T H E N A TU R A L W O M AN. T h e D a l i V e r s a * t h e S p a r k l i n g —1T i r e ­ som e Im ita tors. »>TTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTT<« Dilley. One young man in com ing home Earl Van Meter of Portland, is visit­ from town found a goat mired in the road and pulled it out and sent it on ing here this week. Miss Francis McPherson is visiting its way rejoicing. at Tacoma, Washington, for a few days. Miss Maggie Mahoney arrived last week from Iowa, and will spend the Mrs. Ina Hubbard ~nd Merle Maury summer with her brother. were Grove visitors, Saturday. The school in district No. 75 is George Gray has bought the Hoff­ progressing nicely, under the efficient man farm, near Dilley. labors of Mrs. Teegarden, of Forest Grove. Gaston Mr. W ill Storey of Castle R ock, Washington, is home for a short time, on account of the illness of his father, A. Story. Miss Berta Jeter of Portland, Sunday with her sister, The roads are so bad that the trav­ eler does not have time to throw “ cuss” words at the road master. It keeps him busy to keep out of the holes. spent Miss Emma Cornelius Jeter. Elder M. M. Anderson and family The entertainment and Ghost social, have returned from Linn county, and given by the pupils of the public have settled in Cornelius. school, was quite a success. The re­ ceipts go to purchase a library for the City and county politics are the chief topics for discussion at the pres­ school. Misses Gertrude E. Marsh and Ma- ent time. Arthur Stratton and wife of Kent, belle Bryant visited at the home of the Oregon, are visiting their parents Misses Hibbs a few days. here. Isador Banpree of British Columbia, Two tickets were nominated for city has been in town renewing acquaint­ ances, after an absence of years. Garden Home. seven offices Wednesday, March 23, and the other, Monday evening March 28. Citizens ticket— Mayor, Thos. Tal­ bot; Councilmen, F. Schoen, A. Ben­ Mr. Hillery and family have moved son, G. Vickers; F. Barber. R e­ to Portland. corder, A. A. Philips. Treasurer, C. Edward Benson has been visiting his C. H ancock. People’ s ticket— Mayor, sister Mrs. Shoemaker, the past week. R. W. McNutt. Councilmen, John Mr. and Mrs. Claude Oviatt went to Portland last Saturday, Mrs. Oviatt’ s sister accompaning them. Cornelius, Ed. Austin, H . S. Sturde- vant, Fred Barber. Fitch. Treasurer, Recorder, H . G. C. C. H ancock. R. W . McNutt and John Cornelius d e­ Bailey, Pete Naim and Ned clined to run. F. Schoen was placed Oviatt spent Sunday in Portland. on the ticket for councilman. Mr. The loggers have set up bachelor’ s hall, down by the mill. There was a dance The Roosevelt Club of Cornelius, were highly entertained Saturday even­ in the Union ing March 26, hall last Saturday night. from Forest by several speakers Grove. Ex-Senator E. Mr. Cutting, Miss Carrie Jesperson W. Haines, T . H . Adams and Dr. and Miss Emma Nicholson attended a Woods, gentlemen whose names will The dull person may be a bore when being normal, when chewing the cud, as It were, quite unconscious of cow- llke resemblance, but the dull person convulsively endeavoring to bo witty, smart, full of repartee and happy al­ lusion is Intolerably and altogether maddening. Many smart American women are what they are by tho grace of nature, the exertions of the exclu­ sive modistes uud the education of brilliant society. Others are what they are by the grace of nature and are most charming and least dull whim most natural. There Is a genuine at­ traction In simplicity and sincerity even when these qualities are not al­ lied with remarkable wit or buoyed up by exceptional gayety. The mo­ ment when we are liable to become a curse to ourselves and others is the moment when we begin to try to play a part. Oh, what a joy It is In society and often In the home to come across a perfectly natural woman! How she refreshes you! How she sets you at your ease! I am not especially fond of tine needlework or addicted to fancy knitting, but 1 remember to this hour a delightful talk I once had nt a dinner party with a denr old lady given over tt> these two Innocent pursuits, who was artless enough to assume that I shared her sense of their importance. And so I did while she was telling me abotit them. Some time ago I read a clever article attacking people for smiling too much and begging them not to smile unless there was something to smile nt. My advice to them would bo never to force a smile, but never to check a smile that was coming naturally. He natural. All this advice to do and not to do tends to the fostering of self consciousness, and self consciousness Is a hideous thing. As with smiling, so with dullness. To a certain extent natural dullness can be minimized. The heavy person can throw out a bag or two of sand anil render the brain balloon a little lighter, capable of soaring some feet higher. For instance, she can educate herself. She can read, see, do and so nssert her­ self. But do not, for heaven’s sake, let her emulate the "verve” of some stren­ uous uml