Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, January 29, 1904, Image 4

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    » ( r a t i o n ! !"
exclal m et! Mr. i Ha iivii.ua » i
finally hurst Into tears. In vain lie in-
“ This ' , i a m u d ) UP ore s c ’ ion* sought her to tell “ wliat was In the let
m a tta r. T l - '1 n ? r e s t 1: ¡to p p e d 1,. p - j ter "
fort- a n y more -inlHd'.W !«
“ Never, never!" she protested. “ Xev
“ You m u st n ot in t e r f e re w it h t.hi ir while I live!"
“ Good heavens. Myra." !:c cri< d. "n
“ I t is (Jone. 1 give up. Yi iti’ v e v ron
cannot he possible that yon have ha«
f ’-oine, %ve ’ v e r o t to g e t a 1 :ia<•k. Mi 1 )*-r the cruelty to deny me! Come, tc 11 me
m u st lie en lig h t.'
what your letter contained. End my
“ D o n ’ t g e t e x c ¡toil.
Y o n \v I!! fin d til*
i nxlety.”
t o t te r In f r a n i l a l l ’ s p ock et. **
But she took refuge In tears and the
( ) 1ìy J. H . C O J V J V E L L y
“ I w a n t It in m in e.
C o m e on. !»•»
ntnbiguous declaration. “ Fate Is against
Mr. Arthur Miller went right along
Mr. Blanchard was not one of those
Copyright, IS*B, by J. H. Connelly
•bout what some impulse from his sub­ who supinely permit fate to settle their
conscious intiiu made him imagine was affairs for them. I f he could get from
Ills business or duty. Not for the life I the charming widow no Information
r BIUC. Professor Brnnot, are tbe
of him could he have told why he hud one way or the other he would seek the
ooDiUtioiis of the proposed
gone at a particular time to a stran
lesirml knowledge elsewhere and. say­
t«at. Yon »re not to read
ger’s rooms, seized there a letter and ing grimly to himself. ‘T h e hair of the
them until yon have hypno­
was now looking for a stout man In lo p 's a cure for the bite," betook hint-
tized your wihjeot, you are not to trttor
gray, but when lie saw in the thick of lelf again to the hypnotist.
one word to trim except mentally, and
a throng of people moving toward a
“ Professor Brnnot," he said, “ I wlso
you will remain In my company until
g«te with a view toward an outgoing to make trial of another alleged power
tlie mutter la decided one way or the
train n stout man in a gray suit be el­
other. If houra after he returns to nor­ bowed his way through until he had of your so called science nnd If you
mal condition« he does what I have slipped the letter Into the pocket o f the »re willing the bet o f today goes over
i again.”
prescrllHHl you win my $100.”
man in gray and then dropped baek
“ Make your proposition.”
“ And If not you win mine. That Is all out o f the crowd with the contented
"I believe you claim clairvoyance for
right. I have confidence In Miller. He sigh of one whose duty was done. A “
Is the best subject I have ever had; the he stood in an open space mopping i tlie hypnotee; that he is able to read a
J letter tiiat is hv no possible means visi­
only one, I admit, over whom I could I ¡"'s
cad in a dazed sort of way an-
ex ¡reise telepathic control perfectly. 1 I oilier stout man dressed in gray touch- ble to his physical sight—a sealed let
| 1 C T ?"
*I;.:II have your $100, Mr. Blanchard.” j id ills shoulder anil said:
“ Not of all hypnotees, by any means,
“ Perhaps. I’ut Crandall In the next
“ You have made a mistake.”
but of Arthur Miller I certainly dc so
room, where he can see without being
"H ow so? I don’t know.”
seen by your subject, and get to work.”
"But you arc not to be blamed.”
"Good enough. One who can do ibis
The hypnotee, a bleached, scorbutic
“ Clad to know it. hut 1 don’ t see
r.s good for me as a thousand. Fetch
looking young man. was called In and why I might he.”
very readily put in the trance condi­
•lust then Mr. Blanchard plunged in. him along right off.”
” T<
'it? it is impossible. I do not
tion. Then the professor read Mr. caught him by an arm and demanded
■!.?:•' to iind him at this hour.
Blanchard’s prescribed conditions for anxiously, “ Where’s that letter?" a knoii
¡1 1» he re at noon tomorrow.
query which seemed to stun the young But i.
Come then. ;.::d you shall have the
man. “ Have you got it?”
“ No,” said Mr. Crandall, answering proof you desire.”
“ Well. I suppose that will have to go
for him. “ But you have lost fairly. He
under the circumstances. I shall be
put It in tlie pocket of a man who an
swered the description. I saw him do here, no fear about that.”
Mr. Blanchard was punctual In keep­
it. It ’s ail right. The fellow looked
ing the appointment and saw with
like me.”
“ It’s all wrong—the wrong letter. I! gratification that Miller, having come
must be recovered. I wouldn’t have a little early, had already been plunged
into the liynnotie state by the professor
lost It for ten times the bet.”
“ I don’t see how you’ll get It. The so that no time should be lost. Ah. how
earnestly he hoped clairvoyance would
gate has closed while we’ve been talk
lug, the train is gone, and tlie man is a prove all that had been claimed for it!
