Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 31, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Chester Johnson is becoming quite
Mrs. Z. B. Haines, of Portland,
an expert with the brush.
made a pleasant visit in Hillsboro and
Mr. George M. Sessions of Portland, Forest Grove over Sunday returning
visited at the home of Hon. Thos. Monday evening.
Roe Sunday.
Wanted— Wood-choppers.
Miss Josephine Baber Sundayed at
! at post office.
L. Shogren, of Dilley, was in town
A. M. Porter, a Gaston merchant
Monday on business.
was in town Friday.
Mrs. Josie Patton spent Sunday with
Miss Mary Bailey visited friends in
friends in Hillsboro.
Hillsboro last week.
A. B. Thomas went to McMinnville
Sam Crow was here from Portland,
Monday on business.
during the early part of the week.
Dr. Wm. Pollock went to Portland
Aden Harper has been quite sick
Saturday, returning Monday.
the past week, with the mumps and
the grippe.
For handsome chinaware and fancy
Floor mats. The latest thing to
dishes you should try the Magnet.
decorate your floors, better than car­
Roe & Buxton has the finest line of
pets. Roe & Buxton.
floor matting and carpets in the city.
Miss Alice Cronen came in from her
Mr. Deitrich, of the condenser, left
school in the Purdin district, remain­
Friday for a business trip in California.
ing at home over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Clark, of
Mrs. George Sloan was at Portland
Portland, visited at the home of J. S.
and suburbs the latter part of the week
Clark, Sunday.
visiting relatives and friends.
Rev. Arthur Kane will deliver his
Everett King, who has been em­
farewell sermon at the Christian Church
ployed in the saw mill at Aberdeen,
Easter Sunday.
Washington, returned here Sunday.
Mr. Cousins of Portland, has been
Dr. Harry T. Danforth and Robert
visiting his sister Mrs. E. B. James, of James, of Por land, were visitors at the
Thomas & James.
home of Mrs. Jane M. Smith, over
Beaverton will have two new rural
mail routes this week, one to the
north and one to the south.
Marion Allen, his wife and son ar­
rived from Arnold, Neb., last Friday to
make their home among us.
Mrs. Hines, the mother of Sam
Hines, left Monday night for Hanna,
North Dakota. She accompanied the
family of Mr. Hay.
Are you prepared with a truthful fish
Friday being the opening
day of the season, you are expected to
deliver the goods to the News’ office.
Nixon & Co. recently sold the S.
Altman farm to Mr. F. A. Reitzel for
$.1800. It consists of 80 acres located
south of Cornelius and is known as the
old Grey place.
The Sheridan Sun has been sold to
B. F. Young of Salem, an experienced
printer, who will remodel the office
and put in a new cylinder press and
new type. He will issue May 1st for
the first time.
Mr. King, the real estate broker,
sold the Frank Emerson property upon
which a house is being constructed,
to John Wilhamson for $680 and 14$
acres of the Marion Baldwin estate to
Mrs. M. K. Watrous for 11595.
Mayor George H. Williams of Port­
land, passed his 81st birthday last
Saturday and is still a hale and hearty
man. He is probably the oldest major
in the Uni'ed States. May many more
pleasant years be added to his life
which has already been so full of use­
J. F. Loyd of Greenville, injured
Finest line of garden and field seeds his hand last week, later symptoms of
in the market at Headquarters.—T. A. blood-poisoning developed which nec-
essated a phjrsician’s attention. Dr.
Rentz is successfully attending the
Roe & Buxton have a line of floor
mats that will suit you. Call and see
Wm. Hay and family, who have
Mrs. Viola Lysoms, a former resi­ been spending the winter with us,
dent here, is down from Washington started for their home in Hanna, Neb­
raska, last Tuesday, where Mr. Hay
visiting old time friends.
owns large land interests. Mr. Hay
J. B. Logsden, a prominent farmer sajrs he likes our climate and never
of Manning, was in town Sunday and felt better than he has the past winter.
Monday visiting friends and attending
Our storm of last week was insignifi­
to business interests.
cant when we compare it with the ter­
The Modern W'oodmen are rejoicing rible storms which swept over the mid­
over the fact that they had no assess­ dle and eastern states. Take the east­
ment to pay in February and are noti­ ern news for last week and we have
fied that none will be forthcoming in ciuse for much contentment. Give vs
the Willamette valley, its rich soil and
Forest Grove will probably have a delightful climate.
