Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Mr. Will Wright and wife arrived Art squares beat carpet.—Roe & ers, vines and evergreens appropriate
here Saturday, for a visit with their old Buxton’s.
to the occasion and beautifully ar­
time friends Mr. T. A. Richey and Latest racycles at the lowest price at ranged. Regardless of the inclemancy
family. Mr. Ritchey and Mr. Wright Bellingher’s.
of the weather, about fifty couples were
Bellingher will keep your bicycles enjoyed the pleasures ana hardships of None but the best of goods handled gathered at the appointed hour to par­
mining life together in former years. by Roe & Buxton’s.
ticipate. Walker’s orchestra played
in repair.
the opening waltz with such perfect
John Kline has moved into a part of
perience or been more practical than
harmony that every chair in the hall
the Kessler house.
Miss Sadie Cronin is visiting in Port­ Mr. Wright, who is now operating in Seed wheat—The finest in the was left vacant while its occupant was
British Columbia.
gliding smoothly over the hall with
land this week.
ease and enjoying the music of
Art squares, the nicest thing for the The Nixon building on Main street Farmers—Your seed wheat should perfect
orchestra. The booth at
has undergone a renovation this week,
floor at Roe & Buxton’s.
being papered and painted through­ be the best. T. A. Richey has a nice the rear of the hall was by no means
H. T. Jackson leaves soon for Port­ out.
forgotten or overlooked, as it proved
& Hoffman, the new clean stock.
land to visit his parents for a few days. painters Buffum
and paperhangers, were the J. P. Vanderzander, who has been one of the most reviving features, and
Mrs. Reed residing near Glenwood, workmen and their work shows that living in Portland this winter, has was taken charge of by different mem­
cime in on the stage Tuesday mom- they are thoroughly up-to-date and un­ removed his family out to Forest bers of the committee. Mrs. Roe and
Buxton were the committee on enter-
derstand the arts.
Goff Bros, have received a large con­ H. T. Hill of Mountaindale was in Paul Sexton went to Portland Tues­ tainme it and are endowed with un­
signment of pigeons for the Rod and the city yesterday visiting his many day to accept a position with Gervurtz usual ability, and deserve the congrat­
of all present for their untiring
Gun Club.
friends: Mr. Hill owns a fine ranch in Hardware Co., one of the largest ulations
efforts, and the charming manner in
Hon. Thos. Roe and wife Sundayed Washington county, and also holds wholesale firms in the city.
with their son, Barnett Roe, at Dewey, large interests in Crook county. Mrs. About 10 o’clock this morning a lit­ which they entertained the guests of
Hill has just returned from an ex­ tle blaze was discovered in the roof the Rathbones.
M. L. Vincent, of Gales Creek tended visit with friends and relatives of the residence occupied by Dick F. S. Barnes received a letter from
made the News office a pleasant call at Prineville.
Rhodes, which gave the fire depart­ his friend, Will H. Thompson, the
last Saturday.
Mr. C. C. Hoopes of Gaston, was a ment a chance for exercise. But little noted writer and archer, in which he
states that his wife lies unconscious
John Fuqua has sold to Rev. Mr. welcome visitor at the News office yes­ damage was done.
Barber a lot 222 feet by 201 $ feet, terday. He attended the Masonic A. L. Sexton, a practical g? rdener, and that he does not expect her to re­
on First Street.
meeting Tuesday night, having been a northeast of town, planted SO acres of cover. The letter is very touching.
3pring is here—and you should see Mason for over 40 years, during which potatoes last season. He has 40 acres Mr. Barnes also received an order for a
the elegant art squares for the floor at time he has held some very important yet to dig when the weather permits. bow from the American Archery As­
to be sent to the wife of the
offices in that body.
Roe & Buxton's.
Commission men pronounce them of sociation
president of the Golf Club at Niagara
W. Wright and wife, of Los Angeles, G. B. Wood of Indianola, Iowa, who the finest quality.
Falls, where the annual meet took
California, are visiting with T. A. was here last summer and decided to I. K. Weitzel left this morning for place
last September. Mr. Baines is
invest in Washington county property, Seattle, Washington, to attend to some acknowledged
Richey this week.
to be a better bow
T. A. Richey handles garden and writes friends here that he has dis­ business matters at that place. Mr. maker than any England has ever pro­
field seed, feed and grain. Every­ posed of his property there, and will Weitzel has considerable property duced.
start for Oregon in the near future.
thing in my line is new.
interests in and about Seattle where he
Last evening, a most delightful
very prominent.
