Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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The ball game between the majfried
Feed,, hay, and grain at Martin’s
ram and the single men resulted in a
Feed Store.
disastrous defeat for •'‘the single mpn
T. A. Richey went to Greenville
who before the game were confident;of
Tuesday on business.
victor/. The game was well contested
MisS Maggie Turner, of East Gaston, and exciting but at no time were the
is at Portland this week.
married men in the least danger.
Miss Jessie Jackson is in the Grove Much amusement was derived from
watching the antics of Con McNamer’s
visiting at the home of Mrs. Watt.
dog which urged the men to first base
T. A. Ritchey can sell you seeds
that will grow and at the right price. and also assisted them to the home
plate. It is probable that the married
Mrs. Chas. Hines returned Friday men will give the single men another
night from a visit with Portland friends. chance to even up with them.
L. L. Morgan, recently from Neb­
John Marshal and Mr. Turner arrived
raska, has accepted a position with the. here with their families, last week from
Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Marshall is well
The real estate men are on the hus-
The Wood Dealers Association met
tie these days.
at Kane & Hubbard’s office on Satur­
Garden and feed seeds of all kinds day, April 2. After hearing the report
on by-laws, the same were referred
at Martin & Co.
, 4
James Miller, living east of Gaston, back to the committee for certain corr
rections. The meeting was very en­
has been quite sick the past week.
thusiastic and after a thorough discus­
Needed— 1000 persons to call and sion as to prices to be charged for
see the stock of racycles at Bellinger’s. wood it was decined to sell fir wood
The telephone line from Seaghers wood, according to grade, from $2.75
into the Grove will soon be in opera­ to $3.50 per cord, and ash and oak
higher according to grade. On motion
Loyd Lancefield, of Amity, was in
meeting adjourned to meet at the
Finest line of garden and field seeds
town Sunday meeting his old time
in the market at Headquarters.—T. A. call of the chairman.
Harry Wescott the champion rods-
Henry Vancolen was in Portland and
The Yamhill county primaries went man of Washington county was out Oregon City on business Thursday and
solid for Circuit Judge of ihe Third Ju­ Friday disturbing the haunts of the Friday.
finny tribe. He states that with the
dicial District.
T. A. Ritchey has been quite sick
dense forest at his back, the river bank
the past week, suffering with neuralgia
Wanted—the names of all persons
beneath him, the warm sun above him
of the face.
using “ Salts of India” and willing to
and the trout striking the line in front of
recommend the same.
Miss Mary Bailey left Saturday fur
him, the height of earthly bliss was
Farmers—You want the very best of his. However he does not always en­ an extended visit with friends in and
garden and field seeds. Martin & joy his paradise alone, as some of the about Portland.
Co. can supply you.
best talent in Oregon do not feel that
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kenworthy, of
were out on Easter, visiting
Mr. Frank Dooley, secretary of the
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan.
Farmers and Merchants bank, was in
town during the week.
If you are troubled with catarrh, sore
throat, diseases of lungs, stomach or
Miss Frankie David, of Thatcher,
kidneys?—Consult Dr. Geiger.
returned from Portland last week,
where she has been visiting friends.
Judge B. P. Welch and family,
Wednesday. Miss Chandler is an ac­
Will Smith, an old time resident and complished musician and played the Sundayed with relatives in Portland.
who has a host of friends here, is down wedding march. The wedding occured Mrs. Welch remaining a few days with
from Tacoma, enjoying a few days at high noon and Mr. and Mrs. Rohr­ her parents.
Miss Ora Caples returned from Port­
beck are receiving the congratultions
land Friday night, where she has been
Bom—To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. of the r wide circle of friends.
spending a few days visiting her friends
Mills, a ten-pound boy. Dr. Geiger,
In the “ Chicago Dairy Produce” of
the attending physician reports mother March 15, appears an interesting ar­ and relatives.
and son doing nicely.
The street fakirs, who were in town
ticle relative to the Hazelwood Cream
• *
* .t "*.
Invitations are out for a reception to
be given Friday evening, at Herrick
Hall, by the President and faculty, to
the students of the college.
The social dance given last week at
the home of John Hoops, three miles
east of Gaston, was pronounced one of
the most enjoyable events of the season.