How gladly lie would lose that hun­
‘lias been’ so far as we are concerned.”
Mr. Blanchard said various vehement dred dollars even if the widow had
written "N o !” In that case he could
“ He was a commuter. 1 noticed tiiat know where he stood and would sin)
simply showed a ticket, and that’s ply. have to go at her again more de j
we know about him. And the com- ten. uediy than before.
“ lie is In superb condition today, fit
1 1 rs are legions strong.”
for anything that is ;.os ih!e," said tin- j
"The gatenian may know him.”
T lu y found tlie gatenian, n surly, ill prufe or confidently. "Put the letter I
conditioned old fellow, but amenable to in my hands.”
"W hat letter?”
the mollifying Influence o f a bank note,
“ The sealed one which you wish to
and with some pretended difficulty lie
affected to remember with an effort have him read.”
"Go to the deuce! I f I had it dofl't yon
proportioned to his pay. "W hy, yes; 1
think I could open and read It tor my­
guess the gentleman you want is Mr
Berdan, who goes to Tarrytown.”
"But hew is he to read a letter when
They sent a telegram after him In there Isn't any?"
“ But there Is—the one that was lost yes­
care of the conductor of tlie train and
terday through his blunder."
from Spuyten Duyvll got an answer
“ Oh. that! You ask what Is not possi­
ble. How can he be put en rapport with
“ No letter In possession that doesn't a letter that Is—nobody knows where?
And. even If he could, how would you. If
belong to me. Know nothing about it.” you do not know what is In that letter,
“ Heavens, Crandall!” exclaimed Mr. be able to determine w-hether he reads cor­
Blanchard, drawing his friend aside. rectly. even If he should profess to do
“ It was from the Widow Ivltely. Y'ou so?"
Mr. Blanchard jammed bis hat upon his
the test. “ They aie very hard,” be com­ know enough to Imugine how Impor­ head and rushed out. He cursed the hour
mented In an undertone, "but I accept tant It may be to me. And it's lost!”
in which hypnotism was Invented and that
them.” Here Is what be read:
“ I don't see what’s the use In getting In which he had ever heard of it.
On the street he met a man named
"Make him kn.nv where my rooms excited about It. She can write you
Pelletreau, whom he always called “ a
are and come there at 4 o'clock today, nnother.”
greasy foreigner," not because he had any
ask for me and go awny without seeing
"W ill she? To a man so careless knowledge that Pelletreau was greasy,
me, taking with Idm a letter from the and stupid as to lose in such an Idiotic but for the hate he bore for the fellow’s
unctuous smiles when they two were fel­
center table in the parlor, go to the way a letter that” —
low voyagers with Mrs. KLtely on her re­
Grand Central depot and slip that let­
"(Jo and tell her all about I t She has turn from Europe. And now it seemed to
ter Into tlie left band pocket of a roat sense. It will be all right. Probably him Pelletreau was coming from the di­
rection of her house and wearing a greas­
on a stout man dressed In gray."
she will tell you what she has wrlttpn, ier grin of self sufficiency than ever be­
During some twenty minutes the hyp- oral that may be even more agrees
fore. Blanchard's soul grew green with
notlst appeared to be exercising all hla ble.”
Jealousy, and he set out at onee In hot
powers of concentration and will te si­
" I must. There’s nothing else to be haste to call the widow to account.
But while he Is on hi» way there let us
lently Impress upon his subject the done.”
see what really had become of that letter.
long sequence of actions required,
Mr. Berdan, taking out hts hamlerchftef to
while the countenance o f the hypnotee
hls perspiring brow, pulled It from
Mrs. Myra Kttelv was nn exceedingly wipe
pocket, and It fell unnoticed on the
» « ■ eloquent of fixed attention, unxl» charming young woman, a plump but
platform. After having been walked upon
ty and finally exhaustion.
not fat brunette whose widowhood had by many persons an elderly commuter
In her estimation lasted very much picked it up. a kind, considerate gentle­
Precisely at 4 o’clock Dan. Mf. longer than law and society gave her man who had sense enough to know It
Blanchard's mnn, announced to hts credit for, even longer perhaps than should be returned to the mall and for
that purpose put It In hls pocket along
muster that a young man giving the she deemed reasonably her due. Her with a letter hls wife had given to him
name of Arthur Miller wished to aeo huabnnd, Jnck. had been such a scape­ for mailing that morning He would at­
tend to them both the next morning, he
grace that they had separated a good said to himself. And so he did, except
"Show him Into the parlor and say 1 twelvemonth at least before Ills thirsty that he did not happen to think of them
will sec him directly,” replied Vlr. nnd rackety career closed, and even his until the second day afterward.
