Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, January 22, 1904, Image 5

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    <'.ur i'Li uin't tor bo lueusluin in do sumo
vooeU wld some folks which p'r’aps 1
tuuta't orter >i>ouk oh ’em."
"1 s'pose yo’U be briugln' her down
yere befo’ long?”
‘•yebah. Miss Hamilton, nobah. 1
done make up my min' as bow dat gui
don't noways 'gree wld my oon’atu-
"What's de marter wld her?"
"Well, fo’ one ring, she bob a moa‘
owdashus, rip earin’ temper. When dat
gal gits her mad np. de hull wide crea-
shuu am bleedse ter stan' out fum un­
der. En she cyan't stng no more dan
one ob dese yere tukky bazznds. T aln ’t
nachel fo’ a man what kin sing ter be
Jlue ter slch a oomuetkle croetur.”
“ En am dat all. Mr. Pendergas’ ?"
said Savannah as she handed her guest
a cup of coffee.
“ Well, not adzackly all." he replied.
Inhaling the aroma of the coffee and
then taking a large gulp; “ not Jes’ in-
tirely adzackly. It ’ll cost me ’leben
dollars ter bruug dat gal yore. Mighty
back broakln’ wuk ter e’ m ’leben dol­
lars pickin’ oranges fo’ ter git a gal
wld a owdaskuB temper wknt slugs like
a tukkey buzzud when dar am folks
dus ter yer elber wld a smilin’ face
which dey kin sing wld de melojusness
ob a song sparrer. De trufe am. Miss
Hamilton, when I sees some oder folks
which pVape I hadn't orter mensbun
'em, my ’feokshuns fo’ dat gal am
pow'ful lackin’.”
“ Fo’ de grashus goodness, Mr. Pen­
dergas’ . do hab some mo’ ob de chicken
on anudder yam!”
—T'ank yo’ mos’ kindly. Miss Ham­
ilton, but befo’ we pereeeds furder wid
tlis meal could yo’ ’spon’ ter my perose-
munce ob marriage?”
“ P’r’aps I mougbt, Mr. Pendergas’ , ef
yo’d ’gree ter spen’ dat ’leben dollars
in llxta’ up de shanty.”
“ Dat I’ll mos’ gho’ly do, en I’ ll speak
ter Palison Davis termorrer ’bout bab-
ln’ de obs-squles lm m ejlt”
“ Mr. Pendergas’, 1 mus’ reques’ de
pos’ponemunce ob de obs-squles ontwel
1 gits myse’ f a set ob store teef. I’ ve
*ot my heart on ’em en couldn’t t’ink
•ob bein’ jlne nohow wldout ’em.”
“ Miss Hamilton, a woman which kin
■cook slch chicken en co’n pone as dese
yere don’t need no teef ter chaw ’em
wid, en a mouf which lets such hebenly
soun’s ob stagin’ out’n it as yourn does
don’ need ’em fo’ beauty.”
“ Dar am no use ob argyfyln’ de mnr-
ter. I’m sot plun flatfocted on babin’
dem teef. De presence ob de orange
blossoms In de ba’r en de ebsenee ob
de ivories In de mouf don’t ’gree ter-
gedder noways permiscous. When yo’
ban’s me dat ’leben dol.ars to' ter fix
np de shanty en my mouf am likewise
■eot out wld dem teef de percession ’ll
be ready ter mobe on.”
The couple left the erbln and seated
themselves under the orange trees.
up to the baggage agent, she asked nun
in a high, sharp voice:
“ Does yo’ know ob de wharabonts
ob a gentermau which he name am
Jim Pendergas’ ?”
“ Yes. I know where he live«, but be
won’t be at home tonight,” sold the
agent, with a grin.
“ Whar am lie, den? Dot's what I
wants ter know."
“ I reckon he’s at Aunt Savannah
Hamilton’s, down In Egypt. He's to be
married to her tonight"
“ Murrled!” shrieked the woman. "De
owdashus wllyin! I’ll stop dat business
right spang off. Yere, yo’ young ras-
kill,” catching hold of a colored boy
who stood looking on with open mouth­
ed interest “ take me to dat place dis
mlnnit ef yo’ knows what am good fo’
yo’rs’f. Start now. Don’t gib no sand
fleas time ter hop under yo’ feet whiles
yo’re gwlne.” Away they went at a
rapid pace, the boy Impelled partly by
curiosity and partly by fear of the vi­
rago who pushed him fiercely by the
The guests were all assembled. Par­
son Davis, book In hand, stood beneath
the bower, and Aunt Savannah and
James were Just taking their places In
front of him when a furious woman
burst through the cro-vd, shrieking:
“ Whar’s dat rapscallion, .Tim Pender­
gas’. who done chared out en le f his
true lub, which he done promus her i
’leben dollars ter klm yere en be Jiuc
ter him?”
