Gaston I wood T a lk s 3est Separator ■ f the readers of “ Hazel- p s ” ask us what separator K r the best. T he U. S. |is the best made for farm ■kirns the most cream from ■ holding the world’s rec- Ifewer parts to keep clean, lr of operation, is less liable It by accident or misuse, r all else, it is built to last, le this best of separators for b patrons, we bring them r" here by the carload and stand the freight charge ourselves, sel- • ling the machines f.o. b.cheaper in Portland than anyone can buy Li them for f.o.b.Bellows Falls, V t., where the p— — great manufactory is T o stimulate interest in in this region, we will sell parators to all dairymen, pur patrons or not, and will same terms and cash dis- rowth as a creamery concern I upon our being able to ob- rge supply of cream from bn. Nothing will help us I in this as placing the best I made on the dairy farms I to Portland. [confirms our judgement in B. is the fact that we sell ;. S. machines through our irs who have bought them piny other way. When a u buys a U . S. and uses it fr year, seeing how it earns over and over again in sav- ipi, and sees ' le it costs for j E ach [oil, how little T t is to keep M achine ow simple it c m iperate, and ¿ - x o ii» tead ol being ¡y|o r v . !>y ordinary ige it keeps — —— —■— after year skimming just as id running just as easy, it rim enthusiastic about his !. H e tells his neighbors it and that sells more ;s of the same kind. For «chine we sell by the little i$g we do, five are sold in le territory by the U . S. is already in use on farms. p This Out to the Hazelwood Cream :land, Oregon. send me Separator Cata- ntaining article on “ The iustry.” I have.......... cows. Miss Maude Buxton, of Forest Grove, spent Sunday at the home [of Mrs. Menefee. McNamer & Johnson Miss Edna Walters, of Scoggins Valley, is visiting friends in town for a few days. |^Hy| Pacific Avenue Forest Grove. Ore. Free Deliveiy W ithin the City Fancy and Staple Groceries Misses Mamie and Edna Hibbs and Lena Parker were Portland visitors last week. Mr. Jajjas, of Portland, has been in town for the last week or more buying potatoes. H e is now loading his third car for shipment to San Francisco. Everythirg in Season. SAELENS & CO. Proprietors of .. City M eat M a r k e t .. We handle all kinds of A crowd of about twenty young people had a May Day picnic upon the Purdy Hill, May 1st. After eating of all the good things, they visited the Indian intrenchments and explored around until time to start home. It was a jolly .crowd and they had a jelly time. Front Street, Thos. Carmichael was in Portland last week attending the dog show. He entered his dogs, Scotch Collies. meat and fresh fish. F o rest Grove For it Will Save You Money E . P. W. Harding was a Portland visitor, a few days last week. Cornelius Implements of all Kinds Wolf Bros, new house is almost completed. They expect to move in this week. Builders Hardware, Sporting Goods and Shelf and Heavy Hardware Mrs. Bertha Rud, a daughter of F. Schoen of this place, who resides in Portland, visited here a few days last week. She returned to Portland Sun­ day. Louie Frendenthal, from San Fran­ cisco, is .visiting this week with his mother and sisters. H e left Cornelius four years ago. Main Street, • F o re st Grove, Or, L. S. Fairchild is running the butcher shop next door to Cornelius hotel. Mrs. Sarah E. Montgomery, post­ master at this place, has just returned from a business visit in eastern Ore­ | 4 gon. D. J . Barrett, our Southern Pacific agent, returned from Jamestown, North Dakota, last Friday morning, where he had been to visit his sick father. | Up-To-Date Grocery One Door W e st o f V a r le y ’s Peed S to re We make a specialty of fine Tea, Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, Fruits, Fresh Bread, E tc. Goods are always fresh and new. Produce Bought and Sold 'f t ' f Goods delivered to any part of town on short notice t Weitzel & Christian Web Philips has had his block of land opposite the A. C. church, plowed and fenced. The Southern Pacific railroad having their freight depot repaired. is Mr. Ralph Wann and wife of Cedar Mills, visited over Sunday with Mrs. Wann’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Vickers. When you come to Forest Grove stop at the Colonial Hotel. Everything first class. Best of service. Rates reasonable............ John Nowland and wife of Portland, visited Sunday with Mr Noland’s father and mother and other relatives. The city will soon have the park cleaned up^________________ Don’t forget— That Johnson & M c­ Namer pay the highest cash price paid in town for wool & hides. Daily— We will pay you the highest rs— You want the very best of ind field seeds. Martin & cash price for hides and wool. John­ son & McNamer. lupply you. H. VILLIGER, Proprietor Forest Grove Oregon