Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 12, 1904, Image 1

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CLARK. . . .
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Voi. 1.
Fine Farmhouse Burned
Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, May 12,1904.
Messrs. Kramer and Treytag of
Mrs. E. W. Chandler is visiting
The large home of B. W. Armen- Oregon City, were in the Grove Sun­ with her sister Mrs. W. F. Breidqn-
trout north of Forest
Grove, was day. Mr. Kramer was formerly a resi­ stein in Portland for a few days.
burned to the ground last Tuesday dent on David’s Hill.
evening. The fire caught on the
Miss Belle, daughter ot our Council­
The Annual Meeting of the. Wes­
kitchen roof and spread rapidly, de­ man, N. L. Johnson, returned home
tern Oregon Advent Christian Confer­
fying every effort to check it. Upon Tuesday morning from a two month’s
ence will be held at Gaston, Washing­
discovering the flames a son of Mr. visit in Seattle with relatives.
ton County, Oregon, commencing June
Armentrout, who has charge of the
H. G. King has sold the 6 acre
17, 1904, and lasting over two Sundays.
farm, took the hose which he uses for home north of the city belonging to
Anyone wishing to rent tents for the
watering the lawn and tried to put out Mrs. C. M. Baker, to Milo Kelsey for
meeting should send in the order to
the blaze, but to no avail. Failing in $1200. Mr. King reports a number
Mrs. Eliza J. Russell, Gaston, Oregon.
this he directed his efforts to saving of transfers during the last few days.
Prices as follow: 8x10 $1.25 1 Ox-
the household effects, most of which
Mr. Ballard, a brother of our black­ 12 $1.50 12x14 $1.75 14x16 $2.-
were saved. The house was a fine res­ smith, is here from Coburg, this state,
H o r a c e G. F it c h , Pres. W.
idence costing $2000 and carried but where he is engaged by the Booth-
O. A. C. Conference. ELIZA RUSSELL.
$650 insurance with the McMinnville Kelly Lumber Co., as machinist. Mr.
Ballard will remain here for1 a short
School Report
vacation and visit with his brother.
Forest Grove Post Office Robbed
Watt’s public school, District No.
Mr. E. S. Callender, manager of the
The post offiee at Forest Grove was
from April 11 to May 6. No.
broken into last Monday night by ex­ condenser, will within a few weeks
days taught, 20; No. days attend­
pert safe cracksmen, and robbed of a leave for a well earned and much
ance, 602; No. days absence, 54; No.
large amount of stamps and a small needed vacation in the east. He
amount of money. They entered by goes from here to Seattle to remain a pupils enrolled, 38; average daily at­
a window which they opened by means short time, thence to his old home in tendance, 30.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy were:
of a jimmey, often used by thugs for Ohio and to St. Louis, where he will
Stevenson, Clarence Rice, Em­
that purpose. The safe was a good enjoy the pleasures to be had at the
ery LaMont, Marie Bleid, Bessie
one owned by the postmaster, H. C. Fair.
Jones, Maggie
A. C. and E. R. Renyolds, of Abb-
Atwell. The burglers first attempted
Hunter, Harry Jones, Henry Busch,
to open the safe by breaking the com- ington, Illinois, have purchased the
Josie Knighten, Grace McCoy, Har­
bination, but failing in this they drilled farm of Edward Austin on the Base-
ley LaMont, Roy Hunter, Albert
I two holes reaching the inner casting line road near Cornelius. The sale
Busch and Helen Lesser.
land filled the holes with black powder, was made through the efforts of Judge
[which was set off by an ordinary blast- H. G. Fitch. 1 he Renyolds Bros,
jing fuse. The explosion badly dam- come well recommended and we be-
iged the interior of the safe where the speak for them a welcome to the
WHEREAS, the shadow of death has
lombination bars held the door but in- community.
fallen on the home of our sister, Mrs.
