Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, March 10, 1904, Image 11

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W earers o f Good Clothes
wish to Announce to our Custo*
mers and the Public in General that
this spring finds us better equipped
than ever before to supply your needs
In the line of
C lo th in g
Jfau'aul Sack
Our Stock Includes the Choicest from five of
the best manufacturers in the market and an
Inspection of the goods on our tables, and
the prices, will confirm our assertion that we
Have Secured the Cream
The “Harvard” Sack
T ake the “ H arvard” for example. It is just the
style to show o ff a young man to the best advantage.
T h e coat is the garment that displays the artistic qual­
ities of a suit— examples of what “ good clothes”
should be. T ry one on. See that the collar fits snug,
< the shoulders seem moulded to your own. It has a
style and dignity that is never found in ordinary
These are qualities you should seek in clothing,
and the ones we have to offer you in ours.
The “Newport” Sack
H ave you seen the “ N ewport?” It’s a three-
button sack suit that has hit the fancy of the Smart
Dressers. T h e young fellows like it particularly, and
we know a number who don’t justly class as young,
who are wearing it, too. It is a handsome style, but
it is only one of the many styles we are ready to show
These are representative of the best work of the
designers, and, upon inspection, we feel sure of con­
vincing you that style, quality, fit and prices are right.
Low Prices for Fine Quality is Our Speciality
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