Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 19, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    tn e rail—th e re betw een the twov
think of me? I’ll not go a n o th e r foot!
w om en w ho w ere w aving their l
I w on’t be a fool!”
H e w as excited and self conscious kerchiefs so fran tically . His
and thoroughly asham ed of th e trip gau to Jum p up and down,
into which his Impetuous adoration doubtlngly. Im patiently. Why (
had driven him. J u s t as he w as tu g ­ n o t th a t face be tu rn ed towd
ging a t the door In the effort to open it w h a rf as th e o th ers w ere? Then
th a t he m ight order the d riv er to ta k e th e blue coat, b u t not the bluet
him back to the hotel a sly te m p ter ja u n ty sailor h a t s a t w here the!
w hispered something iu his ear. H is to be forgotten cap had perched.!
change w as slight, but it was su
fancy w as caught, and he listened:
. . . By . . .
throw him Into th e most d
“W hy not go down to the p ie r and
of u n certain ty . An insane]
look over the passenger list ju s t to see
a com m and to this
If she has been booked safely? T h a t
an cam e over him.
would be perfectly proper and sensi­
Copyright, tool, by Herbert S. Stone
w as slow ly openingl
ble, and, besides, it will be a sa tisfa c ­
and th e w harf, |
tion to know th a t she gets off all right.
few m om ents
CHAPTER l.—Grenfall Lorry, a wealthy Amerlan row she w as to sail!
If he could but Certainly! T here’s nothing foolish in tion w ould be impossible. Justl
globe trotter, stumbles into acquaintance with a charm­
that. * * * Especially as I am rig h t on
w a s losing hope and w a s ready tof
ing foreign girl on the train from Denver to Washington. see her once more!
The pair is left behind when the flier stops for repairs in
A t 7:30 Ills m other found him in the the way there. * * * And as I have w ith d esp air th e face beneath tlj
West Virginia. II.—Lorry wires ahead to held the train.
come so fnr * * * there’s no sense iu
o r h a t w as tu rn ed squarely jpi
He and the unknown girl ride twenty miles at a trarn g lib rary searching diligently through
pace in a mountain coach. There is no love-making, the volum e of the encyclopedia th a t going back w ithout seeing w hether rection. A glaze obscured his (
but a near approach to it as the rolling stage tumbles ore
W hen she usked she lias secured passage. * * • I can num bness attack ed his brain.
passengers about. III.—Lorry dines with the for ion contained th e G’s.
party, consisting of Miss Guggenslocker, Uncle Cast a
w h at he w as looking for, he laughed find out in a m inute and then go home. Miss G uggenslocker!
and Aunt Yvonne. They are natives of Graustark, a
* * * There w on’t be anything w rong
A p air o f big glasses was levj
country Lorry had neter heard of before. IV. T°rry idiotically an d in confusion informed
shows the foreigners the sights ot Washington. They h er th a t he w as try in g to find the name in th at. And then I may get a glimpse him for a second and then lower*
leave for New York to sail on the Kaiser Wllhe-tn.
of her before the ship leaves the pier. plainly saw th e sm ile on her far
Mi s Guggenslocker naively calls Lorry her ideal of th e m ost im p o rtan t city in Indiana.
American’* and invites him to ccmc and see her at Edel­ She w as glancing a t the books In the She m ust not see me, of course. Nev­ the fluttering cam bric iu her ]
case w hen she wns startled by hearing er! She’d laugh a t me. H ow I’d hate w aved his h a t und then his
him u tte r an exclam ation and then to see her laughing a t me!” Then, chief, obtaining from her vigor*
sinking back again w ith a smile of unrestrained signs of approbate
leap to his feet.
justification on his face, he m uttered: face w as w reathed in smiles i
“ H n lf p a st 7! I can make it!”
"W e won’t tu rn back; w e’ll go right leaned fa r over th e rail, the py
F Lorry slept th a t night. he wns
‘‘W h at is the m atter, Gren, dear?”
not aw are of It. All night long he
We’ll be a kind of a fool, but anim ated pleasure.