Gun Club which will have contests
during the season. With the Athletic
Association, Game and Shooting con­
tests, the local field will be lively dur­
ing the summer.
The people of Forest Grove are for­
tunate in obtaining an opportunity to
hear William Lee Greenleaf, one of
the most celebrated dramatic readers
and impersonators in this country, who
will give an entertainment in Marsh
Hall, April 18. This is given in the
same course with the Fisk Jubilee
concert held several weeks ago, and is
an entertainment of the same high
About ten days ago Henry Shannon
was kicked upon the leg by a horse,
and he supposed all was going well
until Sunday night when he became
J. H. Wescott was a business visitor worse and is now unable to be on his
at Hood River during the past week feet. It is not thought it will be ser­
and reports the place as a lively and ious if he takes care to keep off his
Pacific University has received a life
growing city.
feet for a few days.
size portrait of the late Henry Cor­
bett. It was presented by Mrs. Cor­
Invitations are out announcing a
Kenneth Kennear, the 10 year old
social dance, to be given by the Rath- son of Mrs. May Martin Thomson, of bett. During the life time of Mr.
bone Sisters, at Verts Hall, Saturday San Jose, California, died last week of Corbett he was a warm friend of the
University and gave much of his time
evening, April 2.
spinal meningitis. Mrs. Thomson is and of his fortune to the school.
The Mahara Minstrel Company, well known in Forest Grove and is the For many years he was treasurer of the
which played here some time ago, daughter of D. D. Martin, of this place. board of directors. The portrait is
was in a wreck at Mapovine, Washing­ Kenneth was a very bright little fellow handsomely framed and will ocupy a
ton, last week and several of them and his sad death is a heavy blow to conspicuous place in the auditorium
were injured.
all who knew him.
of Marsh Hall.
Wm. Frey of Bethany, left Tuesday
Chris Fritz, of Hooper, Nebraska,
One of the most pleasant events of
for Santa Rosa and other points in Cal­ arrived at Forest Grove last Friday, the year was enjoyed by the friends and
ifornia. He expects to be gone for from Seattle. Mr. Fritz has made a tour neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Nute Ol­
some time and will spend the entire of California, Washington and Oregon
son, two miles north of Thatcher, at
summer in travel.
during the last two months with a view the social dance given at their home
We have added this week to the of locating in one of the above states. one night last week. Every one was
various departments of our paper, a He is one of Dodge counties most suc­ there for a good time and aside from
“ Society and Church Directory,” cessful and prosperous young business that, the supper prepared by the ladies
which we hope will be of great inter­ men and has many friends here who proved entirely satisfactory to the
est to the strangers entering our hope he will take up his abode in this guests. The music was furnished by
thriving city and as well to the readers community.
Messrs. McGraw and Barnett.
of the News. By this means the for­
We are now prepared to do job work
Hal Jackson recently received a
eign reader will see that Forest Grove of any description. For style, quality
letter from his mother, Mrs. Ella Jack-
is by no - means behind the times and neatness we take the lead. Our
son, who is secretary of the Woman’s
spiritually and fraternally.
office is complete in every respect. Federation of Clubs of Portland, one of
The usual evening service at the We carry a complete line of first-class the strongest and most active organ­
Congregational Church, Sunday night stationary, thus enabling us to fill your izations in the state, in which she
was dispensed with, and the choir gave orders at once. If you are in need of stated that the organization had made
an appropriate program consisting of letter heads, bill heads, statements, arrangements with the Portland Journal
an address by Prin. H. L. Bate;; note heads, envelopes, business or cal­ whereby they were to receive a per­
vocal solos by Mrs. Chapman, Miss ling cards, wedding stationery, invita­ centage of the sale of papers and of
Shannon, Miss Chandler and Mr. tion cards, programs, blotters, sale the receipts for paid advertising secured
Fletcher, a duet by Mrs. Chapman and bills, dodgers, snypes, date lines, ship­ by them. This is surely a most liberal
Mr. Fletcher and several anthems by ping tags, tickets or anything that offer to a good cause. The papers at
the choir. The service was especially comes in the printing line, we can Forest Grove, will be for sale by Hal
interesting and enjoyable.
supply j*our needs to your satisfaction. at the drug store.