sparkling creature made by nature as unlike her as the diamond Is unlike the pearl. In being Imitative most people be­ come actively tiresome. It Is better to be a sedative than nn Irritant, to re­ semble the hop pillow than adulterated cayenne pepper. Our age Is full of voices telling us to do this nnu do that, be this and be that. I should reply to them. "I’m go­ ing to be myself.” It. IIICHENS. C n n n ls In The Fir Grove Sunday school elected new officers last Sunday. The put in Mahoney mill is preparing to heavier machinery and en­ large their pond so it will hold their summer logs, which Z. Sealy & Son are going to cut. Those who attended the Grange Saturday evening, report a good time. Some of them mired in the mud and had to wade out which was very in­ convenient. Mr. Schlagel had to pull o r e of his horses out of the mud and haul it home on a sle?. An owl, when captured after attain­ ing Its full growth, Is considered one remarks which were very much to the of the hardest birds In the world to point, and winding up with a very elo­ keep alive In captivity. quent euolgy on President Roosevelt A N o r w e g ia n S u p e rstitio n . by Mr. Hawks, editor of the Washing­ There a superstition among the ton County News. Come again. Norwegians flutt a cock " will crow when It reaches the s^ik^ tvhere a corpse lies in the water, and a rooster Card of Thanks often accompanies the boat sent out In We wish to thank the many friends search of a drowned body. and neighbors, who so kindly assisted A R o y a l A p p e tite . Louis XIV. was great ns a feeder. us during the sickness and death of The Duchess of Orleans once saw him our wife and mother. Also for the consume four plates of soup, a whole many beautiful floral offerings. phensant, two partridges, a plate of salad, another of mutton bashed with J o h n a . S t r ip l in garlic, two large slices of ham, a dish M r s . a . C. A d a m s of pastry, fruit, sweetmeats and three M r s . B. F. S m it h bottles of wine. Tim es and Judge Hollis, with a few A Revolution in Dairying Dairying has been revolutionized during the last few years. The hand cream separator has done more toward modernizing this indus­ try than any other influence. With­ in the last three years the hand separator has com e to be more of a fixture in the dairy farmhouse than the sewing machine. The separa­ tor is here to stay, and the possibili­ ties it has created for this region in the way of dairy development are immense. The one point above all others that makes the hand separator so effective is the fact that the warm milk can be fed to calves, while the cream— chief source of revenue — can be shipped in first class con­ dition to bring the highest prices now being paid for butter fat. Adds Value to F a rm Thousands of dollars will be add­ ed to the value of each good dairy farm in this region during the next ten or twenty years, and it will be the hand cream separator which will do it, If the hand separator makes it possible for you to sell $500 or $1,000 worth of cream from a herd of eight or ten cows during the year, and enables you to raise calves which you can market for as high a price as what you got for your calves before, is it not increasing the value of your farm? The hand separator conquers bad road conditions, makes it possible to get the most money from crops, simplifies dairying, abolishes the wearisome churn, improves the quality of the product, pays for it­ self in what it saves, and, if a high grade one, lasts year in and year out as a permanent labor-saving fixture. Clip this Out and mail to Hazelwood Cream Co. Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen:— Please put me on your mailing list for information about separators and shipping cream I have. . . cows and. . . separator. N am e.................................; ............. Address.................. ........................... .... In d ia . dance at Tigardville, Saturday night. com e before the republican conven­ In Indin there are 14,000 miles of tion for the nomination for state sena­ canals, irrigating 8,000,000 acres of Jeppe Jesperson and Mr. Morgan- tor, spoke at some length, followed b / land. sen have the la grippe. Mr. H oge, editor or the Forest Grove O rris In C a p t iv it y . Banks Mazlcwood T a lk s „ M ount W rn n srrl. Mount Wrnngel la not a solitary mountain, but la In tbo midst of a vast array of aummlta, covered with anow and gluclers and spreading over an area of. ho less than R.fiOO aqunre miles. A n iff W in d o w , The largest window in Britain Is the east window In York cathedral. It la seventy-five feet high and thirty-two feet wide. Sn ath A m erica . There are no Important manufnc- torlea In Honth America becauae coal and Iron are nowhere to be found In large or commercial quantltlea. All manufactured gooda have to be Im­ ported. R a id H orse. The hurgonmater of Molahelm, In Al- aaee, owna a horse which baa ahed ita inane, Ita tall and all the rest of lta hair. It haa been treated with hair restorers, but obstinately remains bald.