Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 24, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Published Every Thursday by the Washing­
ton County Publishing Co. Incorporated
at Forest Grove, Oregon
1500 .
Rates on Job W ork and Adver­
tising Furnished on Enquiry.
$ 1 .0 0 a Year in Advance.
Office on Pacific Avenue.
Both Phones.
wintered at the post-office at Forest
Grove, Oregon, as second class
mail matter.
Address all communications to Wash­
ington County Pub. Co.,
Forest Grove, Ore.
If the NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­
ers or is late, we request that immedi­
ate attention may be called to the same.
T H U R S D A Y ,M A R C H 24, ’04
Keep Courage
ley road.
The blame for a portion of
Political Notes.
them are getting no more than 88 per
Under the new law they will
As far as can be learned the follow­ month.
is and has for some time been a burn­ ing are the candidates favorably spoken be entitled to 814 per month at lesst,
ing* shame that the main road from the of for the various offices to be filled in which will enable them to care for
depot to the business part of the city, the June Elections.
For senator: themselves.
this route rests with Forest Grove.
There is an economical side to the
the road over which every bit of freight T . H. Adams, Forest Grove; Dr. W .
for half of the county is hauled, the D. Woods, Hillsboro; E. W . Haines, measure. It will mean the discharge
road over which every
visitor and Forest Grove, Burke Tongue Hills­ of thousands of clerks in the pension
offices; the doing away with thousands
hom e seeker must travel to inspect boro.
our beautiful city,
is in such a con ­
What their impressions must
For representatives:
Gaston; Wilbur K. Newell, Gaston;
be by the time they reach the busi­
John Buchanan, Cornelius; Benton
ness portion of the city, no one can
Bowman, Hillsboro; A. B. Flint, West
say, but it is sufficient to remark that
a more favorable sentiment would re­
For sheriff: John McClaran, Gales
sult if the excessive nervous strain in
Creek; Baker Sappington, Hillsboro;
keeping ones seat in the bus were re­
John Connell, G lencoe; Samuel Galb­
placed by the delightful sensation of
raith, Tualatin.
rolling along a smooth road bed en­
For clerk: Jajnes Morgan, Hillsboro;
joying the passing landscape.
E. L. McCormick, Hillsboro; E. J.
Every officer and member of the
Godman, Tigardville; Brice Wilson,
Civic Improvement Society and the
Gales Creek; O. R. Downs, Hillsboro.
Board of Trade, is aware of the exis­
For recorder: E. I. Kuratli, Green­
ting condition of things. Every busi­
ville; Julian Vandwahl.
ness man and the condenser people are
For assessor: George Wilcox, Hills­
aware of it.
Furthermore, business
men and citizens and also the conden­
For treasurer: W m . M. Jackson,
ser people would gladly assist in raising
funds to put the road in shape if those
For county school superintendent:
whose duty it is would take the initia­
H . A. Ball, Hillsboro; M. C. Case,
tive in circulating the necessary papers
Forest Grove; John Hohman, Tigard­
and in collecting the money subscribed.
The farmers along the rural mail
For commissioner:
A. B. Todd,
routes are to be com mended for the way and T. G. Todd, Forest Crove;. C.
theyare taking hold of the matter. About C. H oopes and R. Matteson, Gaston;
The new comers recently from the enough subscriptionshav been taken to
and W. J. R. Beach, Greenville.
east should not be discouraged with rock the road from Forest Grove to
For surveyor: A. A Morrell, Hills­
our recent bad spell of weather as we Thatcher and other communities are
suffered much less than did the east.
taking similiar action. All this is a
For Coroner: Dr. C. L. Large,
Another fact should also be kept in
step in the right direction but enough and Dr. Chas. Hines of Forest Grove.
mind, that no such a storm has visited
has been done to insure the maintain-
the Willamette valley since the spring ance of the rural mail delivery another
Pensions for All
of 1882. While it did not snow at
winter. The withdrawal of this service
The boys who wore the blue be­
this point, still the wind blew quite
would mean that we were not an up
the years of 1861 and ’ 65 will
hard damaging some timber and break­
to date community.
New comers
be interested in a bill before congress
ing down a few telegraph and electric
would settle in localities where roads
which does away with long strings of
lines. What it did during the past
and good service could be obtained. needless red tape. Pension sharks
week in the east can be shown by
They would locate in cities into which at
have plucked the old soldiers unmerci­
comparing eastern papers for that week
least a little dry wood could be hauled
fully ever since the gorvernment auth­
with our own, and when the compari­
all the year around.
