Spring is here— and you should see the elegant art squares for the floor at Roe & Buxton’s. Mrs. J. M. Garrison returned last 1 night from Portland, bringing her | invalid daughter with her. Mrs. A. E. Dixon, our popular miliner was in Portland a couple of days this week, selecting more goods. l blend of choice hard wheat and soft valley wheat, making the best of flour. One ton of canned fruit and vegeta­ bles for sale, less than retail price at Thomas & James. Aplin Mills Com pany C Farm Feed Chopping a Specialty o r n e l iu s , O r e g o n ALGERNON S. DRESSER Register Probate Court Estate of Philomena Perrett, deceas­ ed. Sale of personal property filed, examined and approved. Johnson & Co Brick Livery, Feed and Sale Stable See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail. Baggage and freight called for and delivered. Finest Rigs. Best Horses. Good Drivers. Comer Main and Pacific A ve., Forest Grove, Or. Your Opportunity I now carry a complete line of sample Suits and Pants of the Famous Guardianship of Lloyd and Roy R. Baldwin, minors. Abraham Baldwin appointed guardian with bond at SI,500. Estate of Gustav Hartrampf, deceas­ ed. Administrator discharged and bondsmen released and estate closed of record. Guardianship of Gustav N. Hartrampf minor. Petition asking for an allow­ ance of $10 per month for care and . support of minor allowed. f Estate of Geo. B. Day, deceased. Executor discharged and estate closed of record. Guardianship of Henry and Adelaide ' McDonald, minors. Petition filled by American Bonding Co. of Baltimore, Salem Woolen Mill« Make Which I guarantee to sell at the same prices prevailing at Portland J O H IN A I N D B R S O I N , T a i l o r J. N. Hoffman PATTON & Saws wood when called tor. M. W. Patton, Res News Office. Harvey Anderson, See’y. A BBO TT BLDG For Information, Address, Notaries Public, Real Estate, and Con­ veyancing. Upstairs, Capíes Building ... G. B. HARDIN ... Forest Grove. ♦ . . United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. .......................................... .... . .. Aprii4, luti Notice is hereby given that in compliance with thepio vision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entiled*« act for the sale of timber lands -n the Statej of CaNftigJ Oregon, Nevada, and Washington T y,” as extendedmjjl the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Thoml A. Legard, of St. Johns, county of Multnomah! Stair <1 Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi? wont ¡»¡.| ment No. 6398, for the purchase of the N. ff. pgl Section No. 25 in Township No. 1 N., Range No. 5W,| and will offer proof to show that the land sought isme'l valuable for its timber or stone than for agricrloil purposes, and to establish his claim to said landbefoJ the Register and Receiver of this office at OregonCiM Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1904. I He names as witnesses: I George A. Sather, of Portland, Oregon, 1 J. C. Paulson, of Gales Creek, Oregon, I H. Slooman, of Gales Creek. Oregon, I Chas. F. Ehman, of Portland. Oregon, I Any and all persons claim ing adversely the abort-tJ scribed lands are requested to file their c 1 aims .iful office on or before said 5th day of July, 1904. I ALGERNON S. DRESSER. I Regim. ■ OREGON ’ F O R E ST G RO VE, OR w. M. L angley and Notice For Publication Collections and all business intrustec to us given prompt attention. Correspondence School of Shorthand Typewriters sold United States Land Office, Oregon City, Orej February 23 Notice is hereby given that in compliance wit provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ig7g tied "A n act for the sale of timber linds in the Sta California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territ as extended to all the Public Lands States by act « gust 4, 1892, Knute Westberg, of Portland, conn Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day |, office his sworn statement No. 62S8, for the nurctv the W. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 of Section No. 28 in Tow No. 3 N., Range No. 4. West, and will offer pro show that the land sought is more valuable for its tJ or stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestai his claim to said land before the Register and Recti of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mondav 16th day of May, 1904. He names as witnesses: Robert T. Simpson, of Buxton, Oregon, Adam Simpson, of Buxton, Oregon, Thomas G. McFarland, of Buxton, Oregon, M. Middaugh, of Buxton, Oregon. Amy and all persons claiming .-.dversely the above, scribed lands are requested to file their claim ti t office on or before said 16th day of May, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSES, 42‘46 Register. Attorneys at Law Notary Public..... ANDERSON. Proprietors. Order by phone. ................... B. P. Welch L. L. L angley Attorneys and Counselors at Law F orest G rove , O re . rented Oreeon Slate of Oregon for e. W. E A R L B. H AW K S LAW YERS Real Estate and Corpo- ration Law a Specialty. OFFICE over Hines' Store Oregon Undertaking Practical Undertakers and Embalm ers. Calls answered day or night. BOTH ’PHONES XV..,.nu .. you tau to appear and answer within the Ime allowed and set out herein the plaintiff will apply to the vourt for the relief prayed for In the Complaint namely: for a decree of Court forclosing a certain by yOU to John Armstrong, dated May ,he fol1 iwing described real estateV situated in W ajhin^on County. State of Oregon, to-wir I w w m Mel ' hL 8f E J * of Src,ion 20 * t i n * R t h i s ‘s u it ’ M d f° r he C0*“ and d' sburs«‘n>fn»i Of L “ ?Ubli,hj i upon an ord" of *he Hon. County0^ O r e g o n C°Un,y Court "'W ashington Given this 30th day of April 1904, in the Absence of “ lt Cour,t and be “ made ld order pro- vtdes that the service f Ci/ of C this summons by pub- llcat'onand that said publication shall be made once " [ i f° r * * con,rcutive weeks. The date of the fl^r« publication of this summons is the 5th day of May B ft OW Mf 1 s u c c e s a o r to Dunbar. The Fam ous W . H . H O L L IS i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. \ t l ( ] t