Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Washington County
f I
W afhington County, one o f the richest and
most prosperous counties in Oregon, is located
a few miles southwest o f Portland. Its soil is
marvelous In its richness, producing any th in *
grown upon the coast north o f San Francisco.
Some o f the finest stock, dairy, crass, hay and
hop farms in the west are located in W ashinc-
ton county, while the fruit lirown upon our up­
lands has won medals at International Expo­
Large lumbering concerns are slow ly manu­
facturing our immense forests into lumber.
Fine ranches yearly replace the lumber camps.
W e have the best schools and in our midst Is
located Pacific University and Tualatin Acad-
amy. T w o o f the largest milk condensers on
the coast are located In our county. W e have
the various conveniences shared by counties
o f much older states, such as telephone sys­
tems, free rural mail d elivery, railroad fa c il­
ities. and the best o f business accomodations
furnished by the flourishing cities o f Forest
G rove and Hillsboro. A fine water power elec­
tric plant furnishes unlimited electricity for all
Real estate Is yet low compared with the won­
derful fertility of the soil and the undeveloped
possibilities o f our county in many ways.
W h ll" we are grow ing rapidly yet there are
an untold numbering o f openings along agri-
ultural, manufacturing and business lines all
over our county.
M ill
The Iiev. K. J. Campbell recently ex­
claimed, “ God help the man who boasts
o f a select or intellectual cougrega-
The Rev. Joseph II. George, presi­
dent o f the Chicago Theological semi­
nary, has been offered the presidency
of I>rury college, u Congregationallst
institution at Springfield, 111.
Rev. E. Ilen ry Byrons, a Congrega-
tionallst minister at New Smyrna,
Ela., is making an effort to arrange for
a Joint reunion o f Confederate and
Federal veterans some time this sum­
The Very Rev. Dean Stuck of S t
Matthew's cathedral, Dallas, Tex., has
given to the bishop of Dullas and the
vestry of the cathedral parish the cov­
enanted six months’ notice of his in­
tention to sever his relations with
them as dean and rector.
GOVERNMENT d a ir y in g . '
Dr. David Duncan is gathering ma­
terial to write a biography of the late
W e have watched with a good deal of Herbert Spencer.
Interest the experiment being made by
William Morris had bestowed upon
the Canudlau government in the run­ him by his friends one of the oddest
ning of creameries in the Northwest o f endearing names. It was Top, or
Territories. It was understood at the ; Topsy, and he is remembered by that
beginning of the experiment tlint the j name to this day.
Sir Gilbert Parker has been elected
Dominion government would continue
of the Imperial South African
to conduct the creameries only till the
association in place of Mr. Alfred L y t­
industry was well establlslusl. A fund
telton, who resigned the ottlce on his
wus set aside for the purpose of erect­
appointment as coloulul secretary.
ing buildings and psylng for equip­
G. F. Watts, the celebrated English
ment. A uniform charge of 4 cents per painter, was ulinost entirely self taught.
pound wus made for the making of the He never uses any model, nor does he
butter, this charge proving to be enough mako uny preliminary studies, but,
to pay all expenses of running the having thought out his subject in all
creameries and ut the sumo time to its details, transfers his ideas direct
to the canvas.
help repay the government loan.
Crescent Flour is the Best.
Patronize Home Industry.
Op. R R Depot
F orest Grove
Johnson & Co.
Brick Livery, Peed and Sale Stable
See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our
specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail.
Baggage and freight called for and delivered.
Finest Rigs. Best Horses. Good Drivers.
Comer Main and Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, Or.
R n lliifa H o r y Ilm u lta o f u U n iq u e K l -
l i e r l m e n t In C a ñ a d » .
Proprietors of
.. City Meat Market..
We handle all kinds of meat and fresh fish.
F ro n t S tre e t,
F orest Grove
— H — H M itH M H
The Iron House is closed, but
Dr. Hines
Drujj Store
Is open and has the best line of Drugs, Cigars and
Stationery in town. Sole agent for the
Nineteen creameries were erected and
equipped, and these are now making
over half u million pounds of butter
Dr. William Foster of the depart- !
per year. Under one system otemper-
incut of chemistry at Princeton uni­
vision it has been possible to make a
versity hus discovered a new acid,
uniform product nnd from lessons hereafter to be labeled with the Inter­
learned from mistakes mude in one esting name trisulphoxyarsenic ucid.
creamery to benefit all. But the time
The electrometer Is so acutely sen­
is approaching when the government sitive that it will detect in one minute
supervision should come to an end, ne- ¡ an amount o f matter which must ac­
cording to the original plan, and the cumulate for 2,000,000 years before
patrons of these creameries are stirred there is enough of it to affect the most
up. They declare that It would be a sensitive chcsnical balance.
fatal blow to the Industry If the vari­
The former generations o f physicians J
ous creuuierles should fall into the have been busy wrestling with the
hands of corporations. Mr. W. Elliott, problems o f curing the sick, says a di­
territorial commissioner of agriculture, etetic authority. The coming medical
says: "W e have now in the territories man will probably bend his endeavors
u system working to perfection, and toward preventing disease. Ills chief
any change from this would appear to reliance w ill undoubtedly be nutrition.
be distinctly a retrograde movement.
At a meeting of the Innlsfall Union
Butter and Cheese Manufacturing asso­
ciation the following resolution was
The ground hog is your only true
unanimously carried:
prophet, curses on him!—Chi­
“ That this iKMtrd views with regret
and alarm the decision o f the dairying
Then' have been many wild clamor*
branch of the department of agricul­
ture to withdraw from the management In recent years for nn old fashioned
o f the Northwest creameries; that we winter. Well, you got one. How do
un* thorough!) satisfied with nnd have you like ItT—New York News.
Told weather may be healthful, as
every confidence that government man­
agement alone will be acceptable to the the advocate* o f old fashkmcHl winters
patrons and that If It Is withdrawn the claim, but the death list doesn't make
very good witness for them.—Chica­ H. J. GOFF
result will be dissatisfaction and fa il­
ure. W e therefore earnestly press upon go Record-Herald.
the department the desirability o f eou-
A Spar In T i m e o f Hattie.
tInning the management permanently."
An English admiral, being about to
This dairy ex|>erlment is unique in
the history of the world and should uot engnge a Spanish vessel, thus address­
Is* brought to an end too soon If at all. ed his men: “ My good fellows, never
It provides the best possible conditions let it I h * said that we, who live on
for showing what uniformity o f man­ prime beef and mutton, were beaten
agement, methods «m l products cun by those who have nothing to eat but
oranges and lemons.”
accomplish.-- Farmer’s Review.
Main St.,
A Ilo rx l
Henry III. o f France painted his fuoo
and used all Kinds of cosmetics, wear­
ing at night n mask and gloves steep­
ed in pomade.
S w is s S w a in s.
Switzerland has not u few village
clubs formed to prevent young men
from outside coming to court girls of
those particular villages.
Forest Grove g
G o f f B r o s .,
Hardwareand Implements
John Deere Plows and
Studebaker Wagons
Harrows, Moline Wa­ Goods, and Buggies, Logging
gons, Benicia Disc Stoves Goods, Guns and Am­
Plows. Call and see
munitions. Reasona­
our complete lines. . . Ranges ble prices....................
iVUiin S tre e t,
F orest Grove, Ore.