Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 31, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Washington County
S' cities of western Oregon and Washing­
M ill
ton, and even some of the Concords to
California, where this most excellent
W ashington County, one of the richest and J
i , most prosperous counties in Oregon, is located /J>
variety is not produced. What is
• a few miles southwest of P orliind. Its soil is
Crescent Flour is the Best.
Op. R R D ep o t
«* m arvelous in its richness, producing any thing: ^
needed now is a factory to make un­
ji, grown upon the coast north of San Francisco.
Patronize Home Industry.
g, Some of the finest stock, dairy, grass, hay and
fermented grape juice; this is a very
hop farms In the west are located In W ashing-
F o r e s t G rove
B, ton county, w hile the fruit grown upon our up- /g*
B/ lands has won medals at International Expo- g
B/ sltions.
Large lum bering concerns are slowly m anu- 'g' would steady the market at all times
B/ facturm g our Immense forests into lumber.
surplus at good
B Fine ranches yearly replace the lumber camps, g by taking up the
We have the best schools and In our midst is g
located Pacific University and T ualatin Acad- g prices, thus preventing that bane of the
amy. Two of the laigest m ilk condensers on
B the coast are located in our county. We have g fruit business, an overstocked market
v», the various conveniences shared by counties *
B of much elder states, such as telephone sys- n and a perishable product.
B terns, free rural m ail del.very, ra l oad facll- g
Another thing needed is a local ship­
Bi hies, and the best of business accomodations g
B furnished by the flourishing cities of Forest g pers’ union, that growers may work in
B Grove and Hillsboro. A fine water power elec- g
B tele plant furnishes unlim ited electricity for all g
Brick Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
B m unicipal and m anufacturing purposes, g harmony and save in freight and com­
By Weal estate is yet low compared with the won- g
A derft I fert llty of the soil and the undeveloped g missions, and also save competing with
See our ad. in the T. P. A. Guide. Drummers’ trade our
,• poasib lities of our county in m any ways.
specialty. Our ’Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. mail.
B W hll- we are growing rapidly yet there are g each other in the open market, a pro­
A an untold num bering of openings along agri- g ceeding that always tends to demoral­
Baggage and freight called for and delivered.
B u ltu ra l, ‘•m anufacturing and business lines all g
A over our county.
g ize selling and to cut prices.
Finest Rigs. Best Horses. Good Drivers.
And then berries; no place on earth
Comer Main and Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, Or.
can excell this for the growing of all
Fruit Growing at Forest Grove
kinds of berries, either for quality or
Fruit growing has long been one of economy of production. But few ber­
the principal industries of the country ries have been shipped from this point
surrounding Forest Grove, and it is ca­ as yet but the business is bound to as­
pable of almost unlimited expansion in sume great propotions in the near fut- [
Proprietors of
the future. Some of the very first ap­ ure, as the land near Portland which j
ple orchards in the state were has in the past furnished the supply is !
planted in Washington county and did now becoming too valuable, and here is
We handle all kinds of meat and fresh fish.
their full share in making Oregon fa­ the best land now available to take its I
F ron t S t r e e t ,
F o r e s t G rove
mous as the “ land of the big red ap­ place. The largest share of the sup- j
ples.” For many years the produc­ ply for Portland and the other cities
tion of fruit was not very profitable, and and towns of the North Coast country
many of the old orchards were ne­ should be, and will be, produced here.
glected, and of course fell an easy One of the best openings for a manu­
The Iron House is closed, but
prey to the plague of insect pests and facturing industry to be found is a can­
fungus diseases that descended upon nery in this town. This will put the
this country some 15 or 20 years ago. small fruit business on a sound basis,
As but little was known at that time by making a safe and steady home
Is open and has the best line of Drugs, Cigars and ^
about fighting these pests, many peo­ market, and preventing a glut in the
Stationery in town. Sole agent for the
ple gave up fruit growing, and the in­ markets during the season of greatest
M o n te u u m m l/o
dustry was transferred to other regions production.
w rm m m m m m
r ■
where the pests had not yet reached
All the conditions are as favorable here
A ten cent cigar for five
and obtained a foothold.
as can be asked for, and it only re -;
But within a few years there was no mains for the fruit growers to keep on
M a in S t .,
F o r e s t G ro v e
n nv country left, the scourge had vis­ pushing the business as in the past
ited every nook and comer, so atten­ with energy and intelligence.
tion was turned to finding remedies,
and it was soon learned that all these
troubles would yield readily to a thor­
P o o r Iln ttrr.
ough course of pruning, cultivating,
Ten cent butter as a rule Is loaded
and spraying. The planting of new down with ignorance. Ignorance pre- i
orchards then became general; and we sides at every step In Its history—
Ignorance of what the maker should
are once more taking our proper place have known to have made It worth as:
among the leading fruit growing com­ much as the best, says an exchange.
munities. Washington county pro­ The original butter fat as it came from
the cow is all right, but ignorance took
duced the Gravenstein apples that it In hand, and its course was down­
were conceded to be the most impor­ ward from that time on. The people
tant single item in the Oregon exhibit who make cheap store butter are just
the ones who despise knowledge and
that won the “ Wilder” medal at the are always talking against reading and
Buffalo exposition. In January- 1904, knowing more. Their butter shows it.
U -T
at the annual meeting of the North­
them for their contempt of knowledge.
west Fruit Growers Assciation, held in What an amount of punishment they
Portland, some Washington county ap- can endure! These people stand on H. J. GOFF
] les were exhibited that were univers­
butter surrender their own field to hog
ally considered the finest among the and bull butter, cottonseed oil and
large number shown, and further that fraud.
W h e n the F e e t Ache.
no finer were ever produced in any
When the feet begin to nolle, even if
you have on your most comfortable
Gra >cs are a very- important crop slices, try something else for the rest
near Forest Grove, this being the most of the day or for a few hours at least. John Deere Plows and
S h elf
Studebaker Wagons
It Is quite essential to comfort to have Harrows, Moline Wa­
important center of this industry in the the
and Buggies, Logging
shoes fit. Tight slaves are not more
rt^te. All of the hardy native Ameri­ uncomfortable than very loose ones, gons, Benicia
S to v e s
Gcods, Guns and Am­
can varieties, and many of the more nor nre they harder on the feet In the Plows. Call and see
tin d
munitions. Reasona­
tender European one? are produced end. ns the loose shoes rub and produce our complete lines. . .
ble prices....................
and find a ready market at good prices. corns, etc. A change from either for a
They are shipped to all the towns and time will rest the feet.
IV1«In S t r e e t ,
F o r e s t G rove, Ore,
JoSinson & Co.
.. City IVIeat M arket..
D r.
H in e s’ D ru 4 S to re
i 11 iw i 11 ■
i x m
G o ff B r o s .,
Hardware and implements