Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 10, 1904, Image 9

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the northwest, is almost exclusively the business fairly profitable. By a fair
Italian. The Petite, or French, is price, I mean from four cents up, for
a hardy and prolific variety, but entire­ prunes weighing from 40 to 50 to the
ly unprofitable, owing to its small size, pound.
except in years when the prune crop
In buying and selling prunes the
of France is a failure.
Silver and H un­ basis price generally quoted is for
garians have been tried sufficiently to equal quantities of the four sizes 60-
demonstrate that the former is too short 70s, 70-80s, 80-90s, and 90-100s in
lived, and the latter of value for drying. bags f. o. b. The table shown below is
The sugar prune has been but slightly useful in determining the value of diff­
tested, in this country, but experience erent sizes when the basis price for
with it, in other parts of the valley, do equal quantities of four sizes is known.
not warrant its planting on a large scale. If the very large, or very small sizes
The only variety which gives serious command a premium, then the amount
promise of becom ing a competitor of of such premium is to be added to the
the Italian, is the Willamette prune. table figures.
But the Italian is the prune of the
In responding to your request for
am, prepared to furnish Lumber in any quantities at J j
Portland, Beverton, Reedville, Hillsboro, Cornelius JU
Forest Grove, Dilley and Gaston at the following prices: jri
judgement an article on this subject, I have limit­
will maintain its ascendancy for many ed myself to facts. The unsatisfactory
It has made a name for itself prices of the past season do not en­
in the East; is self fertilizing, a fairly courage my fancy to soar.
Rough, $10 50 Sized, $11 Shiplap, $11
Rustic No. 1, $20
Flooring No. 1, $20 Beaded Ceiling and all Finish No. 2
$15 Shingles $1 70 perm . Stopping, Window
Both P h on es and Door Jambs or any lumber wanted
A d d re ss
I believe
good bearer, and resonably hardy, in that the prune industry is a permanent
The Eastern mark­ one and will yet be organized on a
ets know but two varieties— the “ Cali­ paying basis. I wouid discourage
fornia” and the “ Oregon,” the former wholesale planting, and in isolated
suitable locations.
being the variety called Petite, or localities; but do not believe that a
French, and the latter being our Ital­ mistake will be made in additional
ian friend. For this reason, and the planting on our foothills and in a
thrives so well in our neighborhood which has becom e a
climate, we should not abandon it un­ prune-raising center.
The advantages of growers cluster­
til we are sure we have found a better
fact that it
Jorc.st drove,
O regon.
Nearly one
For this reason the foot
Physician and Surgeon
PATTON & ANDERSON, Proprietors.
Office over Abbott’s
E . B . R e n tz, M . D .
The raisers of the Pacific Northwest is to
prune orchards which are the most effect some organization by which the
unthrifty and uncertain of crop are different selling agencies will be har­
usually on the level land.
air to escape to the lower levels.
Nearly every man who has ten acres
or more of prunes has a good evaporator mistake of considering themselves all-
most of them being of the “ tunnel” sufficient as a marketing factor; and
style of construction.
There are about their rapid growth has aroused the
in the county. hostility of the commercial packers,
There are “ custom”
evaporators at who have taken every means, this
Gales Creek, Cornelius and Hillsboro, season to demoralize the market and
though several of the orchardists dry keep down both prices and consum p­
M. W . Patton, Res.
Both Phones.
News Office.
Forest Grove, Ore.
W. M. L angley
L u m b e r
L. L. L angley
Langley & Son
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Manufactured as you want it,
Public, Real Estate, and Con­
and shipped when we say il
veyancing. Upstairs, Caples Building
will be. Our daily output is
F orest G rove , O re .
50,000 feet, and we make
a specialty o f .........................
Kiln Dried Stock
Falls City, Oregon.
E. W . HAINES, Banker
Hollis & Hawks
Let us quote you
delivered prices.
Real Estate and Corpo-
ration ^ ^ w aS p ecialty.
Hines' Store.
