1 Attention Cows For Sale The Ladies Working Society of the Some fine fresh milch cows for sale Methodist church will have on sale at at reasonable prices. Address S. Vin­ Dugan & Watrous March 26, a fine cent, Glenwood, Oregon. line of pies and cakes. Building Sites for Sale. Choice lots in finest locations. We desire to sincerely thank those Water, shade, sidewalks, best drainage, who so kindly assisted us during extra deep and right prices. Enquire the illness and burial of our little one. of owner— Earl B. Hawks at the News MR. AND MRS. E. BRICK. Offiice. Card of Thanks Pit Party at Reedville Last Friday night Miss Anna Chal­ mers, the principal of the Reedville public school, and Miss Marie Staehr, teacher of the primary department, gave a “Pit” party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dant. There was a good attendance and the evening’s enter­ tainment was concluded by refresh­ ments being served. Employment. Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Mor­ rison St., Portland, Oregon, is one of the best known and most reliable com­ panies on the Coast, furnishes all kinds of help on shortest notice, free to employers. McNamer & Johnson DEALERS IN I all k in d s of F r e s h , S a lt, S m o k e d M e a ts . . . . . Pacific Avenue Foreat Grove. Ore. Fancy and Staple Groceries. Aplin Mills Co... Free Deliuiy Within the City Everything in Season. Buy and Store All Kinds of... GRAIN Manufacture all kinds of Grain Froducts, Chop, Stock Feed and Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . S IL V E R D U S T F L O U R Best Oregon—A blend of choice hard wheat and soft valley wheat, making the best of flour. For Trade. Aplin Mills Company, I have 160 acres of good prairie land in Yuma County, Colorado, fenced and Farm Feed Chopping a Specialty. C ornelius , O regon . crossed fenced, fair buildings, wind­ Card of Thanks etc., 2 1-2 miles from town, price We wish toj.xtend cu - heartfelt thanks mill $2000. Will trade for ranch of same 1 those who so kindly assisted us dur­ value in Washington County, Oregon, ing the illness and death of our wife partly improved— H. G. KING, Agent, ¥ The S P R I N G S T Y L E S . . . . and mother. ^ ¥ are more fascinating than ever and you can’t realize how many styles there Forest Grove, Oregon. R. S. LYBARGER ^ are to suit every face (and in price adapted to every pocketbook too) N ehala R oberts For Sale. ^ until you have seen the new stock in Mrs. Dixon’s Millinery Parlors. M ary M iller At a bargain, if taken soon, the cele­ ^ Don’t buy joblot headgear without style or distinction just because it is J ohn R oberts brated David Homestead and winery ^ cheap. We can sell hats just as cheap and not so common. Call on us P ophery R oberts containing 64 acres in grapes. Fine | M rs. A. E . Dixon. buildings, 2000 gallons of wine in cel­ Program lar and Ownie Press, go with the place For Teacher s Local Institute, Beav­ if taken. Selling price $7000. For erton, Ore. March 26, 1904. particulars enquire of H. G. King, agent Morning Session, From 10 a. m. to Forest Grove, Ore. 12 m. “Study of the Child” B. W. Barnes. Arithmetic “Coming Home” Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest Grove and Portland. Earl E. Fisher. Reading “The Great Low round-trip rates have been Special Attention to Commercial Travelers’ Patronage. Desideratum” G. A. Prentiss. placed in effect between Portland and Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates, Afternoon Session, From 1:30 p. m. Forest Grove, in either direction. to 4 p.m. “Assigning Lessons” E. S. Fashion Livery , Feed and Sate Stabie. Evenden. “Profitable Busy Work” Tickets will be sold Saturdays and Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over Miss Clara J. Boiipg. “School Sanita­ Sundays, and limited to return on or the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times before the following Monday. Rate of tion” Dr. F. M. Robinson. Forest Grove, Oregon. The presentation of each subject $1.05 round trip. Call on Southern will be followed by a general discussion Pacific’s agents for particulars. of the same. The above program will Blacksmith Shop at Gales Creek be interspersed with appropriate musi­ Having opened a blacksmith shop at cal and rehetorical numbers. Gales Creek, I am pleased to announce All friends of education are invited to the public that I am now ready to to attend and participate in the dis­ do all kinds of blacksmithing in a good cussions. The Institute will be held workmanlike manner. I desire those at the public school building. needing work in my line to call. My The program is subject to change. charges will be reasonable and work H. A. B all , guaranteed to be first class. County Superintendent IRVEN DUPRAY, Gales Creek, Or. W OLVERINE SOAP. 1 Cornelius & Hancock Oh, wondrous soap, called Wolverine, ’Tis the very best the world lias seen. It's sure to knock the blackest dirt From any fellow's socks and shirt. You use it once, you'll use it twice, And tell the world it's very nice. Dear ladies, when washing dirty clothes, I ’sc Wolverine, and then repose. Your checks will blossom like the rose. And if you're young, “he” will pro­ pose. I find it’s grand on dirty hands, \nd more. I haven't any doubt. Tt's used by Brownies in the night To make the silver moon shine out. Oh. Wolverine has come to stay, So dust and resin, get away: Tt beats all others out of sight. Dear public, now excuse my rhyme, Buy soan of Cheney every time. M. R. CHENEY, Exclusive Agent. Forest Grove, Oregon. Shorthand A Gold Mine. I loan you a Typewriting Machine, teach you shorthand and typewriting by mail, and help you to a position at a good salary, with sure promotion. How much do you earn? There is only one way to earn more and that is to make yourself worth more. Make your leisure moments valuable by learn­ ing shorthand. You can master it in a very short time and command a good salary. The expense is light. Write for particulars and sample lessons. G. B. Hardin’s Correspondence School of Shorthand, Forest Grove, Oregon. Office in Wagner block. The Finest Line of Jewelery, Watches and < blocks in the county. Repaij work a spec­ ialty. Glasses fitted by sci­ entific optician.......................... Forest Gro* 5, asxscsxsxsxsxsKXs: V, - Or. * V'