2 John Stribbich visited the metropo­ John Matthews was in Portland last Saturday. lis Saturday. Rev. A. Robinson of Hillsboro was “ Down by the Sea.” Mrs. Marie Patten is quite ill with a welcome caller at the News office yesterday. the grip. I ({ • i Mrs. Chas. F. Miller is very sick John Fuqua was quite sick Saturday with pneumonia. and Sunday. t Martin’s feed store, egg food make hens lay. to Martin’s feed store, spray pumps and spraying material. > ' J. S. Wright is moving his family “ Down by the Sea” ii the coming from Gaston to the Grove. attraction, March 17. Mrs. Fred J. Ramsey of Glencoe is Some very fine bargains in second­ reported as very much better. hand organs at The Bazaar. For farm, lawn and poultry fences, The largest stock of axle grease in see M. Peterson. the city at M. Peterson’s. Martin’s feed store, International F. G. Barton, of Timber, Ore., made stock and poultry food. the News office a call Monday. Mr. Hibbs, the Gaston merchant, Read Goff Bros, ad’ and remember gave the News a call this week. the place. You will find their prices Miss Sadie Cronin was very sick right. Tuesday with neuralgia in the face. Finest line of garden and field seeds .Tinware, just what you need to com­ in the market at Headquarters.—T. A. plete the kitchen. Buy at the Mag­ Ritchey. net. F or S a le or R e n t — T wo lots, Grover, the son of Sam Gilpin, is neat six roomed house. Mrs. Sarah much better and Sam has returned to Hines, South Park. Southern Oregon. J. F. Reeher, of Wilson River, came Roe & Buxton has the finest line of For handsome chinaware and fancy out Sunday and reports the snow from floor matting and carpets in the city. dishes you should try the Magnet. two to four feet deep. All the latest sheet music, songs BORN — March 6, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hughes, our enterprising tele­ and instrumental for sale at The Geo. M. Hines, of Gales Creek, a phone manager, was in Buxton Satur­ Bazaar. daughter. day, installing several new phones. Miss Lou Starrett left Saturday for “ Our Best” Valley Flour 95 cents The father of Fred J. Ramsey of Arizona, where she has a position in per sack. Buy now, you will pay more Glencoe is reported dead at Salida, the Government Indian School. when we are out.— Thomas & James. Colorado. Bertie and Annie Johnson entertain­ Call at M. Peterson’s for house fur­ nishing goods, stoves, furniture and ed their friends last Saturday evening, and a jolly good time was enjoyed by Queensware. all. Jud Kelsey and family arrived Tues­ John Ballard, of ths firm of Lenne- day from Almena, Kan. Mr. Kelsey ville & Ballard, is visiting friends and is a brother of F. M. Kelsey. relatives in Portland and other Oregon BORN —To Mr. and Mrs. Frank towns. Johnson, of West Forest Grove, on $20.00 buys a first-class, up-to-date March 7th, a son, Dr. Large attending. sewing machines at the Bazaar. It R. M. Stephen and family from Al­ has all the latest improved attach­ mena, Kan., have arrived and expect ments and is warranted for five years. to make Forest Grove their future The Pope brothers and their families home. of Stanford, Neb., arrived Wednesday The Lyda sawmill on Gales Creek to make Washington County their will hereafter be under the manage­ home. They are at present visiting ment of a new company, and will be with Mr. Philip French, west of the city. run to its full capacity. C. H. Pollock, brother of Dr. Wm. The Bazaar has got a fine line of M. Pollock, left yesterday for Femie, first class sewing machines for sale on B. C., to take a position with the installments at $3.00 per month. Crow’s Nest Pass Muring Company, Every machine warranted. The company operates one of the largest A reception was held in the Philo- coal mines on the Pacific coast. mathean Hall, in honor of Mrs. Shields, Judge Boise of Marion county de­ the traveling .secretary of the Y. W. C. cided that he has no jurisdiction in A., from 4 to 6 o’clock Monday after­ the injunction case brought by J. W. noon. Jones, a taxpayer, against the Sup­ John Karns, who lives near Banks, erintendent Warden of the state died Tuesday morning of dropsy of the penitentiary at Salem and to restrain heart. Deceased came from Colorado them from using public moneys last fall, and has a sister, Mrs. Tanner, for use in their private households. living near Ban*.. The remains will Ladies of Forest Grove and vicinity be interred in the Wilkes cemetery. will do well to remember that new The new location of the Washington