Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Dunning, Cornelius. The committees
selected the following delegates to
state convention: Chairman, B. F.
Vour Opportunity
Purdy, W. N. Barrett, Fred Shoen, J.
I now carry a complete line of
Pants $2.50 and up
Nyberg, C. Allen, S. B. Huston, E. J.
sample Suits and Pants of the Famous
Suits $10.00 and up
Lyons, J. B. Thornburg, A. Briggs, E.
Salem Woolen \11I1 m Make
W. Haines, Will Bellingher, John Cars-
to sell at the same prices prevailing at Portland.
tens and J. A. Collier.
JOHIN A IN D E R SO IN , T ailo r
Delegates to congressional conven­
tion: B. P. Cornelius, chairman; John
A LARGE DELEGATIO N FROM A LL McNamer, W. D. Smith, A. Briggs, J.
A. Goodin, Fred Hammel, W. Jr Butt-
County Court
ner, G. W. Marsh, John Milne, E. Sav­
age, Fred Olds, J. C. Buchanan.
Elizabeth Danger of Phillips, Ore­
An Exciting Time Throughout the
The most important nomination of gon, was committed to the Oregon Physician and Surgeon
Entire Day
the day, that of State Senator, was next State Insane Assylum on Tuesday by
Office over Abbott’s
in order. Walter Hoge addressed the County Judge L. A. Rood. The wo­
One of the most enthusiastic con­ house and asked that E. W. Haines
Jewelry Store..........
ventions ever held in Washington be given the nomination. S. B. Hus­ man is very virulent and threatened to
Forest Grove, Ore.
county convened today at Hillsboro. ton placed in nomination W. D. Wood. take her own life, as well as threaten­ Both Phones.
The weather being favorable, the del­ The first ballot stood: Haines 114; ing to murder others. She has resided
egates from all parts of the county ar­ Wood 56. A unanimous vote was near Phillips and is about 52 years of
W. M. L angley
L. L. L angley
rived early in town and assembled on then given Haines for State Senator. age.
the curbs and street comers discussing Haines responded to his nomination
the situation in a manner that foretold by a speech that did justice to the
City Barber Shop . .
the warm contests which followed.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
At 10 o’clock the meeting was
Notaries Public, Real Estate, and Con­
Nominations for State Representa­
Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­
veyancing. Upstairs, Caples Building
called to order, Benton Bowman of tive were: B. F. Purdy, Gaston; B.
ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grove.
Hillsboro, occupying the chair. The Bowman, Hillsboro; W. K. Newell,
F orest G rove , O re .
♦ . A. J. Wirtz, Proprietor
County Call was then read by J. H. Dilley; A. B. Flint, West Butte. The
Thornburg of Forest Grove, followed first ballot cast resulted in no election.
by the nomination of Wm. Marsh as The second ballot resulted in B. F.
Dr. V. L DIMMICK, Dentist W. H. HOLLIS
temporary chairman. Marsh seemed Purdy withdrawing in favor of B. Bow­
the man of the hour, and by a strong man. N. Barnes of Beaverton was
vote of acclamation he was given the placed before the honse and won over Upstairs, Wagner Building,
seat. The house remained in open Bowman. The ultimate vote elected
Forest Grove, Oregon. Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE over
applause, venting the lively feeling that Flint, Newell and Barnes.
ration^J^w^Sgeciajt^. Hines' Store.
existed, until responded to by a well
County officers:—
worded speech in appreciation of be­
For clerk. E. J. Goodman, East
Forest Grove, -
- Oregon
stowed honor.
Butte; E. L. McCormick, North Hills­ Lumber
W. L. Moore of Dairy, J. H. Thorn­ boro; J. W. Morgan, South Hillsboro;
Manufactured as you want it,
burg of Forest Grove, M. P. Cady of Morgan wins by 93 majority. For
J. N. Hoffman
B. P. Welch
and shipped when we say it
Beaverton, J. W. Bailey of North sheriff. Sam Galbraith, South Tualatin;
will be. Our daily output is H o ffm an «S? W e lc h ,
Hillsboro, and J. W. Morgan of South B. Sappington, Hillsboro; John Connell,
50,000 feet, and we make
Hillsboro, were nominated as secretary Washington. Connell wins easily by
Attorneys at Law
but all declined to accept the office. vote of 103.
a specialty o f .......................
Notary Public.....
Prof. Bradley of Forest Grove, was
For recorder. E. J. Kuratli, no
finally elected, his assistant being John opposition. Renominated.