Misses Elda Walker and Alma Jelli-
son boarded the Friday train, bound
for McMinnville and Amity where they
made a brief visit with friends, return­
ing Monday.
Mr. Peachen, who recently came
here from Beaver City, Nebraska, has
rented the Epplet farm J miles east of
Gaston, where he will move his family
this week.
The little daughter of N. S. Allen,
who recently came here from the east
is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Dr.
Geiger, the attending physician, reports
the patient somewhat improved.
The East Gaston Sunday School
gave a basket social at the Hill School,
Friday evening. Most of the members
were in attendance and enjoyed the
games and splendidly served supper.
Co.’s plant of Portland, Oregon. Also
a cut of their manager, Mr. Martin
Mortensen and the story of his rise
from a helper to his present responsi­
ble position.
W. L. Soehren, of Dallas, Oregon,
and foreman for the company that is
putting in the water system for that
city, was in town Monday. Mr. Soeh­
ren expects to remain in Hillsboro and
Portland a few days before returning
C. S. Thomas is putting up the ci
gars to the boys with a broad smile, in
consequence of the advent of a 10
pound boy which arrived at his home
recently. Mother and son are getting
along nicely.
J. R. Dallas, Chas. Smith and Har­
vey Christenson came out of the Ne-
halem valley Tuesday, and were the
guests of H. Anderson. They report
the snow about two snd one-half feet
deep yet.
C. W. Ransom, formerly a Forest
Grove druggist, was in town Saturday.
Mr. Ransom is travelling for Langley &
Mitchell, one of the largest wholesale
drug houses on the coast.
acquainted with many of the Nebraska
people here, having lived near Beaver
City for many years prior to his resi­
dence in the east part of the state.
The gentlemen have brought their
families and expect to locatj near
Forest Grove, they are quite well
pleased with the valley.
Prof. J. M. Garrison is moving into
his new home, in the western part of
town. A good many new dwellings are
to be seen in various stages of advance­
ment in different parts of the city.
It is estimated that at least 75 new
houses will be completed during the
year of 1904 and some place the limit
as high as 100.
Rev. Daniel Staver will remove his
house on the corner of Third Avenue
and Fourth Street to a lot east of the
present location and remodel it into a
pretty home.
He also expects to
move the barn from its present location
to the rear of the lot making a decided
improvement on Fourth Street.
W. H. Lyda has now one of the
finest mills on the coast with a capacity
of 30,000 feet daily. A new planner
Saturday afternoon selling “ Salts of and a new engine have just been in­
stalled. Lyda has a working force of 20
India” enjoyed the ride which the
men. The location is one of the best,
boys gave them.
and its nearness to the city is also an
Miss Liberia Brown was home last important factor.
week from Snohomish, Washington,
Mr. S. Vincent and daughter,
where she is employed as one of the
Sophia, of Glenwood, passed through
instructors in the Academy.
Forest Grove Monday on their way to
Farmers— when you buy your field Woodlawn, to visit his brother. While
and garden seeds don’t fail to call on in town they stopped with L. L. Mor­
T. A. Ritchie, at Headquarters. His gan, who knew them before they came
line is complete with the very best.
to Oregon.
Married— At the home of the bride
John Hough and C. G. Fritz took
in Laural, Oregon, March 29, 1904, their departnre on Monday evening’s
Miss Mary Larson and Antone Naderer, train for Seattle, thence to their home
both of Washington county, Rev. F. S. in Hooper, Nebraska. They antici­
Locke officiating.
pate returning* to Washington county
Miss Fern Stout, of McMinnville, later in the year to make their future
who has many friends here and is a home.
Will Bullock of Los Angeles, Cali­
graduate of P. U. has recently been
appointed to a position as teacher in fornia, formerly of Nebraska, arrived at
the Grove Tuesday morning, and will
the Portland High School.
Albert Doane, who has been attend­ make an extended visit with his broth­
ing the Portland Business College and ers, Alf of this place and Ed of Green­
graduated from that school, has accept­ ville.
ed a position with the firm of Dugan &
Mrs. Belknap was called to Dayton,
Watrous as book-keeper. Mr. Doane Oregon, Tuesday to the home of her
is a proficient book-keeper and ac­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey, who are
quite ill.