ~ r ~r r i > ........
Kow Kure |
Sure, Keme-dy
i, ^4 rnilk
B a l m —Cures chapped, cracked and sor^ teats, caked bag, chafing,
cut»f and inflammatkin. A Kow Kure book of 32 pa*« of valuable dairy Information mailed
free—send for It.
9 00
6 21
Martin s Feed Store
Forest Grove,
4 12
6 59
p. m.
a. m.
Go to Cheney's
For Wolverine soap.
Good Books.
Sterescopes and Views.
Pictures and Paintings.
Tin and Graniteware.
One door west of Hughes’.
Church and Society Directory.
M ill
Crescent Flour is the Best.
Patronize Home Industry.
a. m.
p. m.
We will buy your pork, beef, mut.
ton and farm products, and we will sell
you seeds and farm implements.
Wagons and buggies. W. R. Hicks.
Op* R R D e p o t
F o re s t G ro v e
Strangers cordially invited to attend.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching every Sunday at
L / 1 1 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30
P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.
. Church. Rev. Belknap, pastor
M. B every
Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday
School at 12. Epworth League 6:30 P. M Prayer
meeting Thursday evening, 7:30.
V-' pastor. Meets in College Chapel. Preaching every
Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 12.
Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening 7:30
Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Mor­
rison St., Portland, Oregon, is one of
the best known and most reliable com­
panies on the Coast, furnishes all kinds
of help on shortest notice, free to
Meets once
each month on the Saturday evening before full
moon, in Masonic Hall. J. S. Buxton, W. M., J. C.
Clark, Sec.
I will be at the livery barn of Cot-
Forest Grove,
all deseases of
W. of A., Forest Grove Camp No. 6228. Meets the horse, and make a specialty cl
M • every second and fourth Friday evenings of each
month in Masonic Hall. J. Q. Jackson, V. C.. H. G. treating horses teeth.
Advice free.
King., Clerk.
O. O. F., Forest Grove Lodge No. 48. Meets nelius & Hancock in
• every Monday evening in the I. O. O. F. Hall.
J. C. Brooks, N. G., J. T. Brooks, Sec.
each Saturday. I treat
Complete line of Field and Garden Seeds, Bran, Shorts and Mill Feeds, Oil Meal, Whole
and Cracked Corn, Lump Salt, Lime and Cement, Imnd Plaster. FLOUR—
Minnesota Hard Wheat, Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, Valley Wheat.
delivery la town.
Read This
"PASTERN STAR, Forest Chapter No. 42. Meets the
-L* first Monday in every month, in Masonic Hall.
Mrs. C. F. Miller, W. M., Lizzie D. Harris, Sec.
For Feed and
Staple Seeds
, Free
It A. M„ Holbrook Lodge No. 30.
S. T. C row .
O. W., Forest Grove Camp No. 98. Meets every
• Saturday evening in I. O. O. F. Hall. John
Stribbich, C. C., John Anderson, Clerk.
A * R I T C H E Y , Forest Grove, Or.
Timber Track For Sale
O. W., Hglly Circle No. 185. Meets on the
• second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each
month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Jessie Buxton, G. N., Anna
Pomeroy, Clerk.
T /-NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, Delphos Lodge No. 39
Meets every Thursday evening in Masonic Hall. A
B. Todd, C. C„ J. H. Wescott, K. R. & S.
X) ATHBONE SISTERS Delphin Temple, No. 32. Meets
on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month In
Masonic Hall. Miss Jessie Buxton, M. E. C., Mrs
Elva Wescott, M. of R. C.
fji I am prepared to furnish Lumber in any quantities at n
M Portland, Beverton, Reedville, Hillsboro, Cornelius jC
r | Forest Grove, Dilley and Gaston at the following prices:
Rough, $10 50 Sized, $11 Shiplap, $11
Rustic No. 1, $20
Flooring No. 1, $20 Beaded Ceiling and all Finish No. 2
$15 Shingles $1 70 perm. Stopping, Window
B oth P h o n e» and Door Jambs or any lumber wanted
Add re.»»
