Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 19, 1904, Image 1

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A p r o g r e s s iv e
Voi. 2.
Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, May 19,1904.
Attempted Suicide
More About the Electric Road
Theodore Neep, a farmhand, aged
22, attempted suicide at the Pollock
ranch, two and a half miles southeast
of Forest Grove, Monday afternoon.
He received a telephone call in the
forenoon from Portland and rode to
Forest Grove to answer it. Later he
drove to Cornelius, where he pur­
chased carbolic acid. When he re­
turned to the farm he swallowed part
of the burning liquid. The pain
caused him to make enough noise to
arouse the household, and Dr. Tam-
asie of Hillsboro, was at once sum­
moned. He had failed to swallow
enough to insure death. He refuses
to talk, but private affairs seem to
have been the immediate cause.
In response to a telephone call, Mr.
James H. Sewell went to Portland last
Monday evening to meet with the
agent of Andrew Graydon, who had
just received a message from Mr.
Graydon, who is now in New York,
stating that he was about to close a
contract with eastern capatalists for
sale of the bonds for the construction
of the electric railroad from Portland to
Forest Grove, the contract being con­
tingent upon the procuring of the re­
quired amount of subsidy in Washing­
ton county. Messrs. Sewell, Heidel
and Shute will require from the eastern
capatalists a sufficient guarantee that
the bonds will be floated before they
will agree to complete the procuring
of the balance of the subsidy, which is
GRAND BARBACUE AT CORNELIUS believed they will furnish.
A Day Long to be Remembered by
the Citizens of Washington County
Next Wednesday the inhabitant« of
the thriving little city of Corneliu£\ind
the hundred of others who are planning
to attend, will pass a day of fun and
profit such as they have never enjoyed
before in Washington County, a roast
ox, a roast sheep, and a roast hog will
adorn the public square in the old-
fashioned way which our forefathers
enjoyed. There will be bands, glee
clubs, speakers of wide repute, and
special features. The candidates will
be there.
So will everybody else.
Bring your lunch and enjoy the day of
your life. Watch for the big bills.
Don’t forget the day, Wednesday,
<ay 25th.
On Saturday noon, at the Hannah
ospital, occured the death of little
[Laura, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Irs. Wm. Hay. The child was ten
'ears of age and had been suffering for
ome weeks. The family returned
om Forest Grove, Oregon, where
hey wintered. They were about to
ove to their farm west of Hannah
hen their eldest hope was stricken,
he family have the profound sympathy
f the community in the loss of their
ved one. On Sunday afternoon at
o’clock the funeral left for the Byron
emetery. Rev. George Clark con-
ucted the service.— North Dakota
No. 1.
newly wedded couple will begin house-
‘keeping on Mr. Friday’s farm near
Greenville. Both of these young
people are well known in that vicinity
and a host of friends wish them a
happy and prosperous voyage on the
river of life.
Field Meet
The Field meet between Pacific
and the University of Oregon, resulted
in a victory for Pacific, the final score
being 68 to 49. This is the first time
in the last three years that P. U. has
defeated U. of 0 . on the track, but
the defeat was so decisive that all the
supporters of the crimson and black
are wild with joy. Oregon generally
considers Pacific not in her class, but
we are inclined to think that there are
other schools in the state besides Ore­
The meet went off very nicely, and
U. of 0. accepted defeat in the proper
manner. Captain Gilbert broke the
Northwest record in the pole vault,
going 11 feet 3 inches, but otherwise
no especially good records were made.
If Pacific can now defeat the Oregon
Agricultural collage, she will be
champion of the state. We meet 0 .
A. C. May 30th at Forest Grove.
Port Arthur has been cut off by land
and blocked by sea by the wily Japs.
The Rosebud Reservation will soon
be opened to settlement. The pro­
clamation issued last week.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are
in session at Astoria with a large num­
ber present from over the state.
General Joubert at Forest Grove
Miss Clara Barton, who for years has
Gen. Joubert gave an interesting
talk on the Boer war and the con­ been at the head of the Red Cross
ditions leading up to it, at Marsh Hall Society, has resigned the presidency of
Tuesday evening. The discourse was that order.
Russians blew up the docks at Dol-
well rendered and no one hearing him
would doubt his authenticity. He is ney to render them worthless to the
in America looking for a suitable clim­ Japanese, who have taken possession
ate and soil for homes for his country of the city.
A. Thorsterman of Bellingham,
men, many of whom intend to make
free America their home. He ex­ Washington, shoots his 9 months old
pressed the sentiment that at some fu­ baby and takes his own life owing to
ture time all South Africa would unite domestic troubles.
to throw the yoke of England and be­
Herman asks that small Oregon
come the United States of South Africa. harbors be favored by a dredge from
It seems some jealousy has arisen at his the emergency appropriation set aside
success, as some Boer veterans have for rivers and harbors.
telegraphed to Portland that he was
The Portland Commercial Club has
not a general, but the telegram is not obtained the services of Tom Richard­
given much credence. Gen. Joubert son, of New Orleans, to take charge of
is a nephew of the famous Gen. Jou­ its interests and Portland will be pushed
bert who fell at Mafeking. The to the front.
younger Gen. Joubert was thrice
The internal situation in Russia is
wounded in battle and for m any:
daily becoming more serious for the
months his lower limbs were paralyzed.
government. They are meeting con­
All honor is due to Gen. Joubert as a
tinual reverse in the far east and the
soldier and no spite work or other
Japs seem to out general the Russians
motive can distract one iota from the
at every turn.
credit due him for his active part in
The body of the little girl who had
the war for freedom.
been missing in New York for many
days and for whom a reward of $3,500
Over the Wires
One of the worst fires of the season had been offered, was found in a chim­
occured in Portland which destroyed ney in which she had hidden while
the plant of the Multnomah Trunk & playing hide and seek.
the Day Lumber Co., and
F. A. Hyde and H. P. Dimond, of
j ra p owers’s Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, are held under heavy
the total loss being about $350,000. bail to appear and answer to the charge
Insurance amounting to $100,000 par­ of acquiring title to public lands in
tially covered the loss. The fire origi- Oregon and California by means of
A verv oleasant wedding took place nated in a shaving bin of the Lumber fraud. There is forthcoming one of
^ p May 14, at the minister’s: Co., by a gas explosion.
'— All
A11 ,u
I he ~ the biggest legal fights the Coast has
,„anse in South Park, Forest Grove,
when John W. Friday, of Greenville,
and Miss Pearl M. Turner, of the
same place, were united in matrimony
by Supt. C. F. Clapp of the Congrega-
tional church. Miss Mildred Seelye
acted as bridesmaid, and the best man
was Burt Friday, a brother of the
groom. Only a few friends of the con­
tracting parties were present. The
factories will be rebuilt,
The supreme court of the United
The Japanese accidently lost a tor-
pedo boat while removing mines from States has decided that it is not un-
Rear Bay north of Port Dalney, only constitutional to bar a foreigner from
seven men being lost. A day or two entering this country when he comes
later an armoured ciuiser was crippled to teach doctrines wholly contrary to
by a torpedo in Talienwan bay by a our constitution. Turner, an an-
daring young Russian officer, who ap- archist, was ordered departed and
proached the cruiser in a small steam brought a test case. He will have to
launch under cover of darkness.
I go however.