They would
orized the paying of pensions to the
son has been com pleted we be-
! locate where a team could be driven
veterans. The bill will probably be­
'ie\e that everyone so comparing will
from one point to another at a speed
com e a law within a few days. Un­
feel like saying with those who have
which would not admit of a pedestrian,
der this act. mere application, accom ­
lived here a season, that “ the Willa-
going the same route, passing them on
panied by proof of service, will be suf­
m :tte valley is the only spot for us. i
the road.
ficient to establish the claim. And
Nor would newcomers wish to buy this is not all, for thousands of pension­
of old soldiers that are now supported
by the government at the soldiers’
homes.— D a l l a s C i t y E n t e r p r i s e .
Call for County Convention.
A republican
for the
County of Washington, State of Ore­
gon, is called to meet at the Court
House, in Hillsboro, on Thursday,
Aqril 7, 1904, at 10:30 o ’ clock a. ia .,
for the purpose of nominal ing a le£ is-
lative and county ticket, and to elect
thirteen delegates to the state conven­
tion, and
thirteen delegates to the
first congressional district convention,
and to ratify precinct nominations, and
for the transaction of such other and
further business as may corns beftre
said convention.
consist of
The convention
170 delegates, to b e anp r-
tioned and elected from ihs ssVv al
precincts, as follows, to-wit:
Beaverdam .......................
B u x to n ..............................
... . . .
Columbia........................... ............... .c
Dairy.................................. . . .
D ille y ................................
East B u tte .......................
East Cedar.......................
Gales C reek....................
M ou n ta in .........................
North Forest G rove. . .
North H illsboro.............. .. . .
.„ ..1 0
R eedville.........................
South Forest G rove......... ........... ...„ 1 3
South H illsboro................ . . .
South Tualatin................
------ 10
W ashington..................... ------
.... 9
West Butte.......................
West Cedar.....................
primaries will be he i in the
several precincts, at the pollir g peaces
therein, on Thursday, March 3 i, 1904,
at 2 o ’ clock p. m.
By order of the Washingto Cccct/
farms in a location, where they ôould ers receive increased pensions, some of
Republican Central Committee
We are now facing a very serious not reach the city and be sure they them as much as 300 per cent.
Dated this March 3, 1904.
period in the development of our city could return safely the same day.
Under the Heiser bill, which is that
B e n t o n B o \* ¿ a t
and county. At first bush it might
Business men suffer from these con­ endorced by the thirty-seventh annual J. A. T h o r n b u r g ,
C rrn m ,
seem that we were disturbed, but ditions to the same extent as any other encampment of the Grand Army in
Time to Wake Up
when we get right down to the real class. For these reasons, as well as Los Angeles, last summer, and was
Free Lectures
facts and see the probable conse­ the loss of the accomodations furnished passed by the senate saveral days ago,
Rev. W. Hendrix of New Yc ik City,
quence of our inactivity during the by the rural delivery we should at once pensions are graded in accordance with
com ing summer, then we reach the take active steps to com plete what has service. It also gives to every 1861- will give a series of lectures bi ginning
point where we see the necessity of been started and put our roadbeds into 5 soldjer a pension upon the making Easter Sunday evening and coitinuing
This is the more of an application. Ninty-day men will for one week. Do not fail to read the
The inspector, S. F. Clements, who important since we have the soil, receive a minimum of $8 per month posters, and note the subject for the
was in town the fore pa t of the week, climate, and the range of products and more,
according to disability. different evenings. No abuse, io col­
in looking over the sit ration and in­ which make this county the one county The minimum for one year men, is lections.
vestigating the roads, will report that of the state for newcomers, the para­ 814; for two year men, 817; for three
A Farm to Rent
earnest and cc->pirative action.
our rural
free delivery be
permanent shape.
suspended dise of the Willamette Valley. Good year men, 820, and for four year men,
W e have a good farm to re .t near
unless the roads are made passible by roads, or at least a large amount of 824.
town. Also some splendid bar gains ia
another winter. This week he sus­ construction by another winter will be
The passage of the bill and its oper­ farm and city property. For invest
pended the portion of the route which all that our eastern friends could desire. ation will be to lessen the number of ments do not fail to see us.
reaches the depot and goes to the Dil- Act and act now!
four men at the homes, and most of
L a n g l e y & C a m p ;