E. M. W A R D ,
I'o rc H t d ro v e ,
A. R., Department of Oregon, J. B. Mathews Post
No. 6. Meets first and third Wednesdays at 1:30
p. m. in Masonic Hall. John H. Baker, Commander,
S. B. Starrett, Adjutant,
R. K. P., Delphos Rank No. 8. Meets the fourth
Thursday evening each month in the Masonic Hall.
J. J. Wirtz, Capt., Robert Wlrtz, Sec.
"MATIVE DAUGHTERS, Tabitha Brown Cabin No.
* ’ 24. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, in I. O. O.
F. Hall. Gertrude Marsh, Pres. Elda Welker, Sec.
TTNITED ARTISANS, Diamond Assembly No. 27.
Meets the first and third Tuesday evenings of each
month in the I. O. O. F. Hall. L. C. Walker, M. A.,
C. B. Stokes, Sec.
C ' RANGE, Gales Grange. Meets first Saturday of
U * each
o n t h i in
Hall. Daniel Baker,
Master, J. B. McPherson, Sec.
ID EBECCAS, Forest Lodge No 44. Meets the 1st and
3rd Wednesday evening of every month in I. O. O.
F. Hall. Charlotte Graham, N. G., Carrie Holey, Sec.
O. F. Verboot, Visitation Court. No. 1113. J. F.
Peerenboom, C. E.; Peter Vandersander, V. C. R.
Meets first and third Thursdays of e.M;h month.
Drug Store
Up-to-date Work
Headquarters for the latest and best in the#
^ line of Drugs, Stationery and Toilet Articles^
6)at prices that are right. Try Castalian the^a
O best Medicine water for Kidney Complaints,#
j^Rhumatism, Catarrah and Dyspepsia.........#
Cornelius & Hancock
Special Attention to Commercial Travelers’ Patronage.
Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates.
F a s h io n L iv e r y
F e ed a n d S a le Stahie.
Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conve’ances over
the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times
Forest Grove. Oregon,
If you want first class painting,
paper hanging and house-finishing,
leave your order or inquire at Nixon’s
real estate office. All work guaran­
B uffum & H offman
For Sale at a Great Bargain
160 acre stock ranch, with house, a
large log barn, and other small build­
ings; 5 acres under cultivation and 10
or 12 under fenc.; small orchard, some
other partly cleared; about 25 acres
easily cleared. Place well watered by
springs and small creek, 2 >\ miles south
west of Forest Grove. This place is
well worth $1500. If taken inside of
30 days will sacrifice it for $1000. cash.
Call on Dr. C. E. Geiger.
Best, Simplest and last longest.
We indorse it. Will take
cream in payment. Send for
Catalogue Free.
Ct-enm Co.
P o rtln u d .O re g o n
miles north east of Forest Grove,
acres, 180 cords of wood, 130
green, 50 dry. Over 500 cords yet
to cut. For sale at $1,000 if taken
within 30 days.
Enquire Hugh E. Moore,
Centerville, Road.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest
Grove and Portland.
Low round-trip rates have been
placed in effect between Portland and
Forest Grove, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold Saturday after­
noons and Sundays, limited to re­
turn on or before the following Mon­
day. Rate of $1.05 round trip. Call
on Southern Pacific’s agents for par­
Shingles Cut and Shaved
Delivery made to any point in
Washington county. Best of cedar
used in stock and shingles are guaren-
teed superior in quality. It will pay
you to investigate.
Samples to be seen at H. T. Bux­
ton’s, Forest Grove. Write for prices
p. h . B uxton
Buxton, Ore.
Or enquire News office.
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing between
F. T. Kane and E. J. Hubbert, both
of Fo;est Grove, Washington County,
Oregon, under the firm name of Kane-
Hubbert Logging Company, was on
this 21st day of April 1904, dissolved
by mutual consent. All debts owing
to said partnership are to be received
by said F. T. Kane, and demands on
said partnership are to be presented to
him for payment.
Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon,
April 21st, 1904.
F. T . K ane