Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 07, 1904, Image 1

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    VoL t
Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, April 7,1904.
Forest Grove Commercial Club Being
Organized to Evade the City
Liquor Ordinance
A new feature has developed in our
city life. A Club is now organized
oilled the Forest Grove Commercial
Club, whose object is to open club
rooms with a bar attached where the
members can obtain liquid refresh­
ments, play games and read the papers
and periodicals. A billiard parlor will
also be opened. Other features will
be added from time to time. The
government liquor license will be paid
semi-annually. These priveleges will
be open to members only as a violat­
io n of the city liquor ordinance would
result should it be extended to per­
sons other than members. The site
will be the Iron House remodled to
accomodate the club.
The Joke is on Chester
Last week we called at ention to
Chester Johnson’s ability with the
brush and owing to the embarrasing
position it might have placed him in
we refrained from stating the exact
limits of his talents. However he was
not destined to remain an unheard of
artist, as the Sunday Oregonian asks
the pertinent question “ On canvass or
shoes?” We leave it to Chester to
Sunday School room which in turn
opens into the auditorium with Flexir
fold doors. The seating capacity of
the main room is about 800 and of
the Sunday School room 175, making
when combined, a room seating 475
people. The building will be heated
by 2 furnaces and ventilated with the
hot air stock. The cost is estimated
to be about $7500.
The Norman style of architecture
will be followed and the view will be
pleasing from all directions.
Two main entrances will face the
east, while south and west exits will add
to the convenience of the church. We
can well be proud of the structure if
built along the lines now adopted.
No. 47.
“Expositions Educate and Improve."
“ It put millions of our people, espec­
ially in the great labor field, on an eas­
ier road. The factories, the fields, the
forests, and the mines received a stim­
ulus. It shed a new light upon the
breadwinner and the toiler. It gave
Railway Notes
to the whole nation a strong lift in its
The new electric road proposition is
tremenduous strides in the industrial
receiving considerable support at Hills­
march. Greater still was the effect of
boro and vacinity, their proportionate
the.Chicago Exposition in 1893. And so
amount of money being raised. It
will the influence be which will perme-
looks now as if it was up to Forest
County Convention
-ate from the St. Louis Exposition reach
Grove to do something if the road is to
Full returns of the Republican every rtmote part of the earth. While
be an assured fact. We believe our County Convention held at Hillsboro
it educates and pleases and honors and
quoto can be raised here if active steps today are given on another page.
enriches our own countrymen, it also
are taken. Other rumors are rife that
Rod and Gun Club Organized
educates the foreign visitor, the exhib­
Change Teachers
Gentlemen composing what is now the Portland-Tillamook road is now an
Miss Timms, of the Intermediate itor, the buyer, and the seller from the
the Rod and Gun Club, met Friday assured fact.
department of the Beaverton school, world’s great market places. A na­
night at the J. J. Wirtz Ice Cream
has resigned to accept a position in tion’s exposition is a nation’s object
Change of Road
Parlors, to organize and transact such
one of the Portland schools. Earl E. lesson. It is the common meeting for
The Board of Trade has received
other business as might come before
Fisher of the Primary department has the interchange of progressive ideas
that body. The objects of the club the following communication from •been promoted to teach in the Inter­ and for the exhibit of the finished
are two-fold, to obtain practice and Tillamook relative to the proposed mediate room and Miss Clara J. Bor­ product of the brain and hand of man,
instruction as well as pleasure in the change of the mail route via Forest ing has been engaged to teach in the whereby the nation and the world may
arts of shooting and fishing, also to Grove.
improve, that the human burden may
T illamook , O r ., March 31, 1904. Primary department.
interest themselves actively in the pro­
be lightened and all mankind bettered
Trial Debate
tection and propagation of fish and Forest Grove Board of Trade,
A week from next Thursday evening thereby. Its influence is not for to­
Mr. W. H. Hollis, Sec’ty.
games birds and animals.
the Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma so­ day, nor is it confined to any one lo­
Officers were elected as follows: Dear Sir:— Your communication of
cieties meet in joint session, where cality. It is the mission cf a useful
J. S. Buxton, president; C. B. Stokes, the 25th will be laid before the Port
the university team will meet a team thought to have neither a boundary of
vice-president; and W. W. Goff, sec­ of Tillamook Commission, which con­
from the Alpha Zata society to debate time nor of place. There never was
retary and treasurer. A committee on stitutes our Board of Trade as soon as a
the Eugene question. The purpose an exposition that did not leave some
bylaws was appointed composed of the quorum is in the city.
part of the world better and wiser than
I can answer for it that your prop­ of this debate is to drill the University
following gentlemen: Dr. Wm. Pol-
team in extemporaneous speaking, for before, and there is no expenditure by
ock, N. L. Atkins and J. J. Wirtz. osition will be received with much
a government which insures so bounti­
the coming debate with Eugene.
Very truly,
The committee on grounds and phara-
fully to the people as the exposition
Claude Thayer.
New Ruling
femalia consists of C. B. Stokes, H. J.
which it aids, patronizes, and en­
Last Monday evening at a meeting courages. Let us then do ourselves
Goff and Will French. It is desired
Church Plans Adopted
of the faculty, a new ruling was passed honor and the whole country a benefit
to make the club broader than merely
in regard to taking books from the li­ in a fitting observance by our nation of
city membership. There are excellent
men in both Dilley and Cornelius church, drawn by F. M. Starrett were brary. Students will be allowed to the centenary anniversary of the fourth
and other near-by points, who adopted last Thursday night, and work take books from the library for two greatest occurance in our country’s an­
are invited to become members. Ac­ will begin as soon as possible. The weeks time if they are not returned or nals.”
tive steps are being taken to have a church will stand on the northeast cor­ renewed at tne end of that time, the
ner of the church lot facing the east. person will be fined two cents per day
meet in the near future.
Read This
There will be a large tower in the cen­ until the book is returned. After the
ter of the east front and a small tower fine has run for one week, the person
I will be at the livery bam of Cor­
Sunday Service at Christian Church in the northeast. The interior con­ having the book will receive a written
nelius & Hancock in Forest Grove,
Elder Geo. F. Zimmerman, of Port­ sists of the main auditorium, Sunday- notice, and if the same is not returned each Saturday. I treat all deseases of
land, will hold services in the Christian school room, choir room, pastor’s and the fine payed at once, the stu­ the horse, and make a specialty of
dent will be suspended from school
church, Sunday at 11a. m. and 7 p. study, parlor and kitchen also four until the book is returned and the fine treating horses teeth. Advice free.
m. Every body cordially invited.
class rooms and a library open from the payed.
S. T. C row .