Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 19, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    1 ° ___________
Dr. W m . M( Pollock,
Mr C. C. Hooper of Gaston, a war Fancy tea and coffee at Nicholsons
D E N T IS T .
veteran of nearly 70 years of age, can & Son’s.
hold down the shooting record against prices that make you come again, All work in the Forest Grove, Or.
Prepared to do
the younger generation. His targets at the Magnet.
at night, but
Bellingher will keep your bicycles are gophers which are very annoying Garden and feed seeds of all kinds ulating ch ild ren must be by ap­
to himself and neighbors, who have of­ at Martin & Co.
and adult teeth. pointment ...........
in repair.
fered him ten cents a piece for all- he
Art squares beat carpet.—Roe & will kill upon their premises. His in­ Miss Manche Langley spent a
Dr* V* L* AA1
come is no small sum from this source few days in Portland visiting friends.
« -J
Latest recycles at the lowest price at alone> One day last week out of 15 Fresh banquet wafers and other
shots he bagged 14 gophers and it is fancy picnic goods at Nicholson & Upstairs, Wagner Building,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Johnson were but fair to say that he did not see the Son’s.
one he missed, but saw only the mo­ We have the stock for you. Ladies’
up at Seattle last week.
tion of the grass through which it was and childrens’ furnishing goods. The
W . IN. S E A R S
Cheney the tinner. You always get running.
-Proprietor of-
the brand of tin you bargain for.
Wm. Nelson of Gales Creek, a Magnet.
Carl Lorenz, of Hayward, mad<j thrifty and energetic farmer and dairy Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brown, of Port- . .T h e L e a d in g B a r b e r S h o p ..,
the News a pleasant call Thursday.
man of that locality, made a splendid land, were guests at the Cronin home Up-to-date Hair-cutting and
Shaving. Laundry agency.
Best lots in Forest Grove for the record in the dairy buisness this over Sunday.
money. Wagner addition. J. P. season. During the past five months Daily—We will pay you the highest IVInii-i S tre e t,
F o r e s t Grove
| the P. C. Condensed Milk Co., and son & McNamer.
Geo. A. Hall, a prominent attorney realized a total of $546 or $10.92 for
E. B. Rentz, M. D.
of St. Helens, was in town on business each cow per month. Considering Spring is here—and you should see
elegant art squares for the floor at Physician and Surgeon
the labor and amount invested it is ap­ the
Remember that when buying furni­ parent that the dairy business is one Roe & Buxton’s.
Office over Abbott’s
Call and see the car load of buggies
ture, Roe & Buxton can suit you in of the best in the country.
Jewelry Store...........
price and quality.
Henry E. Cheneey, son of Elbridge that has been shipped to Washington
Forest Grove, Ore.
Mr. Stephen Morgan had a severe Cheneey, who has been serving Uncle county. His prices will surprise you. Both Phones.
attack of rheumatism this week, but is Sam in the Philippines for over three
now much improved.
years, arrived at San Francisco Mon­ Mrs. Rymeal of Floyd, Colorado, City Barber Shop . .
on the Transport Sherman. For has recently purchased the Mrs. Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­
P. H. Buxton of Buxton, Oregon, day
Showers property and will occupy it at
will deliver you shingles. The very the past few months he was not in the once. The Nixon Land Co. effected ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grove.
but has been an able assistant in
* . A. J. Wirtz, Proprietor
best of cedar. Write him for prices. army
the quartermaster department of the the sale.
Ladies—Have your hair dressed in service as a civilian. He will arrive Choice lots in finest locations.
E* W* (Established
the latest fashion, it cost you nothing home in a few days,
Water, shade, sidewalks, best drainage,
in 1898)
for advice at the parlors of Madam La The much advertised 4 George extra deep and right prices. Enquire General banking business transacted.