Millinery Parlors are opened in Hilk- County Publishing Company has been boro. It is the largest place of its enlarged this week to better accomo­ kind west of Portland, and is under the date our new plant. Many new pieces management of Miss Kirkwood, who is of machinery and new ideas have been a competent milliner. The very latest added this week making a very com­ and neatest hats, and prices are right. plete printeiy. We are the recipients Satisfaction guaranteed. Friday and of many compliments on the News in Saturday, March 11 and 12, are open­ its new dress but we shall not let that ing days. Forest Grove ladies pur­ dampen our zeal in continuing to im­ chasing hats of us will have their fare prove what is already the best paper in paid to and from Hillsboro.—The L. the county. M. Hoyt Co., Hillsboro, Or. The infant child of Frank Johnson died Monday morning. The interment took place at Naylor’s cemetery on Tuesday. The little daughter of E. P. Cad- well, who is visiting her grandparents, Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Marsh, has been suffering with a very painful abscess in the ear. A. S. Lytle, of Grinnell, Iowa, a son The large maple trees around the of W. J. Lytle, of this place, arrived in block adjoining the Christian church this city this week and reports that he are being taken out Some of the res­ is much pleased with Oregon. idents in that neighborhood are sorry to Preparation is rapidly being made at see the old landmarks taken away. the college for the oratorical contest Tuesday night robbers broke into Friday evening. The medal is on ex­ Peter’s Saloon and stole $14.00, then hibition in the Bazaar window, and is tried to force the door of the Southern of a very handsome design. Pacific depot but failed. They finally Roe & Buxton have on the way succeeded in raising a window, and from the East, one of the finest funeral foynd that the money had been re­ The robbers cars that has come to the coast. moved from the till. One of them They expect it to reach Forest Grove then left the city. about the first of June, and we will was captured Wednesday morning then have the pleasure of knowing that and is held for examination. no city in the valley will be able to A. C. Probert, the Dayton banker, present a better service in the under­ has finally been seen, and it is sup­ taking line. posed he is well on his way to the On Hoyt’s millinery opening days, east side of the continent. Mr. Pro­ March 11 and 12, he offers big bar­ bert has had a checkered career. gains in every department of his large Within recent years he has been be­ store. On these two days only, they hind four bank failures, the head of a will give absolutely free, with every hospital which turned out doctors for a pair of men’s, ladies’ or children’s fee of $10, and arrested in Chicago for shoes, a fine cloth-bound book. On the fraudulent use of the United States these two days only, they will give mails. Three of these adventures were with every suit of boys clothing, a ban­ in the year 1903. It appears that Mr. jo— absolutely free. On these two Probert had an idea that if he came days only, he offers a quantity of 50 out to Oregon, in a valley town, he and 60 cent boys’ knee pants, wool, would be far beyond the bounds of for only 19 cents per pair. Bargains civilization, or at least be where no fa­ in other lines. Come, and come early. miliar face could detect him or justice A. A. Bullock and family, R. E. overtake him. It would be, indeed, Calkins, Frank Hough, Harry Martin, difficult for a man to find a place on “ Uncle” Dar Forbes, Joel Forbes, the face of the earth where he could Art Cook and family, Chester Forbes live unknown to his former acquain­ and family, and Delbert Forbes, all of tances and unfollowed by his former Hooper, Neb., arrived at Forest Grove deeds, be they good or bad. Probert Tuesday morning. The entire party at least found this true. The result is expect to locate in and around Forest another bank failure and a rich business Grove, and as they are an energetic and farming community saved from a and thriving lot of business men, we heavy loss. Fortunately it is estimated bespeak for them success in their new that the loss of depositors will be light, vocation, whatever it may be, and ex­ as most of the deposits were withdrawn. tend a hearty hand of welcome, hoping Until the books can be carefully exam­ their anticipation will not be lacking in ined the exact loss cannot be ascer­ realization, tained.