Collections and all business intrusted
Boeker of Dairy.
For treasurer. W. M. Jackson.
Let us quote you
to us given prompt attention.
The chairman appointed on the ere No opposition. Renominated.
delivered prices.
dential committee, H. T. Buxton of
For assessor. Geo. Wilcox, Hills­
North Forest Grove, W. L. Moore of boro; H. B. Tigard, Tualatin; Wilcox COAST RANGE LUMBERING COMPANY,
Dairy, M. E. Lincoln of Washington, nominated by 110.
Falls City, Oregon.
J. A. Chapman of East Cedar, John
For superintendent of schools. N.
C.E.Gelger,M.D... ,
Johnson of Beaverton. For perma­ C. Case, Forest Grove; H. A. Ball,
nent organization, J. W. Hughs of Hillsboro; John Holman, Beaverton
Homeopathist Physician
Dilly, Stewart Vaugh of West Cedar, Case nominated by 92.
and Surgeon ............
F. T. Kane, Forest Grove, Wm. Bag-
For coronor. E. B. Rentz, Forest
Diseases of women a specialty.
Office over Wescott’s Store. Residence
ley, Columbia and S. B. Huston, North Grove withdraws. E. C. Brown, Hills­
- Oregon East of M. E. Church, Forest Grove.
Hillsboro, were appointed. A vote boro; C. E. Geiger, Forest Grove; C Forest Grove, -
was then taken for adjournment until L. Large, Forest Grove.
1 o’clock.
For commissioners. Chas.
E. W. HAINES, Banker
The convention was called to order chanon, Cornelius; Alex. Todd, South R. INIXOIN, D e n tist
(Eitabllfhed in 1898)
Forest Grove, Oregon
by temporary chairman Marsh shortly Forest Grove; J. M. Madison, Gaston;
General banking business transacted.
after 1 o’clock, and reports of the C. C. Hoopes, Gaston. Buchanon
committees called for. Chairman H wins 102.
OFFICE: Three door* north of B ailey’* »tore. Office Drafts issued on the principal cities or
hour* from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
T. Buxton of credential committee
For surveyor. A. J. Morrel, Hills­
the world. Interest paid on time de­
read his report and it was adopted as boro. No opposition. Renominated.
read. Report by J. W. Hughes, of the
The convention, by unanimous vote,
Notary Public always in.
committee on organization and busi indorsed Judge McBride and district
ness read, but an amendment was ad­ attorney Allen for the coming term.
ded and the report adopted.
Hon. B. F. Purdy was given thanks
If so get M. Peter­ Woodmen of the World Camp, No. 98,
Motion was then made and carried, and honorable recognition by the con­
son's Rock Bottom
that the officers temporarily elected vention for simplifying matters at the
Prices on
should be made permanent. Passed time of his withdrawal as a nominee for
Meets every Saturday evening at
representative. With expressions o
Nails, Locks, Hinges,
7:30 P. M. All neighbors are
Motion carried that two committees harmony and good will, the convention
cordially invited to visit with us.
of five delegates each, be appointed to adjourned.
J ohn A nderson , Clerk.
Blinds Lath Moulding
select thirteen delegates to the state
Doors Windows Lime. J ohn S tribbich , C. C.
convention and thirteen delegates to
A good farm for sale wihtin 30 miles
the congressional convention.
P a in t s
Committee on state convention was: of Portland in Washington county,
Dr. Wm. M, Pollock,
J. W. Hughes, Dilley; W. L. Moore, consisting of 160 acres of which 30
In fact everything to complete
Dairy; E. Savage, East Cedar; J. Mc- acres is clear and 60 acres slashed. and furnish a house. Remember Office over Bazaar, Forest Grove, Or.
Roberts, Gales Creek.
Call on M. Diflerding, Dr. Ward’s of­ the place, two doors north of P. O. All work in the Prepared to do
Com. on Congressional Convention:
fice, Forest Grove, Washington county, comer, Main St., Forest Grove, Ore. dental line. Reg­ work at night, but
B. P. Cornelius, South. Hillsboro; A.
Here you will find a
ulating c h i l d r e n must be by ap*
Briggs, Dilley; Jno Brown, North Hills­ Oregon. Farm is situated only 2k
and adult teeth. pointm ent...........
boro; Fred Hammel, Beaverton; A. miles from railway station.
J. W. Morgan For Clerk and
John Connell For Sheriff
E. B. Rentz, M. D.
Langley & Son
Hollis & Hawks
Goingto Build?