Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Mrs. Rhoda Wann, of Cedar Mill,
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Vickers, of this place.
Claude Nol nd, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Noland of this place, is quite sick
with fever, Dr. Bailey attending.
C. L. Weiderwitsch returned from
eastern Oregon where he is holding
down a homestead. He seems well
pleased with that country.
H i Poe and wife returned last week
from a visit to Washington.
The city election passed off quietly
yesterday in Cornelius. The success­
ful candidates were: Mayor, Thomas
Talbott; councilmen, F. Schoen, A.
Benson, G. Vickers, Fred Barber; re­
corder, A. A. Philips; treasurer, C. C.
Hancock. Total number of votes cast
Miss Nellie Philips left last Saturday
for Baker City to visit her brother, and
will perhaps remain all summer.
John Aplin, manager of the Alpin
flouring mill, is having bad luck. He
has a tooth which the dentist tried to
extract but failed, and he is suffering
Mrs. D. T. Philips has been quite
ill for the past three weeks and is not
much better at this writing.
Mrs. J. E. Bates and family of Pat­
ton Valley, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Patton of this place the
week preceeding Easter, staying also
for the exercises on Easter Sunday at
the Methodist church. Mrs. Bates re­
ports a very enjoyable time, also that
the exercises were excellent.
Wm. Bennett has been quite sick,
but is mending somewhat.
Prof. G. B. Hardin, the instructor in
Eclectic Stenography and Typewriting
was in town Tuesday giving lessons.
Prof. Harden is up-to-date in his
methods of teaching, and we would be
glad to see more of our young people
availing themselves of the opportunity
to acquire an education on these prac­
tical lines, in which there is such a
wide field for employment.
The good road problem is getting
somewhat monotonous. We suppose
that Old Sol will solve it somewhere in
the near future, if he does not forget
to put in his appearance.
S. S. Fairchild has bought out Mr.
McIntyre’s interest in the meat shop
next door to the Cornelius hotel, and
McConghren expresses himself as well
pleased with the spirit shown, but says
that he expected a larger squad of
McNamer & Johnson
Miss Georgia Lancefield spent Sat­
urday in the metropolis.
Frank Peters will stay in Forest
Grove the next two weeks to work on
the Eugene debate.
Free Oeliveiy Within the City
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Pacific University has adopted a new
standard of excellence in class-room
work, and anyone who does not keep
his studies up to 70 percent, will be
debared from participation in any
intercollegiate contest. Somebody will
have to hurry.
A p lin
M ills
Prof. Bradley was in Portland the
first of the week, on business.
Everything in Season.
Buy and Store
All Kinds of...
Manufacture all kinds of Grain froducts, Chop,
Stock Feed and Flour................
Best Oregon—A blend of choice hard wl eat and soft valley
wheat, making the best of fleur.
Alpha Zeta Literary Society met as
usual last Saturday night. The sub­
ject for debate was: ’’Resolved, that i i Farm Feed Chopping a Specialty.
the small college is preferable to the
large university.” An unusually warm
discussion followed, and the judges
gave the decision to the affirmative.
Aplin Mills Company,
Miss M. F. Farnham spent Saturday j
in Portland.
Pacific University has played its first
game of basket ball, and we have every
reason to be proud of the showing that
the team made in Saturday’s game.
Our team had been practising together
for a little over a week, and they went
up against a team that had been play­
ing together for three years. The final
score was 21 to 10 in favor of the
“ Intermediates” of Portland Y. M. C.
Miss Ames returned to school Tues­
day, after an extended vacation.
Gamma Sigma has chosen the neg­
ative of the “ Shipping Subsidy” ques­
tion, which they will debate with the
Philodorian society at Willamette Uni­
versity, early in May.
The Finest Lint of Jewelery,
W atches and (.locks in the
An impromptu recital will be given
in the college chapel, by the Pacific
Conservatory of Music, on Thursday
evening April 7. The exercises will
commence at 8:15 p. m. and promises
to give a very enjoyable evening to all
who attend.
Cows For Sale
Some fine milch cows and fat steers
Track trainer, McConghren arrived
the latter part of last week, and imme­ for sale at reasonable prices. Address
diately entered, upon his duties. Mr. S. Vincent, Glenwood, Oregon.
Glasses file d by sci­
entific optician............................
Forest tiro* e,
At the meeting of the faculty last
Monday evening, action was taken that
students participating in athletics must
keep up their class work to standard or
not take part in the different meets.
at reasonable rates.
Low round-trip rates have been
A goodly number of the people of placed in effect between Portland and
Cornelius attended the Advent Christ­ Forest Grove, in either direction.
ian quarterly conference, held at
Tickets will be sold Saturdays and
Gaston Saturday and Sunday.
Sundays, and limited to return on or
Elder M. M. Anderson spoke at the before the following Monday. Rate of
Advent Christian church Monday even­ $1.05 round trip. Call on Southern
ing. Subject “ The Sure Foundation.” Pacific’s agents for particulars.
Repaij work a spec-
The Colonial Hotel
Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest
Grove and Portland.
'Varsity Locals.
all kind« of F r e s h , S alt,
S m o k e d Meats* * * • •
W hen you come to Forest Grove
stop at the Colonial Hotel.
Everything first class. Best of
Rates reasonable...........
H. VILLIGER, Proprietor
Forest Grove,