Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 31, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Take your friend and dine at the
There seems to be some prospects
Easter Sunday. They will
that the Portland-Tillamook railroad
See the Easter plates at the Mag­
will yet be a reality in the near future, serve a dinner that you will enjoy.
net. .
if reports are true: Let Forest Grove
Guy Via will leave for Woodfell,
Garden and feed seeds of all kinds get in and rustle for the plum.
Idaho, Monday, where he will engage
at Martin & Co.
John Whittaker and Everett King in mining, an uncle of his having in-
Mrs. Geo. Beal and friend of Gaston, leave for Marshfield, Oregon, tonight, terests there.
to enter a bakery at that place.
were in town Tuesday.
I. L. Smith, an old time resident
here and who at one time was one of
Judge Crandal was a visitor in For­
the most active business men in For­
est Grove, Wednesday.
He will be absent in that section of est Grove, is here from Sheridan,
Mrs. E. W. Chandler spent the past the country several days.
spending a few days with friends and
week visiting friends in Portland.
“ The Mahara’s Big Minstrels” ac- relatives.
T. A. Ritchey can sell you seeds countered a wreck this week but no
A call meeting of the Rebeccas was
that will grow and at the right price. reports have yet been heard, where held at the I. O. O. F. Hall last night.
any of their clothing was stolen.
Each member of the lodge invited two
A fresh coat of white paint adorns
to attend and a most enjoyable
the grocery store of Nicholson & Son.
the building on Main street belonging evening was spent. A short program
Farmers— You want the very best of to Johnny Wirtz. Those who do not consisting of music and recitations was
garden and field seeds. Martin & respect property rights, should pay a very pleasing feature of the evening.
Co. can supply you.
the penalty.
Spring has come. Cast off that
Down’s pop com, the best on earth.
| LOCAL HAPP e ' i M S j
Easter dinner at the Colonial.
Bellingher will keep your bicycles
in repair.
Feed, hay, and grain at Martin’s
Feed Store.
Latest recycles at the lowest price at
Mrs. W. F. Robertson of Banks, was
visiting friends in the Grove, Tuesday.
Needed— 1000 persons to call and
see the stock of recycles at Bellinger’s.
Miss Hazel Gilham of Portland, is
spending a week with R. 1. Nicholson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs Leo Morgan were in
Portland Sunday and Monday, visiting
old time friends.
If you are troubled with catarrh, sore
A. D. Allen, one of Forest Grove’s slouch hat that the winter rain has
The alleged letter from a subscriber throat, diseases of lungs, stomach or most popular young men, suffered spoiled.
quite a serious stroke of paralysis Mon­
83 00 men’s Hats for........... 82 40
on another page, is taken from an kidneys?—Consult Dr. Geiger.
day. He is now resting well and ex­
2 50
2 00
eastern exchange.
Mrs. John Caples is in Portland with
pects to be about again soon.
2 00
1 60
Bess Sexton entertained several her son, C. C. Caples, who is convales­
1 75
1 40
We had the pleasure of a very pleas­
young friends Friday afternoon, the oc­ cing after a severe attack of grippe.
1 50
1 20
ant call from the Hon. John Hough, a
casion being a birthday.
J. Stephens, one of the Telegram’s
1 00
wealthy eastener from Nebraska. Mr.
T. A. Richey handles garden and staff at Portland, was out and enjoyed
Buy now, you will pay more when
Hough is not touring the western states
field seed, feed and grain. Every­ Sunday with his folks at the Grove.
we are gone. Thomas & James.
with any view of locating as his home
thing in my line is new.
Miss Bertie Johnson will be the interests will not permit his absence
President and Mrs. Ferrin delight­
Bomv—To Mr. and Mrs. Clayton operator at the Independent Telephone but is out for pleasure and a much de­ fully entertained the Fleur de Lis Club
Pond of Smith Park, on March 25, a office of S. H. Hughes during the served rest. He is a man of wide ex­ on Wednesday afternoon at a “ Thimble
daughter, Dr. Large attending.
absence of Miss Sadie Cronin, who is perience, has traveled extensively, of Party” . Miss Gertrude Marsh charm­
strong political views, though in our ingly sang several selections followed
Miss Sadie Cronin, the pleasant and enjoying a two weeks vacation.
judgment laboring under an extremely by an instrumental solo by Miss Irene
accomodating “ hello” girl on the In­
Make all your purchases at our store
dependent line, has been sick part of for one week and figure up Saturday difficult proposition and is a man of Cadwell. President Ferrin entertained
culture and pleasing address. We ex­ the Club with a chapter from “ Beside
the week.
night and see how much you have
tend to Mr. Hough a hearty hand of the Bonny Brier Bush” after which
Farmers— when you buy your field saved. Every article sold from 10 to
welcome to our city and hope his stay delicious refreshments were served on
and garden seeds don’t fail to call on 25 per cent less than RETAIL PRICE.
among us will be a pleasant one.
small tables in the dinning room.