James dropped Savannah’s hand and. I
turning round, cried wildly:
“ De Lawd hab mussy on us!”
“ Axin’ fo’ mussy, am yo’ ? What
mussy hab yo’ hud on me, yo’ mizzn-
bit*, low down, no ’count nigger? Didn’t :
1 wuk my lingers ter de bone ter buy
yo’ dat idenkle suit ob does yo’ halt
Somewhere between daylight and dark,
with Sixty Diamond Minutes. No reward is given to t
* be found— they are gone forever, and as time is money
Buy a Page Fence
And by so doing save time and money, and live in peace and harmony with your neighbor.
Agents tV anted. For lull particulars, address
E. ESTES, Manager o f Distributary,
M c M i n n v i l l e .................................. O r e g o n .
“ W H A B 'S
PR O M U S M B ? ”
on dis idenkle minnit? Whar’s dat
’leben dollars yo’ done promus me?
Kim along, yo’ raskill, befo’ I puts yo’
in jail fo’ stealin’ ob dem does. Dar
won’t be no weddln' yere ternight.”
Before, the company could recover
from their astonishment she was drag­
ging the luckless Jim away. The
young women shrieked with laughter,
the young men burst into loud guffaws,
as they watched the couple depart
Aunt Savannah was the first tc re­
cover, and she at once took the situa­
tion Into her own hands.
“ Ladles en gentermen,” she cried in
a loud, firm voice, “ de fust t'lng dis
company better do am ter perceed ter
dat table en eat de supper befo’ de
chicken flxlu’s spile. Atter dat we’ll
tu’n dis festibal 'casion inter a pra’r
meetin’ fer de kinvershun ob onregen’-
rit liars which dey don’t know der own
min's while dey am speakin’ ob de
words. I’m afeard dey’ll be eberlas’-
ln’ly tore by de claws ob a temper
which am fa'rly farin ’ up de yearf
dis blessed minnit Creesy. yo’ step in
de shanty en broeg out one ob dam
where for two hours they laughed ant new cheers fo’ Palison Davis ter sot
talked with the light beartedness of on. Now, let dem Addles strike up ;
marehin' chune whiles we marches t.r
A month passed before Aunt Savan­ de table en gits de vittles.”
nah had secured the dental ornaments
By this masterly stroke the vieto'y
which she considered so essential to was won. After nil, the supper and the
her trousseau. In the meantime James music and the guyety of the occasion
had given her the “ ’leben dollars.'' were whnt the people bud come for.
which she had expended for furniture. and since they were not to be deprived
On an evening In April the elite of of these they saw no reason why th*-y
Egypt were invited to attend the w ed-: should change their attitude toward
ding. By tills time the orange blos­ their hostess for so slight a thing as
soms were nearly gone, but enough bad the kidnaping of a bridegroom.
been obtained to grace the occasion ap­
propriately, and other flowers were |
abundant. A bower, beneath which
the couple were to be married, had j
Notice is hereby given, that I, the und-
been built under the orange tree in
have been duly appointed Ad­
front of Aunt Savannah’ s cabin. Be­ ersigred,
ministrator of the estate or Sirwell N.
side Creesy's cabin stood a table Fuller, deceased, by the County Court o f
tor Washington
adorned with flowers and loaded with ( the State of Oregon
ounty, and have duly qualified as such
trophies of Savannah's skill in cook- j administrator.
Ail persons having Maims
Ing. _The space between the cabins stains: said estate are hereby notified to
was to be devoted to dancing, and the present the same to me, with proper
fiddlers were already giving their in- vouchers, either at mv residence at eav-
Oregon, oral the Law Office o f W.
strumenta premonitory twangs, to the erton.
n . Harrett in Iliihboro, Oregon, within
great delight of the arriving company. six (6) month** from the date hereof.
l uted at Hills oro, O egon, this January
Aunt Savanne.i sod Jn- es moved
about among th*-;r gu<
ceetln g
w il l ia m e . f u l l e r .
them with gin Io n
’id elaborate
Administrator <>f the estate of Mir well
speeches of we'rome.
