Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 31, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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    - '*■
Michigan House
By Michigan People.
ijuiKite in the little diam ond “handy
pins” th a t cater so daintily to the mi­
nor w ants of full dress toilet.
An elegant phase of m en’s sleeve b u t­
tons in the fu tu re is to be the chain
link and a handsom e n a tu ra l cnbochon
stone. The open circle seem s to be a
coming favorite in m en’s scarfpins. It
Is of gold set w ith a line of small
stones, diam ond or colored.
An Increased num ber of shapes is
used in fine stone cutting. In d ia­
monds come the round, square, oval,
pear, m arquise and h e a rt shapes. All
these, ns well ns the cnbochon, are
found in em eralds, rubies and sap­
W om en’s “handy pin s” th a t are mod­
els of good ta ste are of b a r form enam ­
eled on gold in d ain ty and lustrous
pink or blue and set w ith a narrow
row of stones.
The new cu ttin g of th e diamond, "the
tw en tieth century,” should be noted;
also the discovery of “kunzlte,” a stone
of lilac or violet color, ranking proba­
bly w ith th e tourm aline In value,
which is being utilized in all kinds of
Jew elry.—Elsie Bee in Jew elers’ Circu­
W hat
W om en
W e a r l n s r —Some
C h i c N p e c ia ltle n F o r Men.
The necklace is the im portant item
of the season. I t has been brilliantly
launched upon w h a t promises to he a
Good Meals. Good Board.
highly successful career.
In close
Forest Grove, - - Oregon touch w ith this runs th e string of
pearls or other beads.
Large and costly corsage ornam ents
have been am ong favored pieces. The
bracelet, th a t tru ly fem inine and his­
ornam ent, is reported ns coming
Practical Undertakers and Embalm-
in again “w ith surprising rapidity.”
ers. Calls answered day or night.
Of the use of rings it would be Im­
possible to say too much. A ring lins
this season been introduced which is
especially designed for u lady’s little
Forest Grove, Ore. finger. This is of heavy gold set with
u line of tine diamonds.
E arrings, us fa r as positive assertion
of the jew elers goes, rem ain In statu
W . IN . S E A R S
quo In this country, y et many sm all In­
dications i>olnt to th e ir g reater use for
-Proprietor o f-
the future. E arrin g s are worn abroad,
. .T h u L u m lln u B it r h e r S h o p . . .
and w herever women may procure
them there are undoubtedly more to
Up-to-date Hair-cutting and
be seen in use here th an w as the case
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney
v'i= ^ Roe & Buxton
Laundry agency.
M a in H trcw t.
D e lic a te
N eckw ear.
Spring an 1 sum m er neckw ear prom ­
ises to be very dainty and taking. Two
pretty pieces one Illu strated —a collar in
I 'o r w t t d r o v e
B ro o k s & S o n ^
Can suit you. They have
a complete stock of Harness,
Whips, Lap Robes. Repair­
ing a specialty. Call in.
Isolated T ra c t—P ublic 1 and Sale.
O r e g o n C i t y , O r e g o n , Feb. 16, 1904.
Notice is h ereby given th a t in p u rsu an c e of in ­
stru ctio n s from th e Com m issioner of th e G eneral
Land office. u n d er a u th o rity vested in him by
Section 2453, U. S. Kev. S ta t., as am en d ed by th e
Act o f Congress approved F ebruary 26, 1*95, we
will nroceed to offi-r a t p u b lic sale on th e 5th day
of A pril, 1904, a t 11 o 'clo ck a. r a ., n e x t, a t th is
office, th e follow ing tra c t o f la n d , to w it: T h e
N. E. % o f N. E. M of Section 8 .T 1 S , K 4 W. A ny
an d a ll persons claim in g a d re rsc ly :h e above d o.
scribed lan d s are advised to file th e ir claim s in
th is office on or before th e day above d esig n ated
for th e co m m en c em en t of said sale, o th erw ise
th e ir rig h ts will be forfeited.
GEO. W. BIBEE, R eceiver.
Notice for Publication.