T. A. Ritchie, at Headquarters. His Buy now, you will pay more when
Those present were: Misses Anna
we are out. Thomas & James.
Mr. Kertson has again demonstrated
line is complete with the very best.
Roe, Gertrude Marsh, Maude Shannon,
his ability along the art of decorating,
Mr. R. C. Hill has sold his place in
A gun club will be organized here
Minnie Myers, Irene Cadwell, Charlotte
the southwest part of town to T. A. next Friday evening. All who are in­ as will be seen by passing the store of Graham, Winifred Marsh, Mary Bailey,
Richey, and will return to Minnesota terested in clay pigeon shooting are J. E. Bailey, on Main Street. He has Carry Watt and Mesdames Mayne J.
the large show windows draped in Sici-
in the fall. Mr.s Hill will return in invited to attend a meeting for that
Abbott, F. T. Kane, Wilbur McEldow-
lietta, silk lustre, fancy mohair, poplin
purpose, which will be held at Wirtz’ i
de soire and granville oxford, with
Pratt Vickers, the genial assistant confectionery store at 8 p. m.
wreaths and vines of English ivy appro­
Miss Lucy Mayor, of Beaver City
agent of the Southern Pacific was
Mr. J. H. Wescott has an interest-; priately placed to bring out the desired Nebr., and well known by many of the
called to Carlton this week. Carl ing family heirloom, which is of spec- j effect and add beauty to stock on dis­ Nebraska colony, has recently placed
Christian has taken his place here un­ ial interest to book lovers. It is a Bi­ play. While the large window on the before the public a neat volume written
til he returns.
ble bearing the date of 1807, and the south bears the same attractiveness yet by herself under the title of “ Father
Mr. Jomer and Mr. Allen with their imprint of Sir D.. Hunter and J. Bruce it is more on the humorous order, its and Daughter” . The work is well
families, arrived here this week from of Edinburgh, who were printers to attraction being a mammoth egg made written from first to last, depicting feat­
from white and yellow cotton crepe. ures of pioneer life in Furnace county;
Stromsburg, Nebraska. They shipped His Majesty the King.
are recalling the struggles and privations
their household goods and some stock
E. R. Burton was arrested last night
visible around the old mother egg are of the early settlers at times when it
and are prepared to locate at once.
for annoying a widow lady of South
nearly as lifelike as nature’s products. seemed that even nature was a bitter
J. O. Cummings, living near Dilley, Park and sited to appear before city re­
This window would do credit to enemy. Miss Mayor’s life has indeed
lost a hone last week, which was one corder Walker this morning. He was
any large city store, and for style and been a well fought battle beset by
of a valuable team. He went to Port­ found guilty and owing to his age and
beauty, Mr. Kertson’s efforts along physical anguish from early childhood.
land Saturday to purchase another previous good character was given the
this line are far above criticism. His She has faced the t rue realities of trib­
team, good horses being very scarce lightest fine and put on his good
talent is remarkable as will be seen by ulation and overcome all by her sheer
here at this season of the year.
watching these windows from week to energy and mental activity— based on
Dr. Chas Hines announces that he
Louise, the six year old daughter of week. The News is glad of the oppor­ a profound hope, teaching the lessons
is not a candidate for the office of cor­ H nry Pet rson living two miles north tunity to call the attention of the people that all should know and be the better
oner. We later learn that the friends (f the Grove, was brought to town of Forest Grove to this display of art, and wiser by knowing. The book is
of Dr. C. E. Geiger insist that he yesterday by her parents to have the so original and yet attractive and con- nicely illustrated and well bound
shall be placed upon the ticket » for fore finger of her left hand amputated. gratulate Mr. Bailey on being so fortu­ making a desirable volume and souve­
that office. The doctor would make She caught it in a shingle mill while nate as to obtain the services of one so nir for any library, and more especially
a splendid man for coroner and his playing. Dr. I^rge performed the able, competent and painstaking as is appreciated by those who know Eld r
candidacy is being well received.
operation with Dr. Via assisting.
Mr. Kertson.
Mayor and his daughter Lucy.