N Fuller, deceased.
About the time when the got.Its be­
— F arm er*, m ill
gan to arrive the train from J: ckson- | Free lo Em:
isiry m en can
vllle stopped a? :he tittle -tstion and a ir*n , lnjfirPi
young cftlored womaa nllgi i-d and
; notice from the
• >d help on
1 around, she was tall and thin
> r ,
• » »’e r l '
and wiry, with napping black eyes
P 'ril' :,d, Ore
... iV , M
-and a vlxenis expression. Walking
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an execution, decree an ! order of sale is­
sued out o f and under the seal o f the
Circuit Court of the State o f Oregon, for
the County of Washington, dated the
17th day of December, 1908 in favor of J.
W. Shute and E. B. longue. Adminlstra
tor of the Es'ate i f Thos. H. Tongi.v, _
llecensed, plaintiffs and against George W. '
Miller, defendant for the sum of ¡(44.80
cost and the further sum o f ifhOOlO with
interest thereonf-om ti e 1st day of April,
1890, at the rate of eitrht per cent per n- j
nurn, to me directed and delivered, com ­
manding me to make sale of the real prop­
erty hereinafter described. I have levied |
upon and pu uant to said execution, de­
cree and order of sale I will on Monday, [
the 25th day of January, 1904, at the
South door of the Courthouse in Hills­
Washington County, Oregon, at the
j boro,
hour of ten o ’clock a. in. of said day, sell
ut public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all of the following describ­
ed real property, lying, being and situate
in Washington County,' regon, and more
particularly described as follows, to-wit: ,
Block numbered thirteen (13) ol ami in I
Oak Grove Addition to the Town o ‘ Hills­
boro, Washington County, Oregon, as the
same is m rked and designated upon the
plot of said addition of record in the of­
fice of tne Recorder of < onveyai ces of
Washington County, Oregon, containing
two acres more or less, to satisfy the here
inbefore named sums and for the costs
and exp n es of sale and said writ.
Said sale will be made subject to re­
demption as per statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 24th
day o f December. 1903.
Sheriff'of Washington * 1 * ounty. Orevon.
E. B Tongue, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Joseph S. Lilly,
Defendant J
Martha L Lilly,
To Martha
Lilly, the above nan.ed
In the name of the state o f Oregon: You
are hereby commanded and required to
appear and answer ihe com laint filed I
against you in the above entitled suit, in j
the above entitled court, on or before the
e piration of six weeks next from and
fter, the date of the firs publication o f
this summons, to-wit: The first publics- I
tion o f said summons beii g on December
in, 1003, and if you fail so to appear and ;
nswer said «omplaint for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the above en- \
titled c urt for the relief prayed fo” and
dema ded in his said complaint, to-wit: ,
For • ecree dissolving and annulling the
marriage and marriage contract no v and
heretofore e isting between plaintiff and I
defendant and for -uch other and further
relief as to the court may seem just and
qnitahle in the premises
• his summons is served o > you by pub­
lication by order o f Hon. T. A. McBride,
Judge of the above entitled court, which
said order was made and dated at Hills-
l*>ro Oregon, on December 12, WOT. and
lirects that this summons be published
for six successive and consecutive weeks
in the Hillsboro Independent.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
E-trayed from my farm in Patton
Valley, 1 red «teer, about 1$ >'par”
>ld, 1 Jersey heifer, 1§ years old
B*>th marked by having top of right
ear cropped and left ear split. Re­
ward will he paid for information a»*
to whereabout* of the above prop
'T ty.
Address A. B. McCloud, Gas
ion, O.e.
J list Opened
Next door to Wirtz’ Barber Shop,
Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore.
A Ye are
serve Regular Dinners
Meals at all Hours
Short orders and Lunches,
Oysters in any
HEINZ, Prop.
The Up-to-Date Grocery
la now opened for business with the finest
stock of Groceries in the city, and we are selling
at prices that are right. We have anything you
wish in the Grocery line.
FARMERS, we want your produce. Call
and see us. We pay the highest prices.
i CoflVes
Specialties* | Teas
‘ Spices
Pacific Avenue, Forest (¡rove, Ore.