Pacific Avenue
Latest Styles
Suits for Ladies and Gents.
Complete line new samples.
cu ffs
lace, eith er w hite or ecru, und one of
the favorite em broidered sets of collar
and cults.
John Anderson,
N ever think needed Test a w aste of
Forest Grove,
O h. w ondrous soap, called W olverine,
’Tis the very best the w orld has seen.
I t ’s sure to knock the blackest dirt
F rom any fellow ’s socks and shirt.
You use it once, y ou’ll use it twice,
And tell the w orld it’s very nice.
D ear ladies, w hen w ashing d irty
Use W olverine, and then repose.
Y our cheeks will blossom like the
And if y ou’re young, “he” will p ro ­
I find it’s grand on d irty hands,
And m ore, I haven’t any doubt,
I t ’s used by B row nies in the night
T o m ake the silver m oon shine out.
O h, W olverine has com e to stay,
So dust and resin, get aw ay;
T he W olverine is ju s t all right,
It beats all o th ers out of sight.
D ear public, now excuse m y rhym e,
Buy soap of C heney every time.
M. R. C H E N E Y , Exclusive A gent,
F o re st G rove, O regon.
T h t‘
F ir s t
G erm a n
D epartm ent of the Interior,
Land Office at Oregon C ity, Oregon.
February 13, 1904
Notice is hereby given th at the fcllow ing-naired sett­
ler has filed notice of his intention to make fin d proof in
support of his claim , and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of W ashington County, O regon,
at Hillsboro on April 5, 1904, viz, Augustus H. W olford,
H. E. No. 14549, for the S. 1 2 of S. E. 1-4, Sec. 24, T .
3. N , R. 4 W.
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his contin-
ous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
George L ippert, of Buxton, Oregon.
John L ippert,
Amos E. Mead,
John W olford,
Algernon S. Dresser,
M a k er.
Notice For Publication
Ulmnn S trainer w as undoubtedly the
[Henrt n n il p e a r s h a p e d s to n e s s h o w in g first G erm an pnper «inker. F ive hun-
D epartm ent of the Interior,
th o n e w t w e n t ie t h c e n tu r y c u t tin g ]
Land Office at Oregon C ity, Oregon
! dred years have passed since then, and
March 19, 1904
a y ear ngo. It cannot bo said th a t the th e a rt of paper m aking enn look back
Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-nam ed set­
r has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof
rising generation Is having its cars on as long a period of earnest effort tle
in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made
pierced to any noticeable extent, y et and profitable work.
before Register and R eceiver at Oregon C ity, Oregon,
on May 7, 1904 viz: John D. D aly, H. E. No. 15297 for
any w om an who so fancies fe d s free
tho S. E. one-fourt N. W. one-fourth; N. E. one-fourth
M a r l , A n to in e tt e 's F a v o r it e ,
For Information, Address,
to w ear earrin g s as fur as fashion goes.
W . one-fourth; and N . one-half S. E. one-fourth.
This delicious shortcake is said to S.
Sec. 28. T. 1 S. R. 6 W.
... G.
H e names the follow ing witnesses to prove his con­
have been the favorite cake of the u n ­
tion of one stone w ith others is coming
residence upon and cultivation of said land,
fortunate Marie A ntoinette and Is made tinuous
Typewriters sold and rented. into the new er school of A m erican by tak in g half a pound of sw eet b u t­ viz:A. T. W ain, of Salem , Oregon.
A solitaire ring — diamond,
M. W . H unt,
te r and pressing it betw een the folds
Forest Grove, . . ♦ Oregon Jewelry.
Hon. John Minto,
ruby, sapphire nr pearl — will be en­
Jchn Shaw
of a towel to e x tra ct the m oisture: then
hanced w ith sm all diam onds im bedded
place it in an earth en bowl w ith n
in the shank on each side: th e richly
Tobacco and
q u a rte r of ft pound of powdered sugar
carved and pierced platinum m ounting
and bent it to a light cream ; add g rad ­
Cigars, Etc. of a colored stone or stones will be in- ually
a pound of sifted flour and a half
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
cru sted w ith tiny diam onds; a du- ounce of rice flour, w orking It sm ooth­
February 23, 1904.