"Oh!” he ejacu lated , bringing him self
tossed and thought. H er face wns up w ith a s t a r t “ I forgot—e r—yes. not so foolish as to allow her to see us
Making sure th a t her uncle,
everyw here. H er voice filled his m other. I’ll Ju st have tim e to catch the and recognize us as one.
w ere not visible, he boldlv nh,
ear with music never censing, but It train, you know. W ill you kindly have
Before long they arrived a t the
t0 hls llpa am]
wns not the lulling music th n t Invites Mary clean up th is m uss of books and w harf, and he hurried to the office l t over tfae w a te r
drowsiness. He heard th e clock strike bo fo rth ? I’m off, you see, to New near by. The clerk perm itted him to
"Now she'll crush me!” he
the hours from 1 to 8, when he arose, York—fo r a day only, m other—back look over the list.
F irst he ran
reg rettin g the rash
thoroughly disgusted w ith him self. He tomorrow*!
Im p o rta n t business—ju st through the first class passengers and
a t she had not obse
worshiped his m other, b u t In severnl rem em bered it, you know —ahem ! Good- was surprised to find th a t there w as j
k erch ief ceased fluti
Instances thnt m orning he enught him ­ by, m other! G oodby!” He lmd kissed no such name as Guggenslocker In the
self Just in tim e to prevent the u tte r­ her and w as in the hall before she fair­ list. Then he went over the second | an ¡tu si;u lt’ and; w ith slllki"S
realized th a t she had observed
ance of some shnrp rejoinder to her ly understood w h a t he wns talking class, but still no Guggenslocker.
pleasant, m otherly queries. Tw ice she about. Then she rnn a fte r him. gain­
"H asn’t Mr. Guggenslocker taken was a m om ent of indecision
wns compelled to repent questions, his ing the hallw ay in tim e to see him pass j passage?” he demanded, unwilling to p art of the fa ir one going out 1
and then the little finger tips <
mind being so fn r aw ay th a t he henrd through the stre e t door, bis hat on the believe his eyes.
hands w ent to her lips and
nothing save w ools th n t nnother wom­ side of his head, ills overcoat fluttering
"Not on the K aiser Wilhelm, sir.”
an had uttered, sny, tw enty-four hours furiously as he shoved his arm s into
“Then, by George, they’ll miss the came back to him.
before. H is eyes w ere red, and there the sleeves. The door slammed, and | boat!” Lorry exclaimed. “Maybe they’ll
While he w as still waving I
I.-o r o ]i i i f l n h o t l n y q n y g g A l v
wns n heavy droop to th e lids. His lie w as off to New York.
j be here in a few m inutes.”
tones were draw ling and ills voice
“They can’t get anything but steer­
T he tra in w as ready to pull out when
strangely w ithout w arm th. Ills face he reached th e station, and it wns only age now, sir. Everything else is gone.”
was w hite and tired.
by a h ard run th a t he caught the last
“Are you sure they haven’t taken
“ You nre not well, G renfnll,” his platform , panting, but happy. Ju st ! passage?” asked the bewildered Lorry
m other said, peering anxiously into Ills tw en ty -fo u r hours before she had left j weakly.
eyes. “T he trip has done you up. Now, W ashington, and it was right here th a t
"You enn see for yourself,” answered
you m ust tnke n good, long rest and re­ she had smiled and said she would the young man curtly.
cover from your vacation.”
expect him to come to Edelweiss. lie
Lorry was again in a perspiration,
lie smiled grim ly.
had had no tim e to secure a berth in i this time the result of a vague, grow­
“ A m an never needs a rest so much th e sleeper, but w as fortunately able
ing suspicion th at had forced itself in­
ns he does a t the end of his vacation, to get one a fte r taking the train. Gren­
to his mind. Gradually he came to
eh, m other? Well, work will be rest­ fnll w en t to sleep feeling both disap­
the conclusion th a t she had fooled him.
ful. I slmll go to the olttee this morn pointed and disgusted — disappointed
lied to him. She did not intend l
lug and do three d ay s’ work before because of Ills submission to sentiment,
on the Wilhelm a t all. It was
night. T h at will prove to you th a t 1 disgusted because of the man who oc­
clear to him now—that stran g e­
am perfectly well."