Company appeared before a well filled of owner—Earl B. Hawks at the News Drafts issued on the principal cities or
You are invited to call at the parlors house here on Monday night. The Office.
the world. Interest paid on time de­
of Mademoiselle LaCourse, up stairs in lady violinist and lady contortionist were Mr. John Striplin who has been visit­ posits. Conveyancing. Insurance.
Caples building. Manicuring and | the only features of the program par- ing friends and relatives in California
Notary Public always in.
tially worth the 50 cents charged for and Oregon, arrived home Monday
massage. Special scalp treatment.
They exercised their evening looking and feeling much
A good roof saves trouble. P. H. j admittance.
Farmers and Merchants
in springing a bunch of an­ stronger.
Buxton, of Buxton, Oregon, will de-1 nerve
gags and worn out songs on the
Bank* of Forest Grove*
liver to you first class cedar shingles, tique
They might be called a fair
either cut or sawed. Write him for house.
Capital* $25*000*
Los Angeles Monday evening, and
called to Dayton Tuesday, by the Transacts a general banking
George Armentrout is a firm believer was
Miss Anna Burrees of Banks, was in mutual insurance. His country illness of Mrs. Belknap’s father. He business. C o rresp o n d en t’s,
taken suddenly sick with pleurisy on home burned down last Wednesday will occupy his pulpit here Sunday.
Monday night. Dr. Bailey of Hills­ and in five days the inspection had Miss Alyce Cronin has resigned her Wells Fargo & Co. Banks.
boro was called, and during the past been made, the loss adjusted and the school to accept a position as book­
few days has improved rapidly.
insurance paid. He carries his insur- keeper with the Watrous & Allen Co. W . H . W illiam s Æ Son
-Headquarters for-
J. F. Haynie & Son have two fine ance in the Oregon Fire Relief Asso- The school board loses an efficient
teacher and the firm gains a splendid L u m b e r in R o u gh
teams and if you have any team work ciation and will have no other,
call up Haynie & Son on the Hughes Sunday services at the Christian book keeper.
’phone for any information you may £hurch subject of morning sermon: G. 0. Graves, business manager of
desire. They will treat you right.
w * and its the Russell Co. of Portland, was in
“The rkn*,k
Church of r Christ
Tobacco and
A pleasant social dance was given at Privileges.” Evening: “The Road to town Tuesday on business and visited
Cigars, Etc.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Erick­ Heaven.” Evening sermon from with his old time friend J. W. Cor­
Everybody nelius, they having been acquainted Candies and Fruits of all
son near Gales Creek last week, about black board diagram.
kinds, Soda Water, Bread,
since 1871.
twenty-five guests were in attendance invited to attend these services.
and after the dancing a splendid supper Miss Manche Langley entertained a Miss Marie Staehr has entered the Pies and Cakes, Hot Pop-
was served which was greatly enjoyed number of friends at her home Friday Monmouth Normal School, which in­ Com and Peanuts.
Sunday Oregonian for Sale Here
by all. Sam Varley and Ben Bateman evening with an impromtu musical stitution she expects to attend until
furnished the music.
program after which a dainty luncheon she finishes her education. She has f OREST GROVE, - - - OREGON
Mrs. Wilber McEldownev.
McEldowney, one
o of was served. Everyone present had a just closed a successful nine months
the best talented and most popular jolly good time.
term of school at Reedville.
vocalists in town, has a large class at The committee, appointed to let the Bargains—In order to reduce our
North Yamhill. As a vocalist M.s. contract, and superintend the work of stock for removal to our new location Can suit you. They have
McEldowney has an enviable reputa- paperin* and paintm* the Christian on the east side ol Main street we will a complete stock of Harness,
non here and the people ol North Chnrch, have let the contract to Jell trade Koods for dollars or cents fcr a Whips, Lap Robes. Repair­
Yamhill are fortunate in having such Harris, who will begin work next Mon- very small profit until we have moved. ing a specialty. Call in.
an able instructor in their town.
day morning
L. L. Hollinger.
Pacific Avenuf
n f
0. R. Downs
Brooks & S o n ^