But while we have been picking up this
ltlnnchurd, and, turning to the profrss- (.rwiitors had generally forgotten him
or and Mr. Crandall, who were with by the time she learned of his demise, stray thread of fact Mr. Blanchard has
reached the widow's She was still In the
him In the dining room, he added, which occurred while she was In Eu­ mood of the day before, tearfully obstinate
“ First score against me.”
rope. The steamer that brought her In her refusal to give him any satisfaction
In ten minutes he led the way to the hack to New York also brought Mr. until she realized that she had nn unrea­
jealous man to deal with, one
pnrlor. Arthur Miller was gone. So James Blanchard, nnd ever since she \ sonably
whom it would he well to placate If she
was the letter that had been left on had known herself a widow he had I did not wish to break with him altogether. ■
the table, merely an envelope with a been doing his best to persuade her Then she assured him very earnestly that
she had not seen M. Pelletreau for at least
fictitious address.
that a protracted period of even con­ a month and had no thought of wishing
Mr. Crandall, the stout man In gtay, ventional mourning for such a husband ever to see him again. Then, having gone
hastened to reach the Urnnd Central ns Jack was uncalled for. If not actual­ so far. she gave way altogether and ad­
depot that the hypnotee. If following ly alisnnl. In her heart she agreed mitted that her answer had been “ Yes.” i
hla Impressed Instructions, might find with him, but the fear o f "what people When the transports of hls rapturous joy
had been somewhat calmed he said to her. |
tlie proper depository for the filched would say" kept her In half mourning "But, why, my darling, did you not tell j
letter. After n few mtnntes' conversa­ and postponed her acceptance o f the me so yesterday 7 '
"Because." she replied, “ you asked me I
tion with the professor Mr. Blanchsrd, standing offer of his heart and band.
what was In the letter, and I didn't feel j
who had been somewhat dlstrautht Perseverance, however, rarely faileth as
if I could tell you then.”
and nhsentmtmled. rang for Dan i nd of reward, and there came a time whet:
"You could not tell me you had given :
reason to be the happiest of men?’
asked him, "N o letter for me yet?”
the pretty widow coyly promised to me "Oh.
there was something else! Too j
"Yes, air. I left It there on th« ta­ give him her answer by letter. And
know what a wretch Jack was; how he I
that was the letter he had lost.
spent all hls money and all mine he could
“Then there were two here?”
Mr. Blanchard had little doubt o f Its get hold of Well, he did more. He pawn­
“ No, air. The one you left for th* purport. He was at least as happily ed some very valuable Jewels of mine,
mail 1 put a stamp on and posted. The confident ns an anxiously expectant which I said nothing about for fear of \
scandal, and cnly three days ago I got
other l left tn Its place.”
suitor has nny reasonable right to lie. them ttnek from the man who advanced
“ Wlmt sort of a letter was It?"
but to lose her sweet consent and as­ money on them to him. and they looked
«o horrl.l I didn't want anything to do
“ A small one."
surance o f her love in this ridiculous with them, and so I sent them to you to
“ Addressed in u Indy's writing?”
way was exasiierntlng. nnd he did not tnke care of for me.”
“ 1 didn’t take particular notice, hut I doubt she would punish him a little for
"I d- a t understand, my dear. You sent
the Jewels In a letter?"
lliink so, sir.”
It by n coquettish revlvsl of his doubts me
"Oh no. no. dear; not the Jewels—the
‘T h a t Infernal Miller baa carried off nnd fears. Ills worst anticipations
s-p-nwn tickets."
•.he wrong letter!”
"Ah. then 1 fear they are lost by this
were more than realized.
"N o particular letter was specified
Meekly, depreonSingly, lie told his Mm- Xo matter I'll replace them.”
they were not lost, thanks to the
t don’t see how that affects the dem­ tale o f woo. and. though he felt how
onstration if he took a letter left here,'* sad tt was. the way tn which she re- foe-! commuter, who finally remembered
those letters so the outcome of the »eet
argued the professor.
cel veil It surprised nnd even puzzled a as happy after all.
, “ Confound him and blast the demon- him. She paled, blushed rosy red and
ìm cuiGOmP
OF A l i s i
There are three things wrong with the above
picture. Every person bringing into onr store
before we close Saturday evening, February (>,
tlie correct solution o f the above puzzle w ill
he given a reduction of 10 per cent on the first
bill o f goods purchased of ns, regardless o f
Finding one o f the three tilings wrong will
give you a reduction of 6 per cent; finding two
will give you 8 per cent, and 10 percent for all
Eoerything in Handkerchiefs
A dainty lace affair that gives
the finishing touches to a lady’s
costume, and here just a little nob­
bier for the price. Or a man’s
bandanna, big, serviceable, and
cheaper than you can buy it else*
where; and all the many grades be­
tween, in variety of style and cost
to suit any taste and fit any pock-
T he “ M ON EY B A C K ” Store. If you are no t satis­
fied w ith y o u r purchase y o u r m oney w ill be ch eer­
fu lly refu n d ed . We w ant to keep y o u r trad e, and
are bound to please y o u . R ig h t goods, rig h t prices
and rig h t tre a tm e n t are th e rig h t policy, an d th a t’s
H O Y T ’S.
W ho Fills Your Prescription?
If we fill your prescription oer r-
cipe it is filled with the best quality
of drugs and full-weight without
over charge for honest service.
We pay no one to send you to ns
and therefore, it PAYS YOU to
bring your prescription here. A
goodly number of people are al­
ready aware of this and a trial will
convince you.
Bailey’s Pharmacy.