Candies and Fruits of all
cliesse ring will show forked shanks
Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the
ly in w ith the hand till you can form provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, e n ti­
set w ith diam onds. There Is more ex­ tho dough Into a ball: roll out lightly
kinds, Soda W ater, Bread,
tled “ An act for the sale of tim ber 1 nds in the States of
ercise of design th an heretofore In the
Nevada, and W ashington T errito ry ,”
Pies and Cakes, Hot Pop-
until you have the desired size; slip as extended Oregon,
to all the Public Lands States by act of Au­
m ounting of th e gem, in th e building
on a tin baking sheet nnd cover the gust 4, U 92, K nute W estberg, of Portland, county of
Corn and Peanuts.
up of an ornam ent.
Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day fle d In th is
top w ith small comfits arranged In a office
his sworn statem ent No. 6258, for the purchase of
J u st now Jew elry fashions, in com­
Sunday Oregonian for Sale Here
design: w ith n sm all fancy cu tter score the W. 1-2 of N. W . 1-4 of Section No. 28 in Township
mon w ith others, revert strongly to tlie
No. 3 N., Ranee No. 4. W est, and will offer proof to
OREGON Louis XIV., XV. and XVI. periods. the edge of the cake In a fanciful p a t­ show that the land sought is more v rlu a tle for its tim ber
tern nnd bake In a quick oven tw enty or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish
The fashionable La Vnlllero, of w hich
his claim to said land before the Register and R eceiver
m inutes; serve w ith a rich preserve of
this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the
an illustration Is lien» given, is dedi­
16th day of May, 1904.
ITirmr.rs ¿>n<l M erch an ts cated to the splrltuelle charm of Isnitse sauce.
He names as witnesses:
Robert T. Simpson, of Buxton, Oregon,
B ank,of F o re s t (irovc. de la Vnlllere, the lovely and unhappy
H a w T e a la M a d e In I n d i a .
Adam Simpson, of Buxton, Oregon,
favorite of Louis XV. The La Vnlllere
Thomas G. M cFarland, of Buxton, Oregon,
The m erits of India nnd Ceylon ten
M. M iddaugh, of Buxton, Oregon.
us an innovation upon the brand collar have become very well know n In this
Capital, $ 25 , 000 .
Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above-de­
of diam onds or pearls is followed but country. The Irnllnn method of m ak­ scribed
lands are requested to file their clii/n> in this
office on or before said 16th day of May, 1904.
Transacts a general banking “d rap ed ” necklace th a t has proved the ing ten ns given by a resident of Cal­
cu tta Is to tnke tw o spoonfuls of dry
business. C o r r e s p o n d e n t ’s, favorite of the year. Rich pendants ten
for cacti cup of tea w anted, and ------------
worn on tine platinum ch u ln sn n d pend­ npon It pour boiling w ater, letting It
Wells Fargo & Co. Banks. en
t effects in necklaces arc also in stand frw n half to one minute. In no HOLLY
other wt\y enn one obtain so much of CIRCLE
Oscillation of brilliant Jewels prom ­ the arom atic principle and so little of
Meets on the 2nd and 4th W ednesday of each
IV. H. Williams A Son ises to be one of the effective points of
the b itte r and a strin g en t elem ents In a
month in Odd Fellow s' H all. Forest Grove. All
members and visiting m em bers are invited
-Headquarter* for-
single cap of tea. In the asn al wny of
th e nattlnesa of a F renchw om an's fin­
m aking tea the w ater la allow ed to JESSIE BUXTON. Guardian Neighbor.
Lumber in Rou£h
gers continue a favorite design. These,
atand upon tho leaves too long.
S ophia C. Smith. Clerk.
FORMT GROVK, OREGON together w ith sprays and birds, are ex-
H. F. D. Roule 1.
I.A V A L L lE ItE O F D IA M O N D S.
... Correspondence
.. School of Shorthand..
No. 185. W. 0. W.