cupied the n ex t section. A man who ness in her manner, those odd occasion­
T rue to his intention, he w ent to the Is in love and in doubt has no patience
office early, virtuously Inclined to work. w ith the prosaic w retch who can sleep al smiles. W hat was she—an adven­
turess? That sweet faced girl a little
Ills uncle greeted him w arm ly and a so audibly.
coquette, a liar? He turned
long conference over business nffnlrs
A fter a hasty breakfast In New York cold with the thought.
followed. To Lorry's annoyance and he telephoned to the steam ship com­
The clanging of bells broke upon his
discom fiture he found him self freq u en t­ pany’s pier and asked the time of sail­
and he knew that the great ship
ly Inattentive. Several Im portant cases ing for the K aiser Wilhelm. On being
to depart. Mechanical y.
were pending, and In n day or tw o they Informed th a t the ship was to cast oiT
he walked out and paced
were to go Into court w ith a dam age
a t her usual hour, he straightw ay call­
suit of more th an ordinary conse­ ed a cab and wns soon bowling along the broad, crowded w harf. All was
quence. Ix>rry senior could not re­ tow ard the busy w aterw ay. Directly excitement. There were the rush of
press his gratification over the return
he sat bolt upright, rigid and startled I*eople, the shouts, the cheers, the puff-
of his clever, active nephew nt such an
boldly placed hls fingert»1
to find him self more awakened to the ingot tugs, the churning of w ater, and
opportune time. He had felt him self
an d W(lfUd “ W* i
realization of his absurd action. Again
unable to handle the case alone. The en-
wisdom of the *(tJ
It entered his Infatuated head that lie
durance of a young and vigorous mind
o f the distant cnl°J
was perform ing the veriest schoolboy
was required for the coming b attle in
faded awl!
trick In rushing to a steamship pier in
and couU 1
the hope of catching a filial and at best
They lunched together, the elder en- unsatisfactory glimpse of a young wo- anger, shame and mortification. She be distinguished. She w»sl
ger and confidential, the other respect­ limn who had appealed to his sensitive had played with him!
she had tossed him a
ful and nbsen tail tided. In the a fte r­ adm iration. A lovesick boy could be
Gloomily his disappointed eyes sw ept th a t be should always see.
noon the Junior w ent over the case and excused for such n display of Imbecil­ along the rail of the big steam er, half
U pperm ost in his beffik
renew ed seurch for authorities and ity. but a m an—a man of the world! interested in spite of themselves. Twice w as t,ie question. Why i>!
opinions, fully determ ined to l>o con­ Never!
they passed a certain point on the for- tl*e p assen g er list? Acting
sta n t In spite of Ills Inclination to be
“The idea of chasing down to the ward deck, unconscious of a force th a t trt>n "u p u lse, he again *>u
fickle. I<nte In the day he petulantly w ater’s edge to see thnt girl Is enough
was attracting them in that direction. c,erk in ch arg e and mailta
threw aside the books, curtly Informed
to make you ashamed of yourself fur '•'lie third time he allowed them to set- ou£b inspection. There «*1
his astonished uncle thnt he was not
life, (trenfall Ixirry,” he apostrophized. tie for an instant cn the group of faces Kenslocker am ong the »a“
finding well, and left the office. P ntll
“ It's worse than any lovesick fool mid figures and then stray off to other rp so rt be asked:
din n er tim e he played billiards atro ­
ever dream ed of doing. I am blush- parts of the ship. Some strange pow er
"T hey could not have
ciously a t lilts club; a t dinner his m oth­
big. I'll be bound. The Idioov the drew them again to the forw ard deck. au assum ed name, coulu tm
er s h a n d y reproved him for flagrant
rank idiocy of the thing! And suppose and this time he was startled into an
“ • c a n ’t
as t0 ****
Inatten tio n s; a fte r dinner he smoked
she should set« me staring at her out intent stare. Could he believe those tb e y going?”
and woudorvd despondent Ir. Tomor­
there on the uier? What would she eves? Surely th a t was her figure a t
“G ra u s ta rk .” (CflBtW-j
M b;
I mmt n m - ■ n