Forest Grove,
(Established In 1898)
for their neighbors or buy the green ! tion, in order that the associations may
General banking business transacted.
fruit outright. For several years there be com pelled to hold over.
Drafts issued on the principal cities or
This is but a natural outcom e of the world. Interest paid on time de­
was a tendency not to dry sufficiently,
and the evaporated prune would fall to ignoring important interests; and un­ posits.
pieces when subjected to the steaming til these interests are conciliated and
But each given a fair outlet for his energy,
growers are now generally drying prune prices will be low.
T o bring the conflictng elements to­
properly, although I think they use too
much lye, in checking the skin, before gether is a difficult but not impossible
Jewelry Store............
Harvey Anderson, Sec’y.
half the acreage of the
hills near Forest Grove present admir­ country is tributary to Dilley, and most
able locations for prune orchards, of it within 1 1-2 miles of that station.
The great problem before prune
affording an opportunity for the cold
E . M . W A R D , K
Saws wood when called for.
* *
Forest Grove Gasoline Wood-
saw Company.
ing about one locality are manifest and
Prune orchards should have good manifold, and co-operations and mutu­
Order by phone
drainage, both underground and over­ al helpfulness in selling and disiminat-
head. Atmospheric drainage is very ing information are thus made possible.
r i
J. N. Hoffman
B. P. Welch
Attorneys at Law
Notary Public.....
process preparatory to packing.
" ;
'— — *
Homeopathist Physician
and Surgeon...............
Collections and all business intrusted
to us given prompt attention.
task and one which I must trust may
In an average year orchardists get be accomplished before the advent of Office over W escott’ s Store. Residence i R.
East of M. E. Church, Forest Grove. I
about one ton of dried fruit per acre, another drying season.
with a fair price,
H. C. A tw ell .
make the
Basis price, four sizes in cents' S j ï ï f ü
80 to 9 0 .....................................
90 to 1 0 0 ...................................
100 to 1 1 0 .................................
110 to 1 20.................................
INIXOIN, Dentist
Forest Grove, Oregon
Dr. Wm. M< Pollock,
2 21 2¿¡2£ 3 31 3à 32 4 41
30 to 40 prunes to the pound n 3 f 4 4 i
40 to 5 0 ..................................... 3 H 3è 3 f
50 to 6 0 ..................................... 2 \ 2 Î 3 3i
60 to 7 0 ..................................... ? 2 i 2è 2 \
70 to 8 0 .....................................
4è 4í¡5 51 S i 52
4 4lj4 è 42 S 51
3è 32 4 41 4è 42
3 31 3è 32 4 41
là 11 2 21 2è
1 u l i 12 2
è 2 1 U 1¿
à 2 1
6 61 6è
5à 52 6
Best artificial teeth, $5.50 per set. C e­
ment and Amalgam fillings, 50 cents
4à 4 f 5
Office over Bazaar, Forest Grove, Or. ' each. Gold fillings, $4 up. Vitalized
air for painless extraction.
Prepared to do OFFICE: Three door* north of Bailey’* note. Office
62 7 71 All work in the
hour* from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
work at night, but
61 6è 62 dental line. R eg­
ulating chil d r e n
must be by ap* !
52 6 61 and adult teeth.
poin tm en t............
51 5à 521
42 5 51
5 51 5è
4à 4 2 ’5
2 ! 3 31 3è 32 4 41 4à
21 2è 22 3 31 3à 32 4 41 4à
12 2 21 2è 22 3 31 3à 32 4
U là l f 2 21 2à 22 3 31 3è
là 12 2 21 2à 22 3
2 1
Woodmen of the World Camp, No. 98,
City Barber Shop . .
Baths. Laundry Agency. Situ­
ated on Pacific Ave., Forest Grove.
. . A. J. Wirtz, Proprietor
Meets every Saturday evening at
7:30 P. M. All neighbors are
cordially invited to visit with us.
J ohn A nderson , Clerk.
J ohn S tribbich , C. C.