jured the safe only to such extent as
The child of Wm. Hay was brought Anna Byroads, and taken from her her
ras necessary to accomplish their pur­ up from Wales seriously ill Tuesday husband, who died May 2, at his home
pose. The explosion seems to have afternoon, and taken to the Hannah in Forest Grove,
pccured about 2 o’clock and was heard hospital. The young patient was ac-
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, That
^y several citizens, who did not realize companied by Mrs. Hay. Mr. Hay we, the sisters of Anna Byroads and
was anything of consequence. The and family returned from their winter members of the J. B. Mathews Relief
ibbers stole a railcycle at Cornelius 1 visit in Oregon a short time ago and Corps, extend our most tender sym­
>m the section house, also a sledge Mrs. Hay and children were visiting in pathy to her and family in their afflic­
imraer and a crowbar from the same Wales ei route to their farm home west tion and also express our heartfelt sym­
ice, the last two being left at the of Hannah. Hannah N. Dak., Moon. pathy in this hour of bereavement.
>st office upon their departure.
F. W. Shoemaker, a stockraiser and May God bless and comfort then-
The post office inspector, Mr. O. C. farmer of Willsonville, Nebraska, ar­ hearts and bring them safely over the
iches of Portland, was early on the rived at Forest Grove Sunday. He river to join his pure spirit in the
und and obtained several clues will visit with his relatives, Mr. Bur*es, sweet bye and bye.
ich lead him to believe that the
RESOLVED, That these resolutions
ibbers reached Portland before day- at Banks, and later will probably locate
printed in Forest Grove Times and
Mr. Shoemaker,
ht Tuesday morning. The rail- in this county.
'cle has not been found, but it is be- although a young man is well and the Washington County News and a
ed that it will be found near Port- favorably known in the locality from copy given to our sister, also printed
id. No blame of any kind can be which he came and has many friends upon the record of the Corps.
ched to Postmaster Atwell but
_ .
M r s . J e n n i e N. W a r d
.e criticism exists because we have w^° w'^ ^°^ow l^ls ^ear’ m cas
M r s . H a t t ie H a v s e r
nightwatch to guard against these finds Oregon suitable to the desired
S a r a h a . C a r t e r
No. 52.
Council Meeting
The city council met in regular
session Tuesday evening with all the
city officials present. Finance com­
mittee reported bills as follows:
Croswell, labor....................... $ 1.60
2 65
18 80
20 75
14 00
3 40
1 38
“ Marshall .................... 12 00
Baldwin, co n stab le...............
1 10
Hoffman, atto rn ey ,............... 11 00
Portland Electric Co.............. 6 85
Hudson, treasurer.................. 17 50
Express Co.
.................. 1 10
Total $113 63
These bills were ordered to be paid
by sight warrants.
Semi-annual interest amounting to
$812.03 on the bonded indebtedness of
the city was paid.
Committee on light and water re­
ported applications of A. S. Venen.
Frank Emerson, Mr. Parker and
Mr. Peteison for water, and K. N.
Staehr for light which were granted.
Carl Hinman, Mr. Ruckles and Mr.
Phillips in person petitioned the coun­
cil that they be allowed to take up the
| inch pipe leading to their property
and replace it by a 1 inch pipe, they
getting credit only for the extra value
in the pipe Jaid to the city limits. All
outside expense to be borne by them.
The petition was granted after some
Mr. Hughes was appointed a com­
mittee of one to appraise the value of
the pipe taken up on the above prop­
The street committee reported good
work in repairing street crossings. A
plea for rock was put in by the com­
The street committee were in­
structed to investigate a new road in
South Park.
The treasurer’s report was next
$999.79, total disbursements amounted
to $735. 36, balance $264.43.
Health and police committee report­
ed very favorable conditions.
Committee on fire aparatus advised
housing up the fire apparatus and the
purchase of two 3 gallon Babcock extin­
guishers The suggestions were adopt­
ed. After some minor deliberations
i the council adjourned.