Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 05, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    D r. W m . M( p0|
H . L. Deckert, who recently came
here from Portland, has opened an
office on Main street north of Ed Nay­
lor’s comer and is ready to talk busi­
ness. He is a thoroughly practical
Bellingher will keep your bicycles
plumber having spent several years in
in repair.
that line of work on only high class
Art squares beat carpet. Roe & contracts. H e has just completed a
Office over Bazaar, Forest
All work in the
dental line. R eg-
ulating chil d r e n
and adult teeth ,
Latest racycles at the lowest price at
work a
U pstairs, W agner Building,
Forest Grove,
Sunday dinner the nicest in town at
the Colonial.
W . IN. S E A R S
Cheney the tinner. You always get
the b»nd of tin you bargain for.
Best lots in Forest Grove for the
money. Wagner addition. J.
Mrs. Con Caples of Portland, visited
friends and relatives in the Grove over
Remember that when buying furni­
ture, Roe & Buxton can suit you in
price and quality.
------------ Proprietor of----------
. .T h e L cad iriK H a r b tr ShJ
Rev. E. Curran, of Hillsboro, was a
visitor at the Grove Monday and gave
the News a pleasant call.
Up-to-date Hair-cutting J
Shaving. Laundry agennj
Militi S t r e e t ,
I 'orest nJ
When in trouble see Hoffman &
Welch, if served with papers they will
advise you absolutely free.
Col. H . Haynes expects to com ­
mence work on his new home in
South Forest Grove soon.
P h ysician and Sun
Office over Abbott’s
Mrs. T. R. Turnbull of Vancouver,
Jewelry Store,
Washington, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Mary H unter of Mt. Tabor, re­
Mrs. S. G. Hughes.
turned to her home after a few days Both Phones
done to buggy and harness but the
Ladies— Have your hair dressed in
visit among friends and relatives.
team znd driver were left in good
the latest fashion, it cost you nothing
Only 474 persons wanted at Bellin- City Barber Shop . ,
for advice at the parlors of Madam La repair.
ghers bicycle shops to purchase ra­
Baths. Laundry Agency. Sfr
Our West Side railroad known as
cycles, the best wheel on earth.
ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grot
The ball given by the Band Boys the Oregon & California railroad and
Miss Pearl Smith, of the Argus at
♦ ♦ A , JL W irtz, Propria
at Vert’s Hall last Saturday evening, which the Southern Pacific leased for a
Hillsboro, spent Sunday at the Grove
was fairly well attended and a good period of 20 years, passed May 1st,
under the management of the 0 . R. & with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H ugh
time was enjoyed by all.
(Established in 1898)
N., the old lease having expired. It Smith.
You are invited to call at the parlors
still belongs to the Harriman interests
Now is the time to bring in your General banking business tram
of Madam La Course, up stairs in
wool and hides and get the highest Drafts issued on the principal cia
Caples building.
The 16£ acre tract of land lying cash price at Johnson & M cNamer’s the world. In terest paid on tiaei
massage. Special scalp treatm ent.
Conveyancing. Insuia
near the corporate limits of the city, market.
The Christian Woman’s Board of
N otary Public always in.
owned by the heirs of the late Marion
Missions will meet in the parlor of the
Go to Cheney's
A. Baldwin, was sold last week to
Christian church, at 3 o’clock p. m.
For Wolverine soap.
James Buxton by H . G. King, the
F arm ers and Mei
May 10. A cordial invitation is ex­
reliable real estate agent, for a con­
B ank, o f F o re s t Gi
tended to all.
Sterescopes and Views.
sideration of $1667£.
Pictures and Paintings.
Mr. Ben Hardin, of Payette, Idaho,
Capital, $25,000.
Services as usual at Christian church
Tin and Graniteware.
a cousin of Prof. G. B. Hardin, of this
Transacts a general
city, and Mr. Russell, of Blooming, next Sunday. Subject in morning,
One door west of H ughes’
business. Correspo
Iowa, arrived last week and expect to “ Qualifications and Duties of Church
Shingles Cut and Shaved
locate in or near Forest Grove.
W ells Fargo & Co.
a Christian” . Special music at both
J. F. Haynie & Son have two fine services. A cordial invitation is ex­
Washington county. Best of cedar
teams and if you have any team work tended to all.
W. H .
used in stock and shingles are guaren-
call up Haynie & Son on the Hughes
----------- Headquarters for— —“
A good roof saves trouble. P. H. teed superior in quality. It will pay
’phone for any information you may
Lum ber in Rotti
Buxton, of Buxton, Oregon, will de­ you to investigate.
desire. They will treat you right.
liver to you first class cedar shingles,
Samples to be seen at H . T. Bux­ R . F . D . Route 1, - FOREST GIOVI
Saturday evening about 60 friends either cut or sawed. Write him for ton’s, Forest Grove. Write for prices
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. prices.
P. H . B u x t o n
Loyd, of Kansas City, assembled at
S. A. Walker’s orchestra were en­
Buxton, Ore.
their home and passed the evening in
gaged to play at Buxton Saturday
a most enjoyable social dance, a nice
Candies and Fruits oH
night, but owing to the death of Mr.
lunch was served and everyone had a
kinds, Soda Water, Br»
Crawford the engagement was can­
pleasant time.
Pies and Cakes, Hot hf
Com and Peanuts.
School Report— Hayward, district
No. 86, from April 4, to 29; days
Sunday Oregonian
chant, has Contractor E. A. Jerome
/aught, 20; days attendance, 240;
- “ * n
pupils enrolled, 13; average daily at­ preparing plans for his new residence
hear South Park.
tendance, 12; days absent, 2; times
tardy, 4; visitors during the month, 15.
P. H. Buxton of Buxton, Oregon,
Pupils neither absent or tardy were: will deliver you shingles. The very
Can suit you. Thg
H attie, Maggie and Lucy Kahler, best of cedar. Write him for prices.
^ complete stock of B
M aggie Nelson, Katie Kessler, Leonard
Miss Anna Roe made her usual trip i
W hips, Lap Robes. ®
Laemerman and Bertha Hunger.
to Dilley, last Saturday, where she is
ing a specialty. Cai
M a isie M c D o n a l d , teacher.
instructing a large class in music.
Pacific A