The Bazaar has just received a large J. F. Wood, Murry Wood, and Lou
party was given at the Colonial, in
shipment of glassware, which they are Scott and wife recently arrived here Beginning April 21, the News will honor
of Miss Jessie Jackson of Port­
from Indianola, Iowa. They are at begin a most interesting serial story land, and
selling at fabulously low prices.
H. W. Jackson of this city.
B. M. Smith has remodeled the in­ present visiting at the home of their entitled “Granstock” by George Barr The guests were favored with informal
terior of his home on Fourth avenue, friends, N. J. and A. F. Baker and W. McCutcheon. It is an exciting ad­ musical selections, both vocal and in­
T. Newhouse of Hillside.
making it very neat and attractive.
venture by an American gentleman strumental, after which dancing was
is a very popular late serial.
For sale—One span of good horses,
enjoyed until a late hour, when re­
pick from ten head. John Heisler,
Fred Harris, living southeast of freshments were served. Those pres­
Gales Creek, Ore. W. goat Saturday evening. Carl Gaston, was one of the most surprised ent were: The Misses Jackson, Hin-
Arthur Denny, a former student of Christian got a glimpse of the same men in the county last Friday even­ man, Shannon, Roe, Watt, Mrs.
P. U., has recently accepted a position goat.
ing. Mrs. Harris had arranged for Mayne Abbot, Messrs. Jackson, Stew-f
as traveling salesman with F. S. Myers, The Baza« has bought out the Thom­ their friends and neighbors to assemble art, Brearley, Pollock, Atkins and Ab /
as & James stock of sewing machine at the home to enjoy a few social bott.
of Portland.
The Geo. O. Frost farm, in Yamhill needles, and will soon have a com­ hours. Dancing, games and a well H. W. Jackson, the genial pharm.
county, has been sold to A. B. Beck plete line of the same. Sent by mail prepared supper were the order of the cist in Dr. Hines’ drug store, has rt
by H. G. King, the hustling Forest 3 for 10 cents.
signed his position and goes to Por
Grove real estate dealer.
John Oliver, aged 76 years, fell into land today. Hal has a host of frien«
Mrs. Walter Hoge and Pres. Ferrin radish which for size and weight will the Nehalem river yesterday and was here who regret his leaving, and wi,
were elected as delegates by the local be hard to beat. It was grown in his drowned. Deceased was a native of him well in his future position.
church to the West Willamette Conven­ garden, and can be seen in the window New York and came from there to
of the News office.
Probate Court
Multnomah county in 1884, where he
tion to be held at Tualatit.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. No one need do without a first class was employed in the Oswego Iron Estate of James P. Lilly, decease-
F. M. Francis, Sr.. James McClar.'-
James Pope, is dangerously ill with sewing machine, as the Bazaar sells Works for four years, when he moved and
Iler appointed appraisers ti1
malarial fever. They recently arrived them at $5 down and $3 per month. to Timber, seven miles north of Bux­ meet Carl
of deceased oi
Mrs. Lizzie Macrum was in Portland ton 16 years ago, where he met his Saturday, April residence
h rre from Orleans, Nebraska.
9, 1904.
Haren Belknap, the pleasant and several days this week visiting her death. He was formerly married but Estate of John W. Lemmon, de­
his wife died several years since.
well-known son of Rev. Belknap, brother, Attorney Milton Smith.
ceased. Administrator discharged and
has accepted a position with Dr. Chas. Remember that when buying furni­ The invitation ball given by the bondsmen released.
Hines. He is a well qualified and ture, Roe & Buxton can suit you in Rathbone Sisters at Vert’s hall last Guardianship of Adam Fulten, in­
John D. Baker, Com­
price and quality.
registered pharmacist.
Saturday night, was without a doubt competent.
mander of James B. Matthews Post, G.
Mike and James Pope changed lo­ Miss Anna Johnson has been quite one of the most enjoyable social events A.
R. No. 6, appointed guardian with
cation Tuesday afternoon from the ill the past few days, but is convales- of the season. The hall was magnifi­ bond fixed at $100.
cently illuminated with colored lights, Guardianship of Mattie M. Stream, a
Crossley property on Second street, to ing.
the place occupied by Stephen Mor­ Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith left Sat­ giving a very pretty effect to the wall minor. Guardian ordered discharged
gan, in the west part of town.
urday for their home in Lane county.! decorations which were a mass of